Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 844

David Stern, as usual, thanks the two teams for their efforts, all the audience here, and all the fans who pay attention to NBA all over the world. Then, he officially announced that the Lakers are the NBA championship of 2007-2008 season!

"Ah ah ah ah ~" the fans cheered, accompanied by the falling ribbon again, six big screens appeared the pattern of the championship!

"It belongs to you. You did a good job!" With a smile on his face, stern handed the trophy to the Laker captain, Fisher!

As a veteran of the Lakers, as well as the leader of the dressing room, playing an outstanding veteran in the playoffs, Fisher will represent the Lakers to welcome back to the O\'Brien cup!

Stern has every reason to be happy. Although the classic yellow and green war this season has not played seven games, six games have been classic enough. After the previous two games set the previous NBA Finals ratings record, the sixth season peak returns to create a new viewing history again!

Today, the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and the ratings of major TV stations are generally reduced. Now, it is absolutely a great thing. More young fans are attracted. The degree of topic and discussion is twice as high as that of James in the finals for the first time last year. This directly makes the NBA full of money.

At the same time, the NBA\'s influence in the world has risen to a new level. The advertising expenses of the finals have also reached a record high. The number of news media reports has also reached the highest in history. Every game of six games is full, and the price of admission tickets has also set a record high. Throughout the history of NBA, the all star who retired from Jordan\'s retirement in 2003 was comparable to this round of series, especially In Asia, NBA has become the most famous sports league in the world!

Of course, all of this is inseparable from Ji Feng. This magical Chinese teenager, the most terrifying senior high school student in the history of China and even the NBA, is the best representative of the peak when he comes out, and he becomes a super giant player in the rookie season. His appearance makes the originally weak NBA rejuvenate again!

His appearance, let the classic yellow green war to a new level!

This makes stern very satisfied, which once again proves his vision. In the middle of the season, the choice of Ji Feng as an NBA superstar and official business card is extremely correct. Jifeng directly promotes the globalization of Stern\'s NBA!

This led to stern looking at the podium behind him is talking with Kobe Bryant hot season peak, is simply more and more satisfied!

"This is just the beginning." Stern handed the cup to Fisher and then went back. Yu Guang looked at the JK team and thought that these two men would be the trumps and faces of NBA in the next five years!

Not only that, the grudge between the green shirts and the Lakers has just begun. Stern has a hunch that the entanglement between the two teams is not just this season!

Look back, regardless of Stern\'s plan, when Fisher takes the O\'Brien cup back, the Lakers on the podium will be restless again!

Fisher handed the trophy to Kobe, and Kobe pulled Jifeng and Gasol to both sides of himself, and put the hands of three people on the cup at the same time!

Reporter\'s film does not need money to use in general, aimed at Kobe, Jifeng and Gasol, jkj combination, this season no one thought of combination, is changing the history of the League!

The league\'s most stable three giants, they raise the trophy together, is absolutely the historical level picture!

The outside fireworks were blooming, and the fans inside were singing "we are the champion." the host announced loudly, "the Los Angeles Lakers are champions!"

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Kobe Bryant held the trophy high above his head, and the Lakers jumped up with a strange cry, even the old bass standing beside him. He was even happier than many of the Laker players.

The camera is also aimed at him, the most famous boss in the league. Countless times, it has been proved that he is the best helmsman in the conference room of the Laker. He won Jifeng in exchange for all opinions, which will definitely be recorded in the history of the whole league!

After the cup was raised, the award of fmvp was very obvious. Although Ji Feng played extremely well and the three doubles in seven playoffs were brilliant, he missed two games due to injury in the midway, which also led to his failure to win the fmvp award.

Kobe Bryant took the trophy from stern in the voice of MVP, the first fmvp trophy of his career, which was a recognition of his performance.

After Shaquille O\'Neal and Duncan, Kobe has become the third player who has won MVP and fmvp in a single season in this century. After Duncan, Kobe has also become the second player who has won MVP, fmvp and championship in a single season in the new century, and has been selected as a player of first defense for a while!

Ji Feng regretted that he failed to create a rookie history. Many media people sighed and expressed regret one after another.

I have to say, this is definitely a pity. Jifeng fans can\'t help but think that if Ji Feng is not injured and absent, then he can really steal the fmvp honor from Kobe who has played so well. This is the history of rookies. To hold up fmvp as a rookie is exciting!

It\'s just a pity that Kobe Bryant\'s playoffs average 34.6 points, 6.8 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.3 steals per game is very eye-catching, and does not lose any fmvp. Although Jifeng has 31.2 points, 14.5 assists, 8.8 rebounds, 2.6 steals and 1.8 blocks in the playoffs, the data is also terrible, but he played less than two games, which made him regret to lose the election with several votesSo it\'s Tony Allen!

When Tony Allen went back, he would be sad to find that not only did he lose the game, but also more and more of his people were diss!

The Laker fans are also very sorry, Ji Feng really played too well, but unfortunately, fmvp has not been awarded to two people at the same time, and having JK at the same time is definitely the trouble of happiness.

however, Ji Feng is very happy to see, Kobe\'s play has nothing to say, in his absence, Gasol and other poor performance, Kobe still carried the team, this is nothing to say As for the MVP of the finals, he deserves it. As for himself, can\'t you just play this finals!

So when the reporter aimed at Ji Feng, only a sincere smile and JK\'s love interaction were seen.

"Man, next year\'s is for you. Remember to get it." Kobe said to Jifeng, this is his real idea, Jifeng this guy is too terrible, do not know what next season will be like.

"Don\'t worry, boss. I\'ll have a lot of them in the future." Ji Feng said with a smile.

"I\'ll go! A rookie

"I don\'t think I can refute..."

"Big brother, can you feel your trophy for my children in the future?"

The Laker players made fun of Ji Feng, but no one refuted it. They all thought it was only a matter of time before Ji Feng won the award, even the regular season MVP. This guy is destined to dominate the league.

"Guys, I can\'t wait to celebrate at night! Jifeng! You are not allowed to run today Farmar held the championship trophy in full bloom and won it in the second season of the league. He felt that his thigh was wonderful.

"Of course! But I have something else to do! " Ji Feng smiles mysteriously and then turns to the back of the podium, where is the hot bar! , the fastest update of the webnovel!