Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 926

Only after half-time of the game, the match between China and Germany lost its suspense. The huge advantage of 21 points made almost all commentators think that the game had entered the garbage time ahead of time, including even Germany\'s own commentary.

It\'s not that Germany\'s explanation is too pessimistic or does not support its own team. It\'s simply that there is no way. No matter whether it\'s offensive or defensive, Germany has been blasted by the Chinese team. Although the difference does not seem to be very exaggerated, the process of creating this difference is despairing. In the whole first half, there was no data of German team that was dominant, except that the number of errors was higher than that of China Except for the large number of teams, the others are less than the Chinese team.

players are also disappointing. Besides the Weiss, who has been fighting for life, the rest of the players, including Kaman, are performing badly. Kaman is also being crazy about tucking up. Make complaints about the players who are planning.

It\'s no wonder the German commentary said pessimistically: "maybe the German team will bid farewell to the Olympic games ahead of time."

This sentence was also verified in the third quarter, the German team with a fighting mentality in the third quarter was still full of main players, which once again confirmed a sentence that behind each dead grass main coach there was a weak bench, the German coach was even worse, and his start was not so good

The Chinese team with a huge lead let Dayao go to rest. Ji Feng took Wang Shipeng, Sun Yue, Du Feng, and about four people on the stage. The bright eyed man saw that he was experimenting with the new lineup. By the way, Du Feng, who didn\'t show much face, also came up to feel the atmosphere of the scene.

According to the reason, it\'s OK to play easily at this time, but Ji Feng once again sprinkled a handful of salt on the wounds of the German team!

Time just hit the second minute, the Chinese team ball right, because the German team just scored a goal, but also after a pick and roll dunk, Kaman finally showed his face, which made the momentum of the German team rebounded.

The most direct reaction is the defense has become more active, especially in the first half of the rowing thief Kaman happy, he began to expand his defensive radius.

To be honest, Kaman\'s height, weight and arm span are still threatening on the defensive end. As long as he moves more actively, he is a qualified inside line frame protector, so he makes Wang Shipeng and Sun Yue unable to break through the inside line, and several attempts have been forced back.

The ball was transferred to Ji Feng\'s hand, and at this time the Chinese team was used to letting Ji Feng solve problems.

Jifeng also read the German defense strategy, so he decisively called the inside line to pick and roll. At this time, Kaman must keep up with it. After all, although the interior line is not as good as Yao, but the range is longer, you can put him into the long range, and this is the purpose of Jifeng!

"Change your defense!" Jifeng in the pick and roll in a moment of rapid movement, which makes Kaman have to follow Jifeng move, dislocation small hit big!

Pulling out the space of the season peak will not be polite, in the face of Kaman such a big, a crossover has been enough metamorphosis!

“FUCK!” Kaman faltered. He seemed to hear his knee groan in pain.

Although Kaman tried his best not to let himself fall, but his staggering appearance, to be honest, was better than to fall directly, at least for his knee

"Oh, roar, Jifeng shakes down Kaman! Directly kill the inside line, no one dares to go up to make up for defense. Ji Feng\'s powerful axe cleaves the button and detonates the whole court! "

"Beautiful goal!"

Jifeng\'s Sao operation attracted a mountain of shouts like a tsunami, and Yujia also danced on the live platform to celebrate.

Just suffering from the German fans, they can only murmur in their hearts: "this boy is absolutely a devil!"

Kaman was tragically replaced, with an ice pack on his knee. Although it was not a big problem, he couldn\'t afford to be injured.

At the end of the third quarter, the difference had become 78-50, 28 points, which directly announced the arrival of garbage time.

In the fourth quarter, Ji Feng didn\'t play again, and his data also stayed at 20 points, 8 assists and 7 rebounds.

In the fourth quarter, the Chinese team also sent players like Zhang Qingpeng and Li Nan to the field one after another, completing the first 12 person rotation.

Chinese fans are left with exclamation, when our Chinese team can also rotate 12 people, it is really too addictive!

Diddidi ~

when the fourth quarter time returned to zero, the score on the scoreboard of Wukesong Gymnasium was 90-70. China beat Germany by 20 points to win three consecutive group games, and continued to consolidate its second place in the group with 3 wins and 1 defeat.

"Congratulations to China team!"

"They continue to defend their home court!"

"A bloodless army, take Germany!"

After the match, yunas said that the victory had long been expected.

"After all, we have Ji Feng and Yao, our eyes have been on the knockout match!" Said Yunus.

In this game, the Chinese team played well, with 12 people on the field and 4 people scored in double. In addition to Ji Feng, Dayao scored 15 points, 7 rebounds, about 14 points, and Wang Shipeng scored 10 points. In addition to Zhang Qingpeng, everyone else scored, which was an absolute victory!In Germany, Dirk is the only one who plays well. The old driver who fought to the last minute got 30 points and 7 rebounds and continues to play the role of president of the German team. Unfortunately, the superstar will bid farewell to the Olympic Games.

As for the rest of the German team, there is really nothing to say except Kaman\'s 12 points.

"Nice, guys, it\'s a good fight. I\'ll take a bath and change clothes, attend the press conference, and there will be big dishes in the evening." Ji Feng said in the dressing room.

The victory of this match had been expected for a long time, so Jifeng didn\'t get excited. What he wanted to see now was the match between Spain and the United States. In addition to the two sides, it also related to whether China could determine the second place in the group in advance!

After the interview in a hurry, Ji Feng and the men\'s team simply went out to replenish, had a wave of dinner, and returned to the court again at about 8:50 p.m. at this time, the Spanish and American players had just finished warming up and were ready to enter the field.

However, seeing both sides\' starting, Ji Feng felt that this game is not so simple.

Because Spain did not let big Gasol into the starting line-up, and the United States was even better, James and Kobe were sitting on the bench.

The American team\'s behavior can be understood, on the one hand, no Kobe and Wade, no James and Anthony, not Kidd and Paul, plus they almost guaranteed the top of the group, and the last two changes were completed without any problem.

But Spain is not the same as Gasol, they seem to want to rotate, did not want to compete with the United States.

However, the process of the game was not as fierce as people imagined before the game. Instead, it became one-sided. The United States played with a smooth flow, and Spain rowed wildly. At half-time, it was 24 points behind, which was a very high score difference.

"Old fox, you don\'t want to expose your strength." Jifeng skimmed his lips, Spain looked to stay for the knockout after all, after all, he played hard with who may have a little chance, but the chance is not big, anyway, all lose, lose a few points are the same, it is better to retain the strength!

But it also helped the Chinese team. When the game was over, the Chinese team ensured the second place in the group! , the fastest update of the webnovel!