Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 894

August 8, 2008!

This is definitely a special day for all Chinese people, especially sports people, because the long-awaited Olympic Games will be held in BJ bird\'s nest at 8:00 p.m!

If you are in BJ at this time, you will find that there is an Olympic atmosphere everywhere. Tourists and spectators from all over the world can be seen everywhere on the street. If you are lucky, you may encounter a few street shopping athletes in the street.

And the bird\'s nest, as the absolute protagonist of today, is being closely protected and is about to wait for the moment when billions of people around the world will witness her unveiling the mysterious veil.

The highlight of the evening is the opening ceremony. How to present China\'s profound cultural heritage, how to carry out the entrance ceremony, how to light the torch, and who lights it up are all the topics that people constantly talk about in the streets and after dinner.

Of course, there is another question: who will be the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation to lead the Chinese delegation to the opening ceremony!

These things are strictly confidential until the last moment. Only the parties concerned and a few staff members know about it. All the staff have to sign the confidentiality regulations. Even Ji Feng took time to sign a copy the next day, so we have to guess, but we don\'t know who it is.

However, this does not prevent people from using their imagination to guess. After all, if you can\'t guess other things, such as how the torch will be lit and who will light it, the flag bearers of the Olympic Games can still guess.

Because the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has always been a traditional one!

Since China\'s return to the Olympic Games in 1984, five flag bearers have been produced in the six Olympic Games. They are Wang Libin in in 84, Song Tao in 88, song Ligang in 92, Liu Yudong in 1996 and 00 and Dayao in 2004!

And these five were all the leaders of the Chinese men\'s basketball team at that time!

The flag bearers of this opening ceremony seem to have a wide range of choices, but in fact, the most popular are Dayao, Liu Xiang and Ji Feng.

After all, the image of the Chinese flag bearer is the most important indicator of the Olympic Games. After all, the image of the Chinese flag bearer is also very important.

And what netizens speculated at the beginning was Liu Xiang. After all, he almost shouldered all the hopes of China in the track and field competition, and more than a billion people were looking forward to his unprecedented defense here!

After that, Ji Feng\'s voice can be said to be the highest, because in addition to the problem that he is too young, Ji Feng almost meets all the criteria for selecting candidates.

It\'s not necessary to say much about Ji Feng\'s personal image. The most Hollywood superstar in NBA history is the label attached to him. There are too many other things like walking pictorial, walking hormone and so on.

As for the results, as the strongest player in Asia today, legendary Asian high school students have broken the record that can not be broken in rookie season. The legendary honor of Trinity in rookie season has rewritten the history of Chinese and even Asian basketball players. The only problem may be that the national team has not achieved much. After all, this is the first time that Ji Feng has entered the national team, but now Some basketball fans are also waiting for Ji Feng to write a new history of Chinese basketball.

As for off-site activities, Ji Feng has no bad habits and no gossip. His girlfriend is a new goddess of the people. His personal image is not too good. At the same time, he is also keen on public welfare activities, especially in the process of disaster relief. He has been named and praised by the official for many times, which is the first time in the history of athletes.

The most important thing is that Ji Feng is now the new leader of the men\'s basketball team, in line with the tradition of being a flag bearer. However, Yao has just recovered from injury and was once a former champion.

Therefore, these things take out an analysis, in fact, many forecasters have speculated on the Internet that the quarterly summit is the flag bearer of this year.

If the official people see this, they really have to be convinced and praise that the Internet has produced talents since ancient times, because they really think so. Of course, the process must be more complicated, and it has to go through layers of screening, but the results are exactly the same!

He just arrived at the bird\'s nest ahead of time after the early training. Although it seemed very simple to enter the stadium with flags, Ji Feng was still pulled to rehearse ahead of time

The rehearsal time passed quickly, the sun gradually shifted, and the time from the Olympic opening ceremony was getting closer and closer!

"Sister Wang, hurry up! It\'s too late to get in! " Of course, hot bar will not miss the event. She bought tickets early and will watch the opening ceremony in the stands tonight.

And this situation is staged in various places of BJ, and the crowd gradually converges towards the bird\'s nest. The biggest opening ceremony in the history of human Olympic Games is about to begin!

The opening ceremony started at 12 o\'clock, but it had nothing to do with the ordinary audience. It was the leader\'s speech, which lasted for eight hours.

Before eight o\'clock, the whole bird\'s nest had already been crowded, and more than 80000 people had sent out loud and clear cries, shaking the whole earth."Bull force!" Ji Feng has joined the Chinese delegation at the moment. It\'s good to be an athlete. At least they are in a good position. They don\'t need to buy tickets

When the IOC chairman Rogge stepped onto the center of the venue and announced that the athletes had begun to enter the stadium, the grand opening ceremony finally officially began!

Greece is the first to appear, and China as the host will be the last to play, Ji Feng sitting on the bench eating salad and energy bar, this work is really too hard, because to the time of the Chinese team is more than two hours later!

"Ah, ah, ah ~" Ji Feng was staring out of boredom, and a shout came from his ear. This is the admission of the United States, and the camera captured Kobe Bryant in the crowd!

Kobe\'s popularity in China during this period is absolutely exaggerated. Before Kobe arrived, there was a commotion, and the subsequent appearance with Ji Feng caused traffic congestion, which forced Ji Feng to end his tour plan with Kobe in advance.

Soon after the U.S. team, it was China\'s turn to enter!

"Now! Coming to us is the host of the Olympic Games, the Chinese team

"China\'s famous basketball superstar, Ji Feng, comes to us with the national flag held high!"

With the voice of the host, Ji Feng waved the national flag and walked out first, followed by 1099 members of the Chinese delegation!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The scene suddenly fell into a frenzy, broke out even more terrible than just shout, even the host\'s voice in the TV is some illusory.

"Jifeng!!! How handsome Hot bar stands up and sends out a burst of exclamation. Seeing such a boyfriend on such an occasion, hot bar feels like he is in a dream.

"I\'ll go, Sao!" Gasol said, looking at Ji Feng on the big screen.

"Good boy Home is home Kobe said with a smile.

And the rest, envy, jealousy hate have, but can not stop the pace of Jifeng!

The appearance of Jifeng will bring the opening ceremony to a climax ahead of time!

The subsequent art show was also very successful. Ten thousand people hit fou, and ink paintings showed all foreigners the cultural connotation of China!

With China\'s sports hero Li Ning lighting the main torch, BJ Olympic Games officially opened!

Here, it will also be the new battlefield of Jifeng!

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