Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 911

In Wukesong Gymnasium, the atmosphere on the stands changed from the hot and relaxed 19 minutes ahead to some quiet and dignified.

The tense atmosphere calmed down the dead loyal fans who were playing gongs and drums for the Chinese team in the front stands. Of course, it was not because of disappointment, but because the scene was so tense that they stopped their work unconsciously and their eyes and minds were all focused on the field.

Many of the girls put their hands together, their eyes watery staring at the venue, and their mouth was full of words. Even the hot bar was also very anxious. Her beautiful face was now covered by melancholy clouds, and her big, watery eyes were full of worry.

"You must win Hot bar is silently praying for the Chinese team, this game poured too much effort and enthusiasm of Ji Feng, if this game is really reversed like this, the consequences will be

Because at this time, no matter from the score and the scene, the match between China and Spain seems to be going to be reversed again!

On the scoreboard, the two teams are now 88-81, with China in the front, and the time is 3:26 in the fourth quarter!

In other words, with more than six minutes left, Spain has already expanded the score to only seven points. Look at the time left, this is a score that can catch up with and surpass. Suspense, it\'s back!

Moreover, at the moment, although the Chinese team is still ahead, but from the perspective of the situation, the Chinese team is not optimistic, because in the fourth quarter, Spain only took three minutes to recover the score of 7 points, hit the Chinese team 11-4!

Except Ji Feng got 4 points, the rest of the Chinese team didn\'t get a point in three minutes!

And in addition to Jifeng this point, the rest of the four points are all suppressed by Spain, the inside line was blown, the outside line was torn, the defense line collapsed Everything is very much like those who have been reversed.

"The Chinese team has to adjust quickly. At this time, the situation is very unfavorable. If it doesn\'t change, it will soon be overtaken. Spain is in a good condition. On the contrary, we Chinese team, except Ji Feng, can\'t score in three minutes. There are even many mistakes in passing and dare not to attack. This directly makes Spain look like a rainbow, The more he played, the better he felt. Navarro, who only scored 4 points in the first three quarters, got 5 points and 2 assists in a short time In the face of such a situation, sun Zhengping also lost his former calm. He clenched his hand tightly and said that although the interpretation still needs to ensure certain fairness, he can\'t calm down in this state!

But the netizens also blew up. They all hit it like this, but they didn\'t go to the big Yao. Yunus, this is playing with snakes. Is playing with snakes is a traditional art skill between coaches? It can also infect!

"Kneel down and beg Yunus to stop! For Dayao

"Jifeng was so miserable that he didn\'t have the space to catch the ball several times. These people in Spain are simply beasts. They are just biting. It\'s too hard. It will take a lot of physical strength to play Jifeng!"

"In addition to Ji Feng, other people want to attack. The more they don\'t attack, the more they make you. A vicious circle. Are these guys really active as soon as they arrive at the competition?"

"Please coach Don\'t play snake, fans quick acting Jiuxin pills don\'t rush to buy it!"

"Buy it upstairs. If you go on fighting like this, you can hold it for two or three minutes at most..."

The mood of the fans has almost fallen to the bottom, some fans have been guessing whether Yao is injured again, and even Jifeng attack has been frustrated on the field, who can the Chinese team expect to stand out!

The answer still seems to be that name, Ji Feng!

ESPN said: "Ji Feng, who has already got 32 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists, is the lifeblood of the Chinese team. If he doesn\'t score, Spain will have a 90% chance to complete the reversal. Their attack efficiency is really too high."

"Damn it! I don\'t pass it on! You have to leave the victory here But at the moment the season peak made the decision, he wants to own pass the key completely buckled!

"Man, let me do it!" Ji Feng stopped Liu Wei\'s idea of catching the ball from the baseline. He caught the ball himself in the baseline!

Ferdinand helpless again from the bottom line to start with defense, he felt that his liver pain is fierce, Jifeng will come again!

Sure enough, Ji Feng takes the ball is a quick attack, the Chinese team players quickly open, Ferdinand desperately to keep up, but Ji Feng with the sudden stop and turn test Ferdinand\'s knee.

A breakthrough at the top of the arc!

In order to protect his knee and make his career longer, Ferdinand can only let Ji Feng pass.

Strong shot!


it\'s Jifeng again!

Ji Feng gives the Chinese team a new life!

But Spain immediately used the goal to return the color, you come and I go, Jifeng and the Spanish stars launched a Biao war again, and Jifeng\'s toughness seems to drive the teammates, Jifeng\'s third consecutive breakthrough, chose the sudden point, outside Liu Wei hit the key three points!

This three points is very important, so that the Chinese team can maintain a 4-point lead, at the moment, only the last three minutes left!

"Huhuhuhuhu ~" Wukesong stadium is full of nervous breathing of fans. These three minutes will determine the final ownership of the victory.On the other side of the Chinese team, Yao will not play again. Although he strongly requests to play, yunas refuses to play for the following game. After all, even if he is overturned, it\'s OK to win in the back. But Yao is injured and it\'s all over, so yunas seems to put his bet on Ji Feng.

For Spain, Gasol scored the key two points from his back jump shot, and then, Ji Feng made a layup to kill him. He also got two points from the free throw!

Ji Feng is now carrying the flag of Chinese team attack!

Jifeng is very tired, but he is still full of fighting spirit, only attack!

in the suffocating 2 minutes, Spain tried its best, but China still maintained the advantage of 1-2 points, which seemed to be a barrier, Spain could not cross it!

"Defense! defense! Keep an eye on your own people, don\'t empty anyone, protect the rebounds The voice of the Spanish coach came.

Now is the last 43 seconds, the Chinese team attack, the score is 99-98, the Chinese team has only one point advantage, just now Navarro hit an amazing three points, and this attack is almost the last attack opportunity of the Chinese team, if scored, the Chinese team\'s chances of winning will be greatly increased, but if not, then Spain will have the chance to take away the victory!

This is a crucial attack!

No accident, Ji Feng holds the ball!

Outside the three-point line, Ferdinand pressed close, he did not dare to put a bit of space, because Jifeng\'s three points are obvious to all.

Both sides have been on the bench, including Yao, everyone is waiting.

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

Here it is!

Jifeng speed up!

Ferdinand tried his best to keep up with him, then Jifeng stopped suddenly. Ferdinand had expected that although his ankle protested, he still kept up!

Just when Ferdinand is ready to catch up again, Jifeng made an incredible choice of attack!

Stop, turn the waist, legs such as whip!

Dry pull three points!

Ferdinand just out of the body want to keep up, but inertia let his left and right feet separate direction!

He was shaken down!

And this three points, over his head, accurate bag! , the fastest update of the webnovel!