Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 857

After all, a few players who don\'t want to work for more than 20 years in the NBA can\'t earn enough money Their best choice.

Just like O\'Neill, everyone knows that he is a comedian delayed by basketball and a big shark on the court. However, he has many bars and gyms in Los Angeles. Can I talk nonsense about Jifeng and his VIP card

The purpose of Ji Feng\'s trip is just for his sideline business. The brokerage company co founded by Jifeng and James, code name, peak team!

In terms of basketball agency contract, CAA is the most famous one among big companies. Their power is very large. After all, this is not only a basketball agency company, but also a world ranking big brokerage company. Of course, it has advantages. Good relations with the media, the best publicity strategies and rich promotion channels are not too important for the stars.

(in 2009, rose persuaded another big name agent Henry Thomas to join CAA. Thomas\'s clients include Wade, bosh and other big stars. Therefore, the decision that shocked the world in 2010, you also know why. It is worth mentioning that Carmelo Anthony settled down in his hometown team New York Knicks, CAA was also the driving force behind it. In 2009, Anthony and BDA were also behind the scenes When the company terminated the contract, he chose Ross, LeBron\'s agent. It was rose who operated Anthony to join the Knicks. He once tried to promote Paul to join the Knicks, but he failed.)

Hearing this, I believe you can also see Ji Feng\'s ambition. In the NBA, players and agents complement each other. Because Ji Feng, James seems to have the opportunity to become a big brand agent. Ji Feng\'s vision is not only in the present, but also in the future!

Of course, for the sake of this future, Ji Feng accepted James\'s invitation to take a rented RV and embark on a two-and-a-half-day journey from Los Angeles all the way to the east coast, and the final destination was North Carolina on the east coast.

As for why they chose it as the destination, I believe basketball lovers know that since Jordan walked out of North Carolina, it has become a holy land for many basketball fans, even though Duke, Kentucky and other schools have achieved better results.

And Jifeng this time is also with the mood of traveling by the way, after all, Jordan alma mater still has some attraction for him, let alone there are a lot of good players there.

However, Ji Feng has already regretted it. Sure enough, the road trip is not suitable for him as a Chinese. There is no one around. They can stand it.

But fortunately, Ji Feng\'s trip is still a good harvest. After successfully signing horady, they first made a circle in California, signed a few guys who have the chance to enter the NBA to fill the list, and finally found a very good guy at the University of Southern California at the last stop in California!

DeMar Derozan!

This high school\'s first team in the United States, who led Compton high school to win the Moore League Championship for two years in a row, was also invited to participate in the Jordan classic game and the Nike peak game in high school, and scored the team\'s highest 17 points in the Nike peak game.

After entering the South Carolina in 2007, he quickly established his foothold in the team. He averaged 13.9 points, 5.7 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game in his freshman season, with a shooting percentage of 52.3%, ranking second in the team and eighth in Pac-10.

He started all 35 games, scored double digits in 28 Games and won double doubles in four times. In the semi-final of Pac-10 championship against UCLA, he scored 21 points and grabbed the highest 13 rebounds in his college career; in the final of Pac-10 championship against Arizona University, he scored the highest 25 points of college career from 10 out of 16 shots and led the team to win the championship.

This is definitely a big fish!

Ji Feng watched him abuse food in the venue. Let alone, he has great potential. If he plays well, he has a good chance to become an All-Star.

But Ji Fengzheng was worried about how to make a move. Droozan himself sent him to the door!

"Jifeng!? Wow, I can see you here. What are you doing in our school? This year\'s draft is over Drozan trotted all the way, looking like a fan.

Yes, after all, he is a native of California. He used to like Kobe, but now he likes JK. He is full of admiration and curiosity for the man who is a few months younger than himself but can kill in the NBA.

Watching Ji Feng in the NBA, he even had the magical idea that "NBA is not the same as it is." although he knows that it is a bit of a drag, it is really too mysterious.

Ji Feng knew that there was a play when he heard de rozan\'s words, so he invited him straightforwardly: "how do you want to join hands? I think you have great potential!"

I have to say that Jifeng is absolutely a gold lettered signboard now. Derozan was very excited when he heard about it. This is Ji Feng\'s invitation. It definitely represents a kind of kind that likes to say that the draft market can rise several places.

After that, James came forward and everything went well. Only after signing the contract, it was not the scope of Jifeng\'s management. James now has a very scientific team, and I believe they will give the best plan.It\'s OK to do a bullfight in 1v1!

Derozan quickly found that his previous thought was not to pull, it was really to pull. Looking at the bleak 10-0, Derozan really wanted to eat the basketball in his hand.

"Too strong! It\'s so damn strong Looking at the back of Ji Feng\'s leaving, Derozan is not angry, but very excited. It\'s Ji Feng. It\'s due to be beaten up by him. What\'s exciting is that he wants to join the company of such a guy. Doesn\'t it mean a bright future!

Regardless of the second in drozan\'s behavior, Ji Feng went all the way and signed a few players. However, such a big fish as Derozan has never been seen again. In addition to Monroe, a young man, he can also see through, other things are really ordinary. After all, these guys are also the hot cakes in other people\'s eyes.

However, Jifeng is not in a hurry, just as a tourist. The RV drove all the way and finally arrived at their destination, North Carolina, on the evening of the 30th! , the fastest update of the webnovel!