Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 856

Time flies, 12 days after the finals, that is, June 30, the last tail of June, on the State Highway in the United States, a RV is moving forward!

"Hey, man, drive fast. It\'s 6:30. We need to get to North Carolina before dark!"

"Don\'t worry, Ji Feng. You should realize that road travel is something that every young person here can do, and they don\'t have the equipment of RV!"

"Dry, do you think I\'m lying in the RV? I\'m not in the co driver for most of these two days! I really believe your evil will choose to drive out of the RV. If we fly, I think we are enjoying the party in the hotel swimming pool. Hurry up, I hope I can have the best steak there soon

“OK! You are the boss! Sit tight! Race car driver James reports to you

"Hum ~!" ~~~~~

"fuck! You can take care of your accommodation tonight!"

"I\'m sorry, boss. I\'m wrong!"

Yes, Ji Feng and James are the two people in the RV who are having a friendly conversation!

They are heading for their last mission in the United States!

Back in time, after the grand Championship celebration, Ji Feng\'s speech at the championship ceremony can be regarded as a classic. It not only ignited the whole stadium on the spot, but also made the atmosphere reach the climax. The cheers of the fans were lasting. The whole team of the Lakers also clapped hands with Jifeng to celebrate. Kobe\'s face was red with excitement, and after the celebration, the whole Los Angeles was boiling!

The domineering Manifesto in front of tens of millions of fans all over the world has directly made many fans excited. Chinese fans are even more deeply aware that they can finally have a player who can shout out such words in such an overbearing way, but they still feel that there is no violation.

Champion in a row!


The best in history!

What intoxicating words, many media in the following news reports have fully quoted the full text of Ji Feng\'s speech, and said that this is Jifeng\'s ruling Declaration on the alliance!

ESPN is more straightforward: "after winning a championship, Jifeng has completely released his ambition. Will the League tremble? Let\'s wait and see."

Fans even put out banners: "no Shaq, but Jifeng, let\'s do it again!" The slogan of this championship celebration is also recognized by Los Angeles fans as the best celebration in history.

And after the celebration, the team also officially had a holiday, and the NBA off-season officially began!

Many Laker players have chosen to go on holiday all over the world. After all, the off-season period is very long, even if there is something to do, it is not in a hurry for a moment. Except for those players who are not in the Laker\'s plan, they need to find jobs. After all, even if the Lakers want to trade, they will only accept it. For example, Farmar said goodbye to Ji Feng the next day He took his new girlfriend to the Greek love sea to witness love.

Gasol, on the other hand, spent two days in the U.S., shooting ads, and then returned to Spain, where the Spanish national team was gathering, and he had only 10 days off.

But Ji Feng didn\'t feel much. As Gasol said, they will meet in China soon.

Jifeng started according to the previous plan, but he still found Jabbar and invited him to become his special training coach for a week-long training.

After receiving the invitation, Jabbar was very moved. Even Kobe chose to take his family to Hawaii for a holiday, and then went to the U.S. team to report. Unexpectedly, Ji Feng started training three days after the end of Ji Feng!

"If you don\'t succeed, who will succeed." Jabbar sighed.

In fact, this is Ji Feng\'s plan. Although he delayed reporting to the national team, it was because he knew what the level of training in China was. Even the national team could not compare with it. That\'s why the American experts followed Yao\'s recovery from injury.

But Jifeng will not ignore the training, he is now very interested in the pace of the interior, especially the back technology. After all, he will have to finish the abnormal task of playing big center in the back next season. It is always good to learn more and lay a good foundation for the next season. Originally, Olajuwon must be a great choice, but he can\'t leave Los Angeles. These days, he has advertising Mission, so he found Jabbar again, which is also good, if you can learn his sky hook 30%, then the next season season season peak weapon library will have another weapon!

In the following days, Ji Feng spent six hours training in the daytime and working in the rest of the day. Ji Feng was very busy. Hot bar became a little assistant and went to every place with Ji Feng every day. Ji Feng also intentionally told her about her industry and work in the United States. Fortunately, they cooperated very well and did not delay them at night Life without shame!

As the Mercedes Benz, Pepsi Cola, Versace and other tasks are completed by Ji Feng one by one, it\'s time for the hot bar to leave, but this time it\'s not too sad. After all, one or two people stay together for a long time, and the second one is getting closer and closer to Ji Feng\'s return home.

Send off the heat. Ji Feng continues his daily training. Jabbar is definitely a qualified teacher. He teaches the inside skills with all his heart. Compared with the first time, Ji Feng learned more footwork skills of interior center, which benefited him a lot."You have to use it next season. I\'ll go to staples." At the end of the seven day dinner, Jabbar told Ji Feng that these days are also a new experience for Jabbar. After all, he has never taught such a smart student, what is genius? This is genius!

Jabbar has now regarded Ji Feng as a strong student, and the relationship between them is also advancing by leaps and bounds. After all, teachers like smart students, which is a bit reluctant to part.

Compared with Jifeng, Bynum is really a scum!


"Don\'t worry! Maybe you\'ll see a surprise Ji Feng said that these seven days let him have more confidence in his back.

After Jabbar\'s training, Jifeng continued to carry out under the guidance of trainers and physical fitness teachers. By the way, he increased the video analysis time of three opponents in Stankovic cup every day. The lion beat the rabbit with all his strength. Jifeng would not commit arrogance.

Although there was no hot bar to accompany him, Ji Feng\'s life was still very moist. He took the time to become Avril\'s concert guest. Their chorus shocked the whole world. Overnight, Jifeng had more than a million fans, and even some people came to petition Ji Feng not to play ball and go straight out!

And the cooperation with Avril has also been put on the agenda, Avril began to write songs, cooperation is expected to wait until the earliest new season.

For the Olympic Games, UA is ambitious to do a big deal, but the specific cooperation can only continue in China, because with the gradual end of things here in the United States, Jifeng bank has tens of millions of dollars more funds, so he and James are going to do something important, their basketball economic company, It\'s time to expand enrollment! , the fastest update of the webnovel!