Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 838

"ComeOn! Back defense! Back defense!" After Garnett bucked in, he raised his arm and roared at Staples, and then quickly called his teammates back to defense. Obviously, wolf king wanted to use this way to stimulate the emotions of his teammates.

Although in the Timberwolves\' career, many people questioned that his style of playing was too soft, which led to the Timberwolves\' inability to make progress all year round. For example, when the Timberwolves were eliminated by the Lakers in a row, some reporters ridiculed Garnett and thought that the biggest difference between him and Duncan was that one met O\'Neill\'s initiative and the other ran away in a hurry.

But it is undeniable that Garnett is absolutely a qualified leader!

He is a natural leader, as his teammate Cassell said: "Kevin has great respect for the team\'s 12 people, as if that was a starting star, he is the same to everyone, give people a lot of advice, but not in a very annoying way."

Moreover, his style is very suitable for this Celtic. On the court, his roar always makes people shudder. He is good at attacking opponents with incessant rubbish words. Even if it is a simple appearance ceremony, when he comes out from the player channel, his tall stature and slightly ferocious expression are awe inspiring. He brings this Celtic Iron and hardness, which seems to be different from his playing style criticized by the media, but this is the characteristic of Garnett. When he should be tough, he never flinches.

Just like this year\'s playoffs, without Garnett\'s countless rescue of the green army, the green army could not have gone to this stage.

Similarly, in today\'s desperate situation, we still have to rely on Garnett to drive the team!

Garnett obviously did a good job. Originally, he was so far behind that many green army players could not help feeling anxious and hesitating, especially those who have just entered the league. They are anxious, but the more anxious they are, the more anxious they are, the more loopholes they have. This is also the reason why many teams in the finals collapsed rapidly in the sixth game after falling 2-3.

They don\'t have a winning mentality.

But fortunately, Garnett stabilized the situation. Although he didn\'t take the key ball at the last moment, he was still very strong in the middle. He suppressed Gasol again. The Spaniard was miserable by many diss in this round of series. After all, after all, the game after the finals was just over 10, which was seriously inconsistent with his giant identity, but Gasol was also very aggrieved This year\'s Garnett is really tough, he has to put a lot of energy on the defensive end, otherwise Garnett is likely to fly higher!

But even so, Garnett still in the interior line to get 6 points in a row, back, back, dunk, Garnett worthy of the title of the fourth position Arsenal!

Not only that, Garnett in the defensive side also achieved the extreme, let alone, see Jifeng a super beautiful turn, a hit three will be successful, Garnett from the flank of the rapid flash, strong make-up defense blocked Jifeng\'s layup, to know Jifeng\'s layup is not good to block, this is the first time this season peak attack was frustrated.

"Come on, boy! This is not a place for you to be a rookie! " Garnett didn\'t care. He was spewing rubbish. He knew that if he didn\'t use all his unique skills, he would have no chance.

After all, even though he played so well, the state of the Lakers has been played out, sitting on the strength of the home court, in the support of tens of thousands of fans, the Lakers attack repeatedly.

Kobe turned back to play with Ray Allen, fake action point open defense, dry pull to get two points!

Fisher\'s three-point miss, Bynum pressure Perkins to fight for the front court rebounds, the ball single handed point goal box!

Ji Feng sneaks the base line to hit the ground and points the ball, and Kobe catches the ball and throws it!

So the third quarter played 6 minutes, the difference is still 8 points, Garnett this adverse cover just won a chance to narrow the score for the green shirt.

However, it is obvious that Jifeng doesn\'t eat garbage words. He has known for a long time that Garnett\'s garbage words are first-class, and the content is real garbage. Most people will spit blood after listening to it, but Jifeng has long been immune to such harm.

You did not block me, that season peak also uses the defense to respond!

The green shirt army attack, the continuous inside line play, let the green shirt army taste the sweet, Ray Allen and pierce at the moment are actively pulling the outside line, Rondo is also making a breakthrough, but Ji Feng knows that this is to create space for the inside line.

Sure enough, after Rondo pretended to break through 10 seconds, Garnett raised the ball, Rondo used to work with the pick and roll, Garnett stopped and went down to score the ball!

It\'s a perfect pick and roll match on the line. Garnett uses his elbow to support Gasol. As long as he gets the basketball, the front is the basket. According to his ability, three-step dribble is a must. Bynum dares to make up for a foul or two plus one, but Ji Feng has been watching their actions!

Predict ahead of time!

Ji Feng jumped high in front of Garnett, a little on the right hand, and pointed the basketball out of Garnett\'s control range.

Fisher was happy to get the basketball, the green army attack failed!

"Oh, roar! This is my territory! "Ji Feng - se shrugged his shoulders and ran fast. Garnett pursued him, but mixed with the third line fast attack, the front court played more than the others.

Fisher points the ball in the middle, Ji Feng catches the ball, dodges in the air and puts the ball into the basket!"Beautiful! Response ball! If you block me, I will break you. In the end, the score is still mine! How wonderful Director Zhang looked at high, this attack and defense look good ~!

The green army\'s momentum was cut off again by the Lakers. In the second half of the third quarter, the two sides adjusted a lot. Rivers replaced James Posey to play a small lineup and strive to score quickly.

While the Lakers went to Radmanovic, the white man\'s first appearance of the game, good performance, big brother in front of him, he followed James Posey, with height to block his score, while limiting the green shirt breakthrough.


The shooting rate of both sides is still moving. Only four to five shots can get one hit. The score has been very low. It is estimated that the record of the lowest score will be created if the score goes on like this.

But stern is not in a hurry. Even if the game is like this, the ratings have been soaring. At the moment, he still sets the highest rating record in NBA Finals history. Everyone is waiting for the beginning of the last quarter!

The third quarter ended like this, the Lakers are still 67-60, maintaining a 7-point advantage!

Championship suspense continues!

Both sides enter the final 12 minutes of the final showdown!

The green army dare not change players. Rivers trusts the five starters at the moment. They are 7 points behind and still play the role of pursuers. Strictly speaking, 7 points is not a big gap. They still have a chance.

However, at the beginning of the fourth quarter, Ji Feng used a sudden three-point shot to give them a slap in the face!

The green army has been shrinking the interior line throughout the game, because the Laker\'s previous tactics are very obvious. Whether it\'s Ji Feng, Kobe, or substitutes, breakthrough with the ball is always the first choice. In the third quarter, the Lakers have only four three-point shots and hit one goal.

This is a very common tactic in this era. When it comes to the critical moment, the more you want to hit the inside line, everyone thinks so.

But unexpectedly, Ji Feng prepared a big gift for them!

This will be the last straw to defeat the green shirt army! , the fastest update of the webnovel!