Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 828

ESPN\'s words are enough to arouse people\'s sympathy. Ji Feng\'s continuous super performance in a season has changed from a drop draft that was still ordinary to no one\'s attention last year, and even didn\'t cause much trouble in the draft. He gradually grew into the first Asian outside player who can be based in the NBA, then he became the main force of the Laker, and became a big three and a superstar through magic play, Become super giant.

What? You say he\'s been in the League for a year, isn\'t it?!

If you think so, then you must not have seen Jifeng\'s game, because every game of Jifeng is almost in response to those who question, he is not super giant, who is super giant!

Ji Feng\'s experience is too legendary. He has risen so fast that people seem to forget that he is just a player who has just entered the NBA for a season, and still holds the bottom salary in the NBA. People seem to be used to Ji Feng\'s coming out of the field, dominating the game and doing things that look fantastic.

Especially for the Laker fans, as long as Jifeng is on the court, they always feel that the game is promising, which is the trust Jifeng brings to them!

Take a look at today\'s game, Ji Feng played 38 minutes, 14 of 19 shots, 2 of 3 of 3, 8 of 8 free throws. With 73% of the shooting percentage, he effectively cut 38 points, 16 assists and 11 rebounds, as well as 6 incredible blocks and 3 steals!

And if you watch the whole game in a minute, you will know that Jifeng\'s scores, rebounds, blocks, steals and other data are not painted out, but most of them come from the most critical and exciting time.

For example, he blocked Perkins with iron and blood, for example, five blocked and three hooded players, and even more like the continuous response ball with Pierce. There are too many, Ji Feng will hardly be absent from every critical moment, let alone be soft at the critical moment!

After the playoffs, Jifeng is the king of key balls!

Needless to say, the other data is incomparable. It\'s hard to find such data in the history of the finals for so many years.

Not to mention this game, but Ji Feng came back from the line of fire after two injured games, playing the most important data in the away game of tianwangshan, such performance is enough to shock.

Just as Yu Jia said after the game, looking at Ji Feng who held his hands up to celebrate: "Ji Feng never said much, he always used his own practical actions to prove himself. How can such a player not be loved?"

And Zhang said: "this game reminds me of Jordan\'s game, so super giant has the same characteristics, which make them different!"

Coach Zhang said that game was very famous in NBA history. In the 1997 finals, the bulls and jazz played hard in the first four games with a score of 2-2. At that time, the Bulls faced a situation very similar to that of today\'s Los Angeles.

The same away game, the same Tianwang mountain, the same magical situation!

Before Game 5 of the 1997 finals, Jordan had diarrhea, high fever and severe dehydration. When everyone thought Jordan would not be on the court, Jordan miraculously appeared.

At half-time, Jordan lay down in the dressing room. Doctors were helpless except for coffee. When the bulls were desperate, Jordan came back again in the second half. He also hit the three points to help the Bulls lock in the victory.

In this game, Jordan played for 44 minutes, got 38 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 steals from 13 of 27 shots, helped the Bulls win the tianwangshan battle, and finally successfully solved the Jazz in Game 6 when he returned to the home court and won his fifth championship in his career!

Jordan\'s career is absolutely legendary, and this game is definitely one of his career masterpieces!

That game also let Jordan completely ecstasy, let everyone see what is the real iron on the court, what is the real champion\'s heart!

As hard man Rodman said after the game, Michael conquered everyone!

And today, 10 years later, Ji Feng also played his best playoff game in tianwangshan. After the same injury, he came back again. The process was different, but the spirit was the same!

ESPN even put up the title of "Jifeng\'s first World War" after the game, and believed that this game would be one of Jifeng\'s career masterpieces and an indelible historical record in NBA history!

Oh, speaking of the record, Jifeng won his sixth triple double in the playoffs, becoming the second Laker to achieve triple doubles in the finals this season, and the fourth player in the history of the Lakers to win triple doubles in the finals after Magic Johnson, James walsy and Kobe!

What\'s more terrifying is that Jifeng has only played 17 playoff games since his playoff career. He has cut six triple doubles in 17 games, and the triple double rate is amazing.

You know, James has played four seasons, so far he has not won triple doubles in the finals, and there are only three triple doubles in the playoffs.

Jifeng has also become one of the top five players in the triple doubles list of NBA playoffs. Although according to the changes of the league\'s playing methods, the latter three doubles may be better. However, many authoritative statistical organizations still list Jifeng as the largest candidate in the triple doubles list of the playoffs, and think that it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Kidd.Even rivers had to admit after the game that he had tried everything to end the season peak, but they failed to do it.

"For Ji Feng, I can\'t think of any way to stop him on the court except not allowing him to play. He is too comprehensive. He is proficient in almost all the weapons used to kill the enemy on the court. Any of his skills are perfect."

Rivers\'s words in addition to praise, more like helpless, they can do have done, but they really can not limit Jifeng ah.

"Next game Tony Allen will be released. Will you send him back?" One reporter asked, which is also a concern of many people.

"I\'ll see you then." Rivers did not say much, but turned to leave, it seems that Tony Allen can not give Jifeng revenge, it is not known.

The green shirts left in a hurry after being interviewed. They still have a lot to do to get back the score, so they will fly directly to Los Angeles tonight!

The Lakers are not so easy to leave because they are the focus of hundreds of reporters around the world!

"Jifeng will undoubtedly continue his legend, and the Lakers are only one step away from winning the championship again, but the Celtics certainly don\'t want to give up the victory, so the G6 will undoubtedly be more wonderful!"

"Two days later, let\'s meet staples!"

With Yu Jia\'s hasty ending, the game officially came to an end, and the north bank garden, the press conference will begin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!