Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 837

Tony Allen was replaced.

Looking at his sluggish appearance, it is hard to recover from the game. He still paid the price for his wrong choice in the previous games.

This tells us, dirty than is no good end!

Jifeng also used this record to make all his fans out of a bad breath, and let all the sunspots have nothing to say. Jifeng, however, used his own strength to get rid of the opponent, although it seems a little cruel.

However, for this game, Tony Allen is nothing but a small role. After he was replaced, pierce, who had been rested for a long time, returned to the arena, followed by the return of all the main players of both sides.

Both teams know that the appetizer is over, and the next is the real battle. However, Ji Feng\'s dunk has advanced the decisive time a lot. Moreover, the Laker is in full swing at the moment. Ji Feng\'s dunk makes them all look like chicken blood, especially Kobe. At this moment, it\'s a pity that Ji Feng\'s dunk just sat off the court, so he pulled it as soon as he came up Ji Feng, let Ji Feng pass him a ball.

And the Lakers also rely on Ji Feng\'s dunk to lead by 1 point again. Don\'t underestimate this point. Look at the scores of both sides just over 20, you know that in such a level of competition, every point is extremely important.

However, the green shirt army can not be underestimated, their characteristics are very clear, played so many games, even when they lost nearly 20 points, they never thought to give up. This is the most distinctive characteristics of this team, but also the most terrifying point, the Lakers have been reversed in the series, so everything has not been decided, and the green army fans have not given up hope.

Sure enough, as soon as pierce came up, he decisively found Ji Feng. After carrying his back, he turned a light, Golden Rooster independent and threw it backward!

Nuo Tianwang\'s signboard he also used has the model to have the kind, mainly is suddenly changes the style, lets the Jifeng also not have time to seal.

After pitching the ball, pierce pointed to Tony Allen on the bench. It was obvious that it was to avenge him.

But it\'s not a wise decision to challenge Ji Feng at the moment. Ji Feng\'s state is absolutely good after the ball is spilt, and his desire to attack is very high. He doesn\'t worry when he sees Pierce\'s action. When he turns around, he passes a ball directly over his head!

Although there is no dunk, the pass and catch is wonderful enough!

"I\'ll go. Great, JK." Some green shirt fans have to lament JK\'s tacit understanding and invincible strength. The most terrifying thing is that you know that Ji Feng can pass, but you just can\'t prevent it. What\'s more, Kobe\'s underrated pass allows him to switch positions with Ji Feng at any time, just take the ball just now, Ji Feng can also catch the ball, and Kobe can pass accurately!

Just like Magic Johnson said on the sidelines, crazy transposition of No.2 and No.3 positions has never been thought of before, because you can\'t meet such a strong person in a team, but the Lakers have it!

Moreover, on the defensive end, Ji Feng, who just suffered a loss and was beaten by Pierce, will never be in the same place twice. When pierce wants to repeat his old skill, Ji Feng directly chooses to stride forward, and then reaches out his right hand in front of Pierce\'s backward tilt!

Pierce is not the top T-Mac, he has no other people\'s physical fitness, intuitively speaking, he jumps much lower than others!


Jifeng\'s three knuckles blocked Pierce\'s backward shot!

Wonderful attack and defense!

Pierce was blocked quickly adjust the center of gravity, turned around to get the ball, but under the close pressure of Jifeng, Pierce was very uncomfortable, and now Kobe\'s bag in place, pierce staggered to lose the ball

Kobe gets the ball, the Lakers launch a fast break, the green army has no time to defend, Kobe\'s light layup will expand the score to 3 points!

The two rounds seemed like a clarion call, and the Lakers gradually took the initiative. In the second quarter, with JK\'s drive, the Lakers played a 16-8 attack wave in the last five minutes. At the end of the second quarter, the score of both sides was 40-32, and the difference was widened to 8 points in one fell swoop!

The balance of victory began to tilt in the direction of the Lakers!

"In the second quarter, Ji Feng continued to work hard, with 8 points and 3 assists in the offensive end, 12 points and 5 assists in the half-time, 6 rebounds and 1 block for Kobe, 13 points and 5 rebounds for Kobe. JK is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to the Laker\'s lead. Although the green shirt defense is still tight, they are trapped in the second and third positions, and the attack can\'t open up the situation, resulting in the defense being affected. Rivers should think of a way, his eyes should be It\'s time to change. You have three giants Smith said in the studio.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that at the moment, the green shirt army has already stood on the edge of the cliff, only one step away from falling completely.

At the moment, the green army dressing room, the atmosphere is very dignified, the elimination of the clouds began to gather, all faces are not smiling.

"Do not let go! We\'re going to lock JK\'s connection! Don\'t let them cooperate easily! Let them attack themselves! As soon as you get in there, you\'ll wrap it up The defensive coach roared through the dressing room and JK scored 25 points in the first half, which was the biggest reason for their passivity.But even though he yelled so, who knows that defending JK is just like defending OK in those years, which can be called an unsolved problem, so it still needs to be solved from the offensive side!

"Hit the ball inside! Ray Allen, look for opportunities on the outside! Pierce, you feint! Bring Ji Feng away Rivers finally made a decision, he decided to give up the attack season peak that point, let Garnett in the interior looking for singles and passing opportunities!

Rivers\'s choice is really helpless. In this era, it\'s really important to open position 3, but he can\'t help it. He has tried all the methods to deal with Ji Feng, but all failed. Ji Feng is really too difficult to deal with!

He is now a little envious of the coaches who fought against O\'Neal. You can believe that at least O\'Neal can chop sharks, but since the season peak playoffs, 98% of the free throw percentage has been achieved, and if you cut him, you will give points!

"Give it to me!" Garnett nodded, then stood up and called out to everyone, "guys! Don\'t give up, we still have a chance! We are the pride of Boston people! We will not give up! "

15 minutes over!

The second half of the game finally began!

The green army didn\'t change players, so did the Lakers!

The atmosphere of the scene was a little hot and dry. Now, only half-time, the champion really belongs to the Lakers, which makes the live Lake honey some fluctuations.

But as soon as he came up, Garnett broke through the Lakers defense line and announced to everyone that they had not given up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!