Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 849

It\'s not only hot, but also Jifeng. The soft body of the hot bar makes Jifeng tense all over. Although the whole night club is full of big chested girls and there are many young Hollywood models in it. The Laker definitely paid off for this grand celebration, but it is still the Chinese aesthetic. Ji Feng thinks that hot bar is still the most shining one in the whole night club.

Jifeng can\'t bear it any more. With DJ\'s music, he finds his lips in the hot bar directly. They are so crazy kissing on the dance floor. Jifeng doesn\'t intend to suppress anything tonight, but it doesn\'t cause any storm. Look around, we can\'t play too high!

After all, reporters are not allowed to enter here. They are all their own people, so everyone can rest assured to release themselves.

But it\'s a pity that at this time, there will always be people who don\'t open their eyes. Yes, this man is Farmar. After releasing his spare energy, this guy returns to the dance floor. He directly goes to the position of DJ, picks up the microphone and starts his personal high singing.

Arthur boy\'s "Yeah!" was called by him to be a model, as expected, NBA rappers per capita is really reasonable.

But this guy just sings. After singing, he still doesn\'t forget the cue teammate. As Ji Feng\'s good brother, his first thought is of course Jifeng!

"Guys, how am I singing?" Famar called out to the crowd under the stage with a microphone.

"Not bad!"

"Big brother almost, barely scored 80 points!"

"Another one!"

the audience was very supportive!

"Another one? Certainly. But it\'s not me! We won the championship, but there is a guy who is the most famous in the entertainment industry! He used to work with Avril. He sang and danced on all stars. Today, he also cooperated with Asian singers. He even wrote words

Farmar said that this season peak knew it was over, this force is definitely to cue him, he can only release the slender waist of the hot bar, but helplessly hold the hot bar and turn his head to look at the direction of DJ station.

Sure enough!

"Do you know who he is?" Farmar yelled.


The audience broke out and called out the name of Ji Feng!

"Yes! It\'s him who makes our champion, the most powerful rookie in history, the extraordinary king from Asia, our new magician, Ji Feng

Jifeng clothing, Farmar this forced retired not to do DJ is really a talent, and then he felt that the home dj of the Lakers had to lose his job!

"Ah ~ ~ ~! Go The hot bar is jumping and pushing Jifeng forward. She hasn\'t heard Jifeng sing for a long time!

As for the shameful things they were doing just now, the night is still long!

“OK! Well, let\'s give you a hit song Jifeng, who was sold by his brother, quickly adjusted his state. Anyway, it was high, anyway, it was celebration. It was all his own people. What else could Ji Feng not do!

However, he still needs a wave of equipment, so let\'s see Ji Feng take off his sunglasses when passing by Turiaf, take off his big gold chain when passing by Fisher, take off his hat when passing by Gasol, and pass by the three big rings of old Ke\'s hand, plus Ji Feng\'s original Laker training uniform When Jifeng stepped onto the DJ stage, he had already looked like a standard hip-hop singer!

"Wow! How handsome

"Cool! ~"

"male model

When Ji Feng stood on the stage, the girls were excited. They gathered around more than 20 girls, including Gasol\'s girlfriend and Kobe\'s wife.

"Sleeping trough! This person is more angry than others. Why is the same night club with sunglasses, Jifeng is a handsome guy, someone just called me a fool! " Turiaf said angrily that his sister who had just been soaked was gone. He went to see Jifeng. Turiaf swore that he could not take Jifeng to the cliff of nightclub in the future!

"Shit! That\'s brother\'s hat! Why did no one praise me just now? " Gasol is also very tired, this person looks handsome is really too much!

And soon, they will be looking at the just down Farmar, is this guy, nothing called Jifeng, now, all the limelight has been robbed!

So when Ji Feng picked up the microphone, Farmar was being abused, but it was obvious that Jifeng would not pay attention to him.

"Hi! Everyone! Thank you for attending the Laker Championship celebration! Tonight, let\'s get up high Jifeng immediately enters the state, takes the wheat in one hand, and waves to indicate DJ to play music!

It\'s also Arthur\'s song "love in this club." There are two versions of this song. Ji Feng naturally chooses the solo version.

This song is definitely very suitable for such a scene, and this song is also a popular song this year. Apart from other things, at least the Laker players will hum a few chorus lines. The most important thing is that although you can\'t hear it from the song, the lyrics are absolutely powerful, which is not always in line with the current scene!When Jifeng\'s voice sounded, the originally cheerful music was endowed with some ethereal flavor by Jifeng\'s voice, but it was accompanied by intense drumming, which made the whole venue become more dry and hot!

Especially when the chorus began, the scene became a chorus of the Laker players, even the hot bar was driven, shaking with the drum.

The song is over!

There was no accident under the stage and "safety mouth, safety mouth, safety mouth!" But Ji Feng is not ready to continue, this is not his concert!

So he immediately divided the pot!

"Guys, everyone knows, that man is our Laker\'s sea god needle, welcome Kobe Bryant to come for you Ji Feng shouts!

"Ah ah ah ~ ~" firepower was really attracted by success!

Kobe also did not delay, took over the equipment from Ji Feng and started a new round of singing.

Take turns on the stage like this, the night is getting deeper and deeper! ~

and just when everyone was looking for Jifeng again, they found that Jifeng had disappeared!

"Where\'s Jifeng?" Asked Farmar.

No one answered his question, because Jifeng was already on his way home with the hot bar in his car.

That\'s still Ji Feng coming down from the stage. In order to prevent these guys from playing high, Ji Feng didn\'t say hello to anyone and directly pulled the hot bar and left through the back door ~!

"You are so bad ~!" Hot bar touched Jifeng\'s face and said, because of drinking, hot bar\'s eyes are some blurred, tonight she is completely let go.

"Bad, of course, I never said I was a good man, but don\'t you like it?" Ji Feng took the hot bar and picked up her chin. Because of drinking, he didn\'t drive. Instead, he called the assistant of the company, and he drove the luxury Lincoln extended model to ensure absolute sound insulation!

"Like it! I like everything! " Hot bar heavily nodded, and then rubbed into the arms of Jifeng to find a comfortable position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!