Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 915

At the end of the match with Spain, the Chinese team got another day\'s rest time. Ji Feng didn\'t wake up until three strokes of the sun. It was 11 o\'clock after the match with Spain. Ji Feng went to do the massage repair that must be done after the match. It was already more than 1:00 a.m. when he returned to the Olympic Village, yunas canceled the morning training, and their training will start at 2:00 p.m Beginning.

However, training, in fact, is mainly to recover and adjust the state. After all, it is a high-intensity game played every two days. It is unrealistic to carry out a large amount of training. Therefore, the first class in the afternoon is the analysis and resumption of the last game as usual, and then the analysis of the opponents, and pay attention to the competition situation of other teams.

And wave goods like Sun Yue and Zhu Fangyu will go to see the women\'s basketball matches and add fuel to the women\'s basketball team.

In fact, they also wanted to watch the game like the American players. For example, Howard and Anthony appeared in the swimming pool of Phelps competition. Paul took sunglasses to watch diving, while Kobe went to watch gymnastics. He also sent a video to prove his popularity in China.

In the news these days, there are many dream team guys who go to various places to watch the game, and then take photos with the champions as a souvenir of the news and photos. There are also news reporters asking why the young men of the Chinese team, especially Ji Feng, are not seen.

Of course, this is because they have to prepare for the war. Yunas has forbidden these guys to appear in places other than basketball stadiums. You should know that the Olympic village is not only a place for competitions. Players from all over the world can emit hormones here. Small umbrellas are in short supply every day. In order to prevent their bodies from being hollowed out, the old man has made great efforts Yes.

Well, to get to the point, the second game day of the men\'s basketball team is still very calm, except that China\'s strong victory over Spain is a small surprise, the other games are basically more optimistic about the side won.

Ji Feng and his teammates came to the video analysis room after two hours of training, which is where they come every day recently.

When yunas didn\'t come, Ji Feng and his teammates started chatting, which was similar to others. Of course, their most concerned about the Olympic Games was in full swing. Of course, there was no need for sister!

"Hello, I heard that we are now the first gold medal, really hang."

"That\'s not true. Maybe we can rank first in the gold medal list for the first time in history."

"When do you think Liu Xiang will come out? Can we go and see it?"

"Hang, we have to compete."

"He Wenna on the trampoline is really beautiful."

"Beast, I still like Guo Jingjing!"


This is the daily life of men\'s basketball

After chatting, video analysis is an important part of training and the most important source of understanding opponent\'s tactics. For Ji Feng, it is also the most important way for him to capture his opponent\'s playing habits. After all, this is not the NBA. Many players Ji Feng has never heard of, let alone fight, so this training is very important.

First of all, the situation next door, this is a flash, the first Lithuanian blood abuse of Iran, there is nothing to say, hadadi was hammered his mother did not know, kreiza was completely crushed in the interior line, Lithuanian early on the full bench, finally 99-67, easily won the first group A.

Then there was the match between Croatia and Russia, which was a group of close strength. Russia was very strong, but it was not easy for Croatia to inherit the other part of Yugoslavia. As predicted before the match, the match was very fierce. The score was clenched at the last minute. Finally, Croatia won by 85-78, 7 points, the same two It was a total victory, but it came second because of less net points.

Then Argentina and Australia game, although the big mouth Bogut said before the game, they have the strength to defeat Argentina, and also said a lot of bullshit to belittle the opponent, but the fact proved that they do not have this strength, Bogut in the inside even Oberto and Scola can not play, whether it is moving or offensive or defensive, Bogut really hot eyes, the whole match In the match, Australia\'s middle throw, long throw and free throw percentage were all lower than their opponents. Finally, Australia was hammered again, and the two losing groups were bottom. They estimated that they needed to compete with Russia for the qualification place.

Then look at the same group of the United States and Angola, this basically do not need to see the result of a match, the African champion in the pre game winning probability is basically zero, although it is very sad, but absolutely in line with the truth, the fact is exactly the case, Kobe, James, Kidd, Howard, bosh composed of the starting soon opened the score gap, Jifeng can be a glance It can be seen that these guys have no strength at all. They can never make a breakthrough in throwing. They play an extraordinary health. It is in sharp contrast to the Angolan players who jumped up and down next door and fought for their lives.

96-76, 20 points difference, for the U.S. team looks not big, but all who have seen the game know that the state of the U.S. team and playing against China is just a sky and a underground, so in addition to deepening the confidence of the Chinese team in defeating Angola, the game was quickly analyzed.

After this game, the United States, which won two games in a row, occupied the first place in the group!After that, the most important game is Greece versus Germany!

These two opponents are the first two opponents after the Chinese team, and also the opponents competing with the Chinese team for the qualification right. In fact, the most important one is the next opponent Greece. As long as the Chinese team can defeat Greece, it basically ensures the number of qualified players in the group. Two wins have always been the benchmark line of group qualification.

This match Ji Feng also looked very seriously, Greece is definitely the last hard stubble of the Chinese team group match, after all, they have defeated the dream team, the strength is strong!

These two teams are the team that lost the competition, but the style is very different. Germany team relies on the inside line old driver gakaman\'s twin towers, while Greece relies more on the outside line to launch the attack!

In this game, Greece obviously has a better strength. Although Nowitzki and Kaman are in the interior, which are the strong points that Greece can not solve, Nowitzki is still strong, scoring 22 points, but Greece\'s outside play is more excellent, crazy breakthrough let Kaman early back three fouls, which let Greece get the lead early, three quarters 69-49, the victory or defeat is no longer Suspense, 89-69, Greece won the first victory over Germany!

Greece also won a win, so it ranked third in the group ahead of China. China and Germany were both one win and one loss, ranking fourth and fifth in the group.

A group of four teams in the first two games to play a win and a loss, group B is indeed worthy of death group, this group qualification situation and group ranking is not clear, except for the United States two wins have been determined to qualify, other teams still need to compete for the place of qualification, even Angola\'s two losses still have nominally hope to qualify!

So the next third match will be particularly important, and the match between China and Greece will become the focus of the third round of the war, who wins will be the first to break through in this evil group! , the fastest update of the webnovel!