Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 845


China sh, the Basketball Museum affiliated to Jiaotong University, is still a scene of celebration at the moment. The team-mates who won the national championship together with Ji Feng hoped to return home. They watched the game with Zhang Hengyuan here!

You have to ask them how they can be sure that the Lakers will win this game. If they don\'t win, they will buy it for nothing.

They will tell you that in terms of their confidence in Ji Feng, they dare not say that they are the first in the world. However, in SH, they are absolutely the only one. After all, they have watched Ji Feng step by step from his retirement from heart disease to today, step by step climb onto the highest basketball palace, and play their own river and mountain there. It can be said that Ji Feng carries them All basketball dreams.

In this group of people, except Ji Feng, no one will go to play a career. This is an insurmountable mountain of high school basketball in China. It is much more difficult to get out of here than I imagined.

But Ji Feng did it. Ji Feng has all their basketball dreams!

As you can imagine, Ji Feng\'s meaning is absolutely different!

At the moment, the celebration ceremony is beginning, beer bottles are scattered all over the ground, melon seeds and peanuts are everywhere. They are excited to realize Jifeng\'s dream!

"Well, dear audience friends, Kobe got his first NBA Finals MVP from David Stern, and achieved a single season of regular season MVP and finals MVP. Kobe played an excellent role in the 20 games of the playoffs, and his data are impeccable. His leading role in the Lakers is the key to winning and winning the Championship. He proved that he left the Olympics Neil is still one of the best superstars in the League... "

On TV, Yu Jia\'s voice was heard. In the picture, Kobe was holding an interview with the MVP trophy. After thanking his family and friends, as well as the Laker management and live fans, Kobe specially talked about Jifeng:

"thanks to my brothers, without them, there would be no this trophy, especially Ji Feng. That guy is phenomenal, and he will stand here one day I\'m sorry for LeBron to get this trophy, but the future is season peak. What do you say? " Kobe called out to the stands.

For the Laker fans, Jifeng is more valuable than LeBron. When LeBron came out, there was no Jifeng so terrible.

"Ah, it\'s a pity that Ji Feng is absent for two games. Otherwise, it is possible to create a new history." Lin chonglue said with regret that although he is a double fan of Kobe and Jifeng, the relationship between Jifeng and him must be biased toward Jifeng.

"It doesn\'t matter, this season has been legendary enough, superstars need to be honed, season peak injury is also no way to things, Jordan in the rise before the reimbursement of a season because of injury, this is God to their temper." Wang Hao is very open-minded. It\'s good to win the championship. Besides, there is still next season.

"Tut Tut, anyway, this little guy is well-developed. You must treat him when you come back!" Zhang Hengyuan said with a smile that anyone can see the satisfaction in his eyes. With such a disciple, his basketball career is really without regret.

"Hello, but you\'ve found a girlfriend. When will you invite this guest first, fat man?" Lin Chong threw a handful of peanut shells at Wang Hao.

As we all know, a group of energetic college students can\'t do without women at the party, and Wang Hao, the stormy basketball player in the University, has become the target of their fire collection.

However, at this time, the picture on TV changed!

The picture is pushed back to staples, and Kobe finished his speech, which also means that the war is officially over, and the NBA games this season are all over. What is left for the Lakers is just crazy celebration!

The dressing room was filled with champagne and beer, and cigars were thrown on the seats box by box, waiting for them to go back and enjoy the moment of victory.

And reporters are also holding machines ready to go to the dressing room, take pictures of celebration, which is definitely an old tradition.

CCTV and domestic media are also the same. Director Zhang is ready to rush down the stairs in a hurry, otherwise the position will be lost. At least 100 people in this media will start.

But here, Ji Feng and Kobe said something, and then walked to the seat behind the podium

"Where is Jifeng going?"

Many reporters issue this question, the changing room is not in this direction!

But soon they followed, because they found that the Laker players are also slowly following Ji Feng, many faces still with lewd smile

And hot?

At the moment, the hot bar is preparing to leave, because she knows that Ji Feng is unlikely to go home with her as usual. After watching the NBA for a year, the hot bar has learned a lot. Naturally, she knows how crazy the celebration ceremony is after winning the championship. Although she also wants to go, the relationship between them has not been made public. Once she goes, according to today\'s attention level Tomorrow\'s news is definitely flying around.

However, just as she was getting ready to go out, she saw Ji Feng with a smiling face coming towards her own direction. Her face turned red in an instant when she was hot. She looked a little restrained when she looked around."What is he doing? Is it for me

Hot bar heart can not help asking such a question, but it is clear that Jifeng is not ready to give her reaction time.

I saw Jifeng stride forward, walked to the hot bar in front of the four eyes, Jifeng mouth with a smile, the right hand gently placed on the hot bar\'s hair.

"I\'ve kept you waiting!" Jifeng gently said, and then, in the eyes of all people, in the lens of the world\'s media, Jifeng directly kisses the heat!

"Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh ~ ~" in a burst of crying and howling of the Laker generals, the two people so deep kiss up!

"My God!" "Dry!" What did I see "Romance! How romantic

The journalists are crazy!

The camera is crazy at the two kissing people after the finals, and the fans in the stands behind them are also crazy. The United States has always liked to play romantic. Ji Feng\'s behavior has hit their hearts!

Avril rolled her eyes, the two guys finally openly showed their love in front of themselves. They are really miserable. They need to eat dog food to watch a ball!

Hot bar eyes from panic to calm, she has known the idea of Jifeng, the heart of the touched and love instantly overflow, this is his man, isn\'t it, then there is nothing to be afraid of!

The hand of hot bar gently held Jifeng, eyes closed, her world, only Jifeng one person!

As for the storm, there is a season peak, she needs to care! , the fastest update of the webnovel!