Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 910

The fourth quarter begins!

Spain did not dare to be careless, only let the big Gasol rest, he almost played three quarters, but little Gasol was still in the inside line, and his partner became the NBA Raptors\' gabaioza, 211cm high, weight 111 kg power forward. In recent years, he has been the main interior line of the Raptors. He has a strong defensive ability and a certain projection ability, which is important in the Spanish interior The backup!

The third position is still Ferdinand, although today\'s he can not limit Jifeng, but the individual attack is not bad, has already obtained 6 points, the guard line is still Navarro and Rubio!

And the Chinese team\'s field lineup is roughly, ah Lian, Ji Feng, Li Nan and Liu Wei!

Li Nan is the first time in this competition!

"We see, for the first time, Dayao was taken off for a rest, and his internal partner became roughly with the Arab League. Moreover, yunas chose Li Nan to play the position of shooting guard, instead of Wang Shipeng or Sun Yue, the two most conventional rotation. Zhang, what do you think coach Yunus is doing for Sun Zhengping looked at the Chinese team\'s starting point and asked, in fact, he didn\'t understand the change. He could understand Yao\'s rest. After all, Yao played the first three quarters, so it\'s OK to rest for a minute or two. Next door, Spain let Gasol go to rest. But why did Li Nan, who has been spared a long time, face the bomb Navarro, the strongest in Europe The point guard!

Can this defense keep up!

Sure enough, sun\'s voice just dropped, Spain\'s attack came, the attack is Navarro, Spain\'s long lost play 1-4 open, he used speed and body to eat Li Nan, Li Nan was a clean step by Navarro, after breaking through Navarro, a landmark bomb dropped into the ball, the score difference was reduced to only 12 points!

"Coach yunas is likely to want to enhance the scoring ability of the outside line. Although Li Nan is older, his projection ability is still there. We can also see the strength of Spain\'s interior line. Now maybe he wants to change his offensive thinking." "However, judging from the goal just now, after Li Nan was replaced, the pressure on defense was really too great. After all, Wang Shipeng had speed, Sun Yue had height and arm display. Obviously, they had more advantages in defending Navarro. Is there any other arrangement for coach yunas?"

As a matter of fact, Li Nan\'s physical ability has declined due to his age. Therefore, his role in the national team has changed from fighting for enemies to becoming a spiritual leader in the dressing room. Just like every NBA team, Li Nan hopes to have an experienced veteran in the national team. Ji Feng thinks that Li Nan is playing an important role in the national team More like a coach and player, Li Nan often imparts his experience to young players such as Sun Yue and Chen Jianghua in the dressing room and training, but playing is no longer Li Nan\'s biggest responsibility.

Of course, do not rule out the critical moment to save the field!

Obviously, Li Nan is to save the field at this time!

Just can\'t tell anyone!

Yunas stood on the edge of the court with his arms in his arms and looked at the situation on the field. He didn\'t know Li Nan couldn\'t prevent Navarro, but it was also a helpless move. Yao\'s problem made the Chinese team\'s confidence in winning a little loose. It can be seen from the faces of many people, especially the young players. In order not to let the Spanish team see the clue, he had to change Li Nan, go down!

"I hope it will be in time." Yunas thought silently in his heart, but his eyes were not looking at Li Nan, but looking at Ji Feng. In his heart, whether the Chinese team can carry this battle, the most important thing is not others, it is Ji Feng!

Jifeng at the moment also understand his own heavy responsibility, he needs to score, not let Spain so fast catch up!

Jifeng with the ball over the half-time, arc top singles Ferdinand, a Baifo to meet shanmgood!

A textbook breakthrough!

Jifeng into the inside line also with cast to color!

The audience cheered and applauded violently, this kind of cool breakthrough was outstanding, and the score in a row could most arouse the nerves of fans.

Ji Feng got his 30th point of the game and helped the Chinese team to stabilize the situation!

Spain in the last quarter, the fire is really full open, the three services use their lives, this is their final turn time, they certainly don\'t want to lose so, so the Spanish players on and off the field have moved out of the best state!

Navarro broke through the goal and scored a magic three from the corner of gabayosadee!

There\'s only 11 points left!

Jifeng wants to respond, but the Spanish defense suddenly becomes very close, without the inside line Yao\'s containment, Jifeng breakthrough becomes very difficult, and the others simply can\'t run out of position to catch the ball!

Yes, that\'s right. Don\'t doubt that Spain\'s strength is still higher than that of China\'s team after all. It\'s really difficult for the Chinese players who consume a lot of physical strength under full defense!

Strong shot!

Strike iron!

Spain fight back!

Rubio assists and Pau Gasol scores two more points!

The difference was reduced to 9 points, and the fourth quarter just played more than 2 minutes!Yunus called a pause!

After the suspension, everyone thought Yao should play, and so did the Spanish coach, so he changed to Canada and Calderon to attack with the strongest team.

However, let everyone surprised things happened, Dayao still did not appear, just with Sun Yue for Li Nan!


"there\'s a problem!"

This is the voice of all the people who saw this scene. Although I don\'t know what happened, there must be something wrong with Dayao!

"Broken!" Director Zhang was surprised. It was so dangerous at this time that it was obviously unreasonable not to go up to Dayao. There was only one reason that Dayao had some problems!

"Crazy attack! Don\'t be stingy The Spanish coach immediately stood up and yelled at the field, God has given them a chance to turn the tables!

And the Spanish player slowed down his eyes, the original exuberant fighting spirit was poured with a pot of hot oil, the whole explosion!

"Listen! Guys! This is our chance! We are going to take the victory Exclaimed big Gasol.

Navarro slapped Pau Gasol\'s chest muscle and yelled, "cut through their damn inside line!"

In the first attack, the Chinese team was killed by Ji Feng\'s breakthrough. Two free throws took two points and the difference returned to 11 points.

But Spain is simply crazy, Navarro holding basketball is like holding a bomb bag, carrying it to rush in. Although the inside line of the league is good, but it is not as good as Yao\'s ability to protect the frame, now when not to rush again!

Break the defense line, almost have to fly to block eye-catching, the same as the last foul!

Navarro got two free throws!

It\'s not dangerous to score. The most dangerous thing is that he has already fouled three times. He will leave the field only two times!

However, Ji Feng did not expect that this moment was so fast, Calderon distributed the ball, and Pau Gasol used his own weight to force his back to hit roughly. He was repeatedly pushed back by the top, and Xiaojia turned and forced to hit, which was almost unsuccessful!

Another hitter foul!


watching Xiaojia roar, all Chinese fans have a bad feeling in their hearts, this is not to be overturned! , the fastest update of the webnovel!