Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 893

The Spanish delegation arrived in BJ on the last day of July, and Jifeng, who had just left the training center, received a call from Gasol.

"Hey, man, we\'re here. We\'re in a cafe in the Olympic village. Come and pick us up!" Gasol\'s first call to China naturally is to call Ji Feng, which is also the first thing many stars who are familiar with Ji Feng come to China. Even many Hollywood stars will give Ji Fengtong news when they come here. Jifeng is now a business card for China.

For Gasol, it\'s natural for Gasol to come here to find Ji Feng. Although he is about to meet in the group match, this does not hinder the relationship between them. These two people are the players who come out from the Grizzlies to complete the counterattack, which is an iron stroke.

"I\'ll go. You\'re finally here. Wait, man. I\'ll take you to experience BJ style tonight after training." Jifeng said with a smile, for his brother\'s arrival, he is certainly very happy.

And it finally enabled him to fulfill his promise. In the NBA, he said more than once that he wanted to be their guide to China, but it was impossible to leave the United States during the game, but the Olympics gave them a chance.

Jifeng arrived at the place agreed with Gasol, which was a coffee shop in the Olympic village. When Ji Feng looked in the transparent window, there were only four visitors.

In addition to gigas, there are grizzly\'s old teammate Navarro, as well as the tall player who looks like the big plus seven points. It should be his brother Mark Gasol, and the remaining one is a young man Ji Feng has never seen, with a standard European face, and this is definitely younger than Ji Feng.

"Hey! Man, here it is Big Jia saw with sunglasses, a pair of cool appearance of the season peak, so waved a way.

"Hello, Hello, are you here to eat big food?" Ji Fengtan started to walk in, and then smile and greet the acquaintances one by one:

"Paul, let you come earlier, how come you come so late, tonight you pay yourself!"

"Navarro, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I heard you\'ve changed a model girlfriend. I\'m old and strong!"

"This is mark Gasol. Hello, welcome to China. It\'s good. It\'s much more handsome than your brother. A man has to be stronger to stand on the inside line."

"Well, who are you, little brother? Were you cheated out by this guy? It\'s OK, you tell me, I\'ll help you find the police uncle! "

"Do it! Hey, hey, hey, you guy hasn\'t seen you in January. Why are you still so poisonous? " Make complaints about the arrows in the knees.

Then he pointed to some shy fellow and said, "this is Ricky Rubio, our golden boy classmate."

"Ah, I remember, you are the monster of the European Youth Championships, aren\'t you?" Ji Feng finally remembered who this guy was, the legendary golden boy in Ouzhong, the legendary male master of novel template.

This guy started his career in 2005. At that time, he was only 15 years old. Jifeng was still playing junior high school league. He had already played professional. He was also the youngest player in the history of Spanish League. When Ji Feng was called a Chinese prodigy, he was ridiculed by many media. How is he compared with Rubio.

Just now Jifeng didn\'t think of it for a moment, but now I do.

What, you said he wasn\'t the main character?

He led the Spanish youth team to the European under 16 championship in 2006.

The most glamorous one was in the 110-106 victory over Russia. In that game, he simply hung up. He scored 51 points, 24 rebounds, 12 assists and 7 steals in a single game. A guard took 24 rebounds, which was abnormal enough to establish his position as a basketball prodigy.

In addition, Rubio won a total of 4 doubles and 2 Triple doubles in that tournament. He was the scoring king, rebounding king, assists king and stealer king of the whole tournament. He was worthy of being named the most valuable player.

How about, enough leading role!

He is only 18 years old, one year younger than Jifeng. He replaced Sergio Rodriguez, the world champion of the world championship, into the Olympic list, and then the top pick in the 2009 NBA draft.

"Jifeng! I\'ve finally seen you and I\'m looking forward to playing with you on the court Rubio a little shy and Jifeng shake hands and said.

Lu Feng, who has been known as a legend in China for more than one hundred years, is also a legend that has been popular in China for more than one hundred years.

"I\'ll do the same. I\'ll see you on the field." Ji Feng shakes hands with Rubio. When the two meet, they feel like meeting people of the same kind.

"But it\'s not the time to say this. During the Olympic Games, you can\'t eat or drink, but you can still go shopping. You\'ve arranged for me to walk. Today, old BJ starts his night tour!" Ji Feng greets a way.

So soon, there were several big foreign heroes around Shichahai and Tiananmen Square. Of course, there were many security guards in the dark and in the light. Ji Feng didn\'t dare to let them walk on the street at will.After three hours, a bunch of traditional events were arranged to let these guys thoroughly understand what the old BJ style is. It was not until 11 o\'clock that a team of people returned to the Olympic village.

"It\'s just a pity Kobe hasn\'t come yet." At the end of the day, Gasol said, "jkj is walking on the street. That\'s really cool.

"It\'s fast. Just these two days, old Ke has contacted me, but even if they come, they don\'t live here." Ji Feng said that tomorrow will enter August, which is really the countdown to the Olympic Games. No matter how mysterious the U.S. team is, it has to show its true face.

However, it is true that the American basketball dream team does not live in the Olympic village. This is a tradition that began in 1992. Both men and women basketball teams live outside. It is estimated that this time there will be no exception.

Therefore, the date of jkj combination is estimated to be realized soon!

However, just when Ji Feng thought that the day would always be so bland until the opening of the Olympic Games, a telephone call on August 2 broke the calm!

"Oh, yes, yes, certainly. Thank you for your trust in me. I will. Thank you. Goodbye!" Jifeng put down the phone and felt a fire burning in his heart. This is definitely the biggest surprise after the champion!

The caller is the senior leader of the Sports Bureau in the Olympic Organizing Committee, which is also the first time that the leader of the Sports Bureau crossed the Basketball Association and Ji Feng to contact each other alone.

Not much, but absolutely enough shock!

Anyway, even Jifeng, who has seen a lot of big scenes, is excited because of this phone call!

"Jifeng, after our research and decision, you will become the flag bearer of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games! Please keep it strictly confidential. You can\'t let it out before the opening ceremony, and you can\'t let a second person know about it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!