Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 850

"But, you know, sometimes it feels like a dream." Relying on the heat bar in Ji Feng\'s arms, he murmured: "at this time last year, I was just a high school student. I didn\'t know where the future was, and I didn\'t expect that I would fall in love with you like this."

"Do you know that you are tall, handsome, humorous and funny, you can lie down to be your rich second generation, but you choose to realize the dream that you can see but can\'t touch. You have clear goals and lofty ideals, but you still have the ability to support you to achieve your ideals, and you can continue to strive for them."

"You know, before I met you, I always thought that such a person didn\'t exist. It was perfect, didn\'t it? It didn\'t seem true." The hot bar completely buried his head in Jifeng\'s arms, holding Jifeng tightly, as if afraid of Jifeng\'s sudden escape.

Hot bar drunk, Jifeng suddenly had such a clear understanding, so charming but revealed a trace of self-confidence, Jifeng is the first time to see, pitiful look like a afraid of being abandoned dog, let people heartache.

Jifeng gently stroked the hair of the hot bar, everyone really has not only one side, who can know if the smile is just her protective color.

It is her own year of climbing too fast to give her a sense of insecurity, but this is what normal people should have in mind, isn\'t it.

"I can\'t be so perfect. Before I met you, I was just a high school basketball player who was about to give up my career because of illness. Moreover, it was absolutely not related to humor and humor. If it had not been silent, I would have been indifferent. At that time, my life was just basketball."

"As a rich second generation, while enjoying material life, you must sacrifice family life. My childhood was lonely. Fortunately, basketball made me less lonely."

"When I chose to come here alone to pursue my dream, others saw that it was my soaring, but only I knew how many lonely nights I spent in the training hall."

"But it doesn\'t matter. I enjoy loneliness. I always feel that loneliness is one of the motivations for me to come to this day, until I meet you." Season peak light says.

"From the moment I met you, I found that loneliness was gradually away from me. At the moment of your eyes, I thought, at that time, I had my own answer."

"As for the hard work, of course, it\'s to be able to bring earlier rewards around. Only when I\'m strong enough can I be free from external influence. I think I\'ve done it. So I want to announce to the whole world that you are my girlfriend, I want to be the king of basketball, and I want you to be my queen!"

Jifeng\'s steady and magnetic sound sounded in the car. The hot bar blushed and felt that the temperature inside the car rose sharply, as if he would be surrounded by the hot flame.

His dream has something to do with himself!

This kind of confession makes the heart rate of hot bar accelerate rapidly. She has to make a move to fan her hot face crazily.

This is the most beautiful and domineering advertisement she has ever heard, because the content of the advertisement is all that Ji Feng has done, without a trace of falsehood.

Plop! Plop!

For a time, the car seems to only hear the sound of heartbeat, hot bar feel, Jifeng\'s love for her, just the trouble was swept away by her mind, eyes only hold their own man!

"Kiss me ~" said the hot bar, staring at Jifeng.

Then ushered in, is heavy deep kiss, hot bar even seems a little crazy, like to melt himself into the body of Jifeng.

Stop, stop!

Jifeng takes the leg bend of the hot bar and returns home directly!


The door was heavily closed, and the hot bar jumped onto Jifeng\'s body, and his straight and elastic long legs were directly clamped on Jifeng\'s waist.

"Take me back ~" hot bar, a little afraid to look into the eyes of Jifeng, because Jifeng\'s eyes are too hot, look at the whole person will be burned, but her voice still with desire.

"Yes, my majesty!" Ji Feng said in the ear of the hot bar, and then gently held the ear lobe of the hot bar ~

"Oh ~ ~", which seemed to open the real prelude to this sleepless night

The next day, Ji Feng wakes up with the aim that octopus holds his own heat, and his face still has a faint flush. The clothes scattered all over the room seem to tell people about the fierce war situation last night.

Gently breaking off the hot bar\'s hand, Ji Feng walked into the bathroom. After the whole day\'s activity, Jifeng was still full of energy. Looking at his radiant face in the mirror, Ji Feng felt that he could play ten today!

It\'s a pity that the season is over, otherwise, the green shirt army will suffer once more ~

not many times. The hot bar, dressed in Jifeng\'s big training clothes, rubbed his eyes and walked into the bathroom. He held Ji Feng\'s waist directly, leaned his head on Jifeng\'s broad back and yawned heavily. From a girl to a woman, today\'s hot bar is particularly obsessed with Ji Feng.

"Why don\'t you sleep more? It\'s still early." Jifeng turns around and embraces the hot bar in his arms."You can\'t sleep without you." Hot bar said with her eyes closed, she really spent too much energy yesterday.

"Darling, I\'m fine today. I can accompany you all day. Let\'s eat first." Jifeng pet doted on a little hot nose.

Come to the restaurant, Jifeng to prepare food, and the hot bar finally sober up a little, lying on the table looking at Jifeng\'s back, eyes how to play or not can\'t move open.

Sure enough, what the novel says is right. The back of a man\'s cooking is simply poison, OK!

Lunch is still salad steak, and after yesterday\'s indulgence, Jifeng\'s diet has returned to what it was during the season.

"When the season is over, will you come back home with me?" Hot bar said.

"Well In fact, I don\'t know what I plan to do in the off-season. First, I will attend the championship celebration on the 20th, and then I have to ask James, seriously, I don\'t even know where my mobile phone is now

Jifeng shrugged his shoulders. When he went to the nightclub yesterday, he turned off his mobile phone directly. Now I don\'t know which corner he threw. After all, in that situation last night, those who play with mobile phones are fools.

But he only remembered yesterday that Zen master finally announced the end of the season. Everyone had a holiday immediately. On the 20th, he gathered at 6:00 a.m. and paraded around 7:00 a.m., but he didn\'t know about the rest.

But think about it, his off-season is definitely very busy.

"Oh, the championship celebration, can I go there?" Hot bar eyes a bright, float parade ah, just as she did not work these days, because the kiss after the finals, now she is not suitable to go, but just right, she can rely on Ji Feng side!

"Of course! You are the champion\'s family now! As long as you don\'t mind being surrounded by reporters. " Ji Feng said, since the choice of open, that is no problem, and this kind of occasion, are with family members. , the fastest update of the webnovel!