Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 916

After watching the video, the Chinese team went to the training ground for five on five training, which is the best way to ensure the state in the intensive competition schedule!

On the sidelines, Jonas and the coaching team will determine the tactics for tomorrow\'s game!

"Greece is a team that mainly plays on the outside, and the three outstanding players in the back field composed of spanolis, papalucas and diamandidis are the cornerstone of the team. They are the biggest reason for the strong rise of Greece in recent years. Moreover, they did not bring the main center Papadopoulos, who won the second place in the previous World Championships, and they will have more offensive power It was concentrated in the hands of the outside three, but judging from the first game, although the three of them got 45 points together, the internal gainchataris and borosis lost all-round in front of big and small Gasol, which was the reason for the final disastrous defeat. Therefore, we had better aim at his inside line in this game Guo Shiqiang first said.

Guo\'s opinion is of course reasonable. The weakness of the Greek interior has been exposed through the first two games. Both Canada and Canada, old drivers and Kaman can blow up the interior of bolosi. Gaincharis and bolosi obviously can\'t withstand the impact of world-class interior in both defense and attack, although the two white men can\'t resist the impact of world-class interior Strong men look really tall and strong, but their play is not tough enough!

It seems to be a consensus all over the world to play Greece from the inside. Even Greece itself seems to think so. When they defend, they don\'t shrink too much. Sometimes they even put some long shots to protect the inside. When attacking, the number of times of inside singles is very few.

But Yunus didn\'t seem to think so!

"Guo said well, our inside line seems to be very strong, but after the first two games, we can find that our internal line has a big short board, Arab League performance is very dynamic, but he is not mature, handling the ball is very rough, hard fighting is very hard, on the kind of strong internal line, he is easy to suffer losses, obviously borosis is such an inside line."

"He played well, but he is old after all. He can support a high-intensity game for 20 minutes at most, and then his performance will be greatly reduced. As for Du Feng, his ability is not able to defend players of this level. We are only strong, only Yao!" Said Yunus.

In the past ten years, the Chinese team has always been the king in the world, from the bus to the general and Dayao, and then to the present Arab League, it has always been like this, but in fact, except for Dayao, other people have not taken advantage of the powerful interior line.

And this game with Greece, the most secure is to play inside, Yao is really a strong point, but yunas understand that the core of this team is not in the interior, there are Jifeng, they are a team that mainly play outside!

"Our core is Jifeng. They all know that Greece is strong on the outside, but we have Jifeng. Before that, he has been mainly to drive the team. In this game, we should take him as the tactical end point of the team."

"Let\'s make a feint with Dayao! It\'s time for the world to see our real power! "Ji Feng\'s outside scoring, but his three points have not been opened." Yunus is sure.

And not far from the training hall next door, the Greek team is also working out the tactics with the Chinese team!

With Spain\'s lessons learned, Greece will never underestimate the Chinese team. Although they think it\'s incredible from top to bottom, because the Chinese team has grown so fast, they haven\'t defeated Spain for a long time. In the first game, they lost completely without resistance. However, the Chinese team that can defeat Spain can only lose 10 points to the United States There is no doubt about the strength, and this is the home of the Chinese team!

The Greek coach put the defensive center of gravity on the inside line, they made a strict package tactics against Yao, as long as the ball goes in, they will definitely pack!

As for Jifeng, the coach still implements the single defense strategy, trying to stop Jifeng\'s best breakthrough and middle shot in the first two games. Vasero pros, who is in charge of defending Jifeng, even carried out special training alone.

"Firmly prevent his breakthrough, prevent Ji Feng from scoring the ball to the inside line, let him and Dayao fight alone, cut off the contact between them! As soon as you get into the inside line, you\'re going to have to hit it! " The Greek coach arranged.

"Listen to me, guys, you must pay attention to the guy Jifeng. He is very strong, strong and ridiculous." As the only player playing in the NBA, spanolis didn\'t have the chance to fight Jifeng because he was the third substitute of the team. However, from the evaluation of Jifeng in the changing room of the Rockets, we can know that Jifeng is a terrible guy.

McGrady is praising Ji Feng with the first star in the future League!

He always feels that the arrangement of the head coach is a little loose. Although it is already a superstar\'s treatment to press close and break through, spanolis still feels a bit empty when he thinks about Jifeng\'s terror ability.

"Hey, hey, man, don\'t worry. You\'re scared out of his wits. I admit he\'s strong, but I\'ll try my best. It\'s different from the NBA. I think we\'ll win." "Greece has never been a one-man team, they have relied on the overall cooperation," vasero pros said with a smile.

"I hope so..." Spanolis shrugged his shoulders in a noncommittal way. I hope he thinks too much....

August 15th!

The focus game between Greece and China was arranged for the golden time of 7:00 p.m., the penultimate match of the day!

The atmosphere of Wukesong Gymnasium is needless to say. The fans in the stadium have been fully mobilized after three consecutive matches!

In the stands, many American players who just finished the game chose to stay here to watch the game. Naturally, Kobe was the leader. This was his first time to watch Jifeng\'s game. Of course, it was also to see how the Greek tactics were. Next door was old K.

On the left, there is Gasol, who also came to cheer Jifeng. They have played in China and Greece, so Gasol is the most comfortable. If it was not for the next game, he would have eaten hamburger here.

Jifeng is the only one who can make the future rivals of the United States and Spain sit together.

"How about a bet?" Kobe said.


"Win, I\'ll bet 20 points."

"So much, I\'ll bet 10 points." Gasol thought for a moment and said.

"Well Well, I\'ll ask Coach k turned his head and said, "it\'s not a win or a loss."

"Of course, only the Chinese team will win, which is our consensus." Kobe said, of course.

Next door Gasol nodded solemnly.

Old K: "

It\'s such a hanging thing. Greece is also a powerful European country at least. It\'s so unlicensed!

With that, the two teams started and came on the stage! , the fastest update of the webnovel!