Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 879


The Chinese team led by 22 points at half-time!

In the field of international basketball, it is not common to cut 50 points or more in half court. After all, only 20 minutes in half court and 30 seconds in a round make each team have fewer offensive rounds. In addition, a series of rules on defense in international basketball make the success rate of interior attack not high in this era of advocating interior line, so teams with 50 + points can be cut down in half court scanty.

In the second half of the match, it is almost impossible for the Chinese team to turn over as long as the suspense in the second half of the match is almost impossible.

This is also the biggest half-time difference between China\'s team and Serbia in history. This difference made many fans in Serbia who were watching the game swearing and turned off the TV. Although they all knew that it was the youth army, which was mainly to train new players, the youth team was still very optimistic. Before the game, the media in Serbia even said that the team had a chance After all, this group of new players are given high hopes. Many people think that the revival of the Serbia team depends on them.

However, the first half directly proved what is ideal, full of reality and bone feeling. Although this Serbia played tenacious on the field, the tactical play was also exemplary and had a high success rate in the interior line. The twin towers were still inseparable from China\'s two NBA level twin towers. However, Ji Feng was directly defeated at the defensive end!

Jifeng single quarter 18 points, or just three-point ball to do, half-time slashed 24 points, 8 assists, 7 rebounds, 4 steals, such a performance can be called divine courage, one person almost got half of the team\'s points, and only used 16 minutes, the efficiency is amazing!

Jifeng\'s three-point goal let the explanation of Serbia exclaim inconceivable, let the head coach of Serbia shake his head again and again, let mark Wan completely collapse

The American media, who paid close attention to the game, said bluntly: "in the NBA season peak, there is still no solution in the international arena. After all, although Serbia is a group of potential youth, it still has a gap with the NBA."

ESPN is not surprised by Jifeng\'s performance: "the conventional operation is not right, the international basketball ability is really average, this is the real strength of Jifeng. Except for the United States and Spain, no team in the world can stop Jifeng, which is so simple."

Not only that, under the rhythm of Jifeng, the Chinese team changed the traditional way of playing in the interior line from the day down position. On the contrary, there was a whirlwind of quick attack on the field. Although there was no big Yao, the most powerful attack weapon, it inspired the Arab League and the general ability. These two people are fast moving, flexible and can attack fast, which makes Serbia very uncomfortable!

If you don\'t, let the Chinese team get the rebounds, it\'s a fast attack counterattack. Jifeng doesn\'t treat you politely. This directly makes the slightly heavy center of Serbia run back and forth in the half-time and runs back and forth. When you go back to the dressing room, you are supported by the people next to you, and you are out of breath.

To tell you the truth, it\'s torture to let a brother over 220 cm run back and forth like this!

Although China\'s interior line is also tired, but eat cake to eat very full ah, Arab League as the biggest beneficiary of Ji Feng pass, half-time got 10 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and by the way, there are two wonderful fast break two handed dunks, and roughly also in Ji Feng\'s assists to get 6 points, they let the world know that China\'s interior line is not just big Yao.

Of course, this also makes many fans more expect Yao and Jifeng to join hands!

"As I said earlier, Jifeng is a monster. You don\'t believe it. When grizzly was just a rookie, he would dare to fight with guy, not to mention that he is the new champion. He is the best defensive player in the season. These little guys want to win Jifeng and have no chance." Watching TV at home, Milicic drank the happy water of fat house and said that he had just told his friends that how much Serbia lost in the game depends on how Jifeng wants to play. No one believes in the result. It turns out that it\'s stupid

At half-time, the Chinese dressing room, the atmosphere was very good, because it was probably the most comfortable half of their history against European teams.

As Yu Jia said: "this is the most fluent half-time game since I saw the Chinese team play. This team is really like a whole, each performing its own duties, and has strong combat effectiveness."

Yang Yi became Ji Feng, praising Jifeng\'s performance in the first half: "Jifeng is too strong, no one here is his opponent, this is our country\'s ace player, few people in the world can fight with him! Those who question Ji Feng\'s acclimatization in the national team can go home and have a rest. Of course, don\'t forget to apologize to Ji Feng

Yunas is also a long time no longer pleasant, this game gave him a great reassurance, and Ji Feng\'s excellent performance let him have more confidence in the future of the Olympic Games.

"Ji Feng, you can have a rest in the second half." Yunus said to Jifeng, such a big difference, there is no need to let Jifeng appear again.

“OK!” Ji Feng put on his training suit, then turned to the players in the dressing room and yelled, "guys, play hard, don\'t be too rough, give those guys an unforgettable trip to China.""Don\'t worry."

"No problem!"

The players vied to shout that the result is the best voice, Ji Feng has conquered these guys through this half.

In the second half, the Chinese team replaced Ji Feng, Zhu Fangyu, Du Feng, Wang Shipeng, Chen Jianghua, a Lian and Gd five tigers lianjue.

And Serbia is still the main force, the game to now, they have to fight, lose too ugly, how to return home ah!

Seeing Jifeng sitting on the sideline dressed neatly, the Serbs seem to see some hope of turning the tables.

However, in the first round, the Chinese team again took the lead, relying on tacit understanding, Arab League Wang Shipeng went on line to pick up and remove, and the Arab League made a breakthrough in catching the ball and was able to smash with one hand!

Not only that, the other power forward also paid a hitter foul!


China continues to expand the score!

"Nice Ji Feng incarnated as a cheerleader and stood up to applaud the Arab League.

However, under the pressure of Chen Jianghua, the anxious yelizic made a low-level mistake. The ball was dribbled and the players moved again

This mistake made the coach of Serbia happy

"The more the Chinese team plays, the more relaxed they are, while the more anxious they are playing, if they continue to play like this, the suspense of the game will end, and Jifeng will not have to go on." Yang Yi said.

In fact, the Chinese team without pressure and burden played well, and all kinds of Sao operations appeared frequently. Although Serbia tried its best to catch points and the outside artillery hit continuously, the difference was always about 20 points. There were 4 and a half points left in the fourth quarter. Serbia replaced the substitutes and announced that they would give up the game.

At the end of the game, China won the first victory of this Stankovic cup by 96-76 and 20 points! , the fastest update of the webnovel!