Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 878

"Let\'s defend together! 2-3 area joint defense, once season peak or other players break through, two close together, let go of sudden! Stop on the inside line, don\'t go out easily The head coach of Serbia is in the coach\'s seat.

Today, he saw the ability of Jifeng. How strong is the third position that can defend and attack? This section is just the scene teaching of Jifeng.

Before the game, the coach of Serbia thought that they had made full preparation for Jifeng. Although the youth team is the main team, they also have the ambition to win. Especially if they can defeat the sixth ranked Chinese team in the world, needless to say, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of self-confidence of these young players.

He originally wanted to use mark wan to limit Ji Feng. In addition, there was no three seconds in the interior line. His 222 cm center stood inside. With mark Wan, there would be a great limit on Jifeng.

But as a result, in the first quarter, Ji Feng regarded mark Wan as nothing at all, and often took a clean step. As a result, the big center could not protect the basket, but also needed to make up for it frequently.

But the big center is tall, but the movement is really slow, sometimes Ji Feng has finished shooting, he has not passed, can only stand under the basket, direct baseline serve

It was not easy to keep up with him. Ji Feng\'s light and deft points made the basket\'s a-lian and roughly eat cakes to enjoy. In a single section, China\'s interior double towers jointly scored 8 points, and most of them were easy scores without supervision!

So based on this situation, the head coach of Serbia decided to change his tactics immediately and played the unique skill of many European teams - joint defense!

Joint defense is mainly used by European teams, which is an excellent lineup for the team playing collective basketball. Its role is also very obvious. When there are players with strong personal ability in the opponent team, when it is difficult to contain the opponent\'s attack, joint defense is undoubtedly a better defense choice!

In 2001-2007, European countries restricted the United States team with joint defense, because the European teams played very collective, and the defense cooperation between regions was excellent, which led to how to attack joint defense became a difficult problem when the United States played against European teams.

To tell you the truth, the united defense really made a lot of American stars, Duncan, Iverson and other stars have been trapped in such a joint defense system, resulting in a great loss of performance.

In the same way, how to attack the united defense was once a difficult problem for the Chinese team. Many teams will use joint defense to limit the powerful interior line of the Chinese team, and the effect is really good.

Serbia took out joint defense against Jifeng, it is obvious that they regard Jifeng and China as a stronger opponent.

However, at the beginning of the second quarter, Ji Feng didn\'t appear. Zhu Fangyu and Li Nan partner in the front line, and the inside line is still about the same. On the back line, Sun Yue and Chen Jianghua appear. Yunas wants to use this time to practice the reserve lineup and let Ji Feng have more rest.

The same is true for Serbia, with two post-90s players.

The two sides in the first four minutes of the second quarter played more polite, because the majority of young people, so both sides offensive efficiency is very general, Huanglong center of the iron ring one after another.

4 minutes, both sides played a 5-5, very harmonious!

However, in the fifth minute, Serbia took the lead in adjusting, and all the main players returned, while yunas sent Zhang Qingpeng, who had never been out of the game, to the Arab League on the inside line, and Jifeng was still sitting off the field.

But at this time, Serbia is changing its tactics!

When Zhang Qingpeng dribbled the ball after half-time, he found that the defense of Serbia changed from man to man to joint defense!

"Joint defense! Serbia has come up with its own housekeeping skills! " Yang Yi said after seeing, at the same time worried about the Chinese team, this group of people, in addition to Zhang Qingpeng this nerve knife, other people have no projection ability!

Sure enough, Yang Yi\'s worry was right. Zhang Qingpeng still gave the ball to the general, but he was roughly pushed out of the forbidden area and forced to strike iron. Serbia seized the opportunity to fight back, adding two more points!

On the other hand, this time, a Lianxue was clever. He couldn\'t get into the back and directly gave it to the outside line. However, Chen Jianghua didn\'t have three points. He still got the ball, but the restricted area was full of big men, and he was beaten out by the big center next door.

Fast break again!

In the sighs of the fans, Serbia reduced the difference to 4 points!

The Chinese team is in trouble!

"This joint defense effect is too good, the problem that Chinese people can\'t fight joint defense has come up again." Yu Jia said.

"Pause!" Yunus called out pause with a black face. It seems that we can\'t do without Jifeng.

The suspension ended and Jifeng appeared again. At this time, it was obvious that Yunus put Baodu on Jifeng.

"Do it yourself if you have a chance." Yunus patted Ji Feng on the shoulder and said.

"OK, I understand." Jifeng nodded, yunas, this is to give him a high trust ah, free hand, it is difficult to believe that this is a European coach who believes in collectivism.

But Jifeng is still very useful, no player does not want to get the trust of the head coach, and Jifeng also decided to repay the coach\'s trust with action.Isn\'t it joint defense? In front of him, he doesn\'t let go of outburst Can you really.

"Hey, you can\'t pop in! You can try, you can\'t come in! " And Jifeng just took the ball to the flank, a silent section of mark Wan seems to give him confidence in general to Jifeng said Sao words.

Mark Wan opened his arms, and the 214cm arm spread covered a very large area in the regional joint defense, which was also the source of his confidence that Jifeng could not break through. Besides, the two big men beside him were eager to try, so they would like to wait for Jifeng to break through!


"Ji Feng, get the ball! In the outer trial step, Anthony\'s unique skill, Jifeng, also has a model. In the face of mark Wan\'s defense, how does Jifeng prepare to do? "

"Oh, Jifeng has done it directly! Three points dry pull

"The ball is in! Accurate hollow three! Mark Wan stood still, as if to say, "this is coming in."

The voice of the commentary reappears the goal. Mark Wan is too arrogant to give Jifeng so much space. The FIBA\'s three-point is a big middle shot for Jifeng. Don\'t you give Ji Feng points if you put one meter!

"I don\'t have to go in, brother. You go in. It\'s time to serve." Jifeng goal after the spread of the hands said.

Mark Wan\'s life collapsed

After that, Jifeng showed everyone what is the most powerful weapon for joint defense. As long as mark Wan showed a little flaw, Jifeng fired accurately on the outside line!

And Arab League also found a breakthrough after the passer-by, he continued to break through to attract defensive after the ball, Jifeng three-point shot in succession!

It rained three minutes on the field!

After watching Jifeng\'s hand, Serbia jumped straight up, and it was lost by Jifeng, but even so, Jifeng made 6-out of 3-point single quarter and got 18 points!

The Chinese team played a 28-16 attack wave in a single quarter, and the score difference was expanded to 20 points at one stroke in the half-time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!