Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 827

"Yes! Yes! I knew it! I knew I would win! " When Ray Allen lost the last desperate three points, the referee whistled and the red light came on. The hot bar threw the things in his hands to the ceiling. Then he jumped on the sofa excitedly and hugged Avril, who was equally excited and even threw out the wine cup. The two girls just rolled and made a group.

"Ah! Jifeng is so handsome! It\'s not too hot. You\'ve developed very well! I\'m jealous of Ji Feng! "

If Ji Feng is here, he will feel a game. The city people really know how to play. Can you take me with you next time

Next door, the excited Olsen sisters danced wildly for a long time. Their hair swayed with a sense. It was not the first time they did it. Then they were brought into the battle group by the two sisters next door who had played high!

For them, a crazy party because of Ji Feng officially started!

And such madness is not an example. At the moment of winning, countless beer drinks and mineral water poured into the sky on the square outside staples. With tens of thousands of people shouting, "we are the champion, we have won", Los Angeles is doomed to be sleepless tonight!

Buss stroked the cigar in his hand in his office, and his face was full of happy smile. After being the boss of the Lakers for so long, it was definitely a very happy thing for him to win the Celtics, especially in the north shore garden, the place where countless Lakers had been disillusioned, so he desperately wanted a cigar.

He was very old. The doctor strictly prohibited him from smoking and cigars, but he still couldn\'t change it, but this time, he resisted.

"There\'s another one. I can\'t help it!" Said old bass in a low voice, then put the cigar in his hand solemnly in the cupboard, and then stood up and cried, "inform the charter plane, and bring back our hero overnight!"

And in distant China, the celebration is even more crazy, after all, it is still day, there is enough time to let excited fans vent their strength!

"Do it! I\'m going to have NBA champion teammates! Cool! Jifeng is a bull This is what Lin Chong, a secondary school student in secondary school, called out in class, but no one paid attention to it at the moment. At the moment, the whole attached high school of Jiaotong University has become a sea of joy, and even the trumpet of the school is announcing the news!

Now sun Zhihao has become the envy of many people. This is the first witness of the legendary road of Jifeng. At the beginning, it was an honor to be separated by Jifeng. Don\'t you look at the people who are separated by Jifeng. Can ordinary people be separated by Jifeng!

In the interior of JY entertainment, the sound of joy can be heard from almost every floor of a dozen floors, especially in the normally solemn and quiet chairman\'s room. It is said that Chairman Ji Ran\'s happy laughter can be heard across the floor.

However, this is very understandable. As many people of the older generation said, anyone who has a child like Ji Feng will definitely wake up laughing in his dream.

"It\'s a cow! fucking great! Jifeng, it\'s amazing XJ basketball team rest room, today they did not train, but organized to watch the wonderful yellow and green war, Keran has now become a Jifeng iron fan, as Ji Feng abused people, he is still a little proud.

In front of him, Yu Jia was shouting excitedly on the TV:

"the Lakers won! The Lakers won! The Lakers made history! They broke through the North Bank Garden stadium for the first time this season, successfully breaking the curse of losing to opponents in three consecutive games this season! At the same time, the advantage of these four points also made the Lakers win the finals of tianwangshan successfully, taking the lead in the 7-game 4-win series

"At the same time, it also gives the Lakers the absolute initiative in this season\'s championship competition! The next game will return to staples, Los Angeles, where it will determine the final ownership of the O\'Brien Cup this season

"What a wonderful match! This is the best game of my career! It\'s a great honor to be able to explain such a competition! "

Yujia is also high. It should be said that all the Asian journalists in the media press gallery have been high!

"Congratulations to the Lakers" is a perennial cry in this area!

At the end of the moment, Zhang directly jumped up regardless of his 60 years old. First, he turned around two times, and then clapped hands with every excited staff, as if he had succeeded in bidding for the Olympic Games.

And the Korean reporter next door was even more excited than them. A girl who looked like a star directly burst into tears, laughing and crying. I didn\'t know that Ji Feng was really a Korean

Then back to the anchor box, the first sentence is: "Ji Feng, Obasa wave, hey!"

However, at the moment, the stadium that makes these happy days has a sense of ice and fire. After Ray Allen lost the ball, the whole North Bank Garden fell into silence. Regrets and tears filled every fan\'s heart and face.

They didn\'t win three games in a row at home, which means they\'ve been extremely passive in the finals this season, and they need to win two games in a row at Staples.

This is a desperate difficulty!

On the field, Ray Allen turned away without saying a word after losing the ball. His back was a little lonely. The hero who came on the stage to save the team failed to complete such a miracle again, but the green army fans still gave him applause.Garnett squatted in the penalty area, face is the regret and unwilling to lose, he tried his best this game, but the game is so cruel.

And pierce played his team leader\'s responsibility, although everyone can see his loss, but he still comfort the lost teammates in turn, let them cheer up.

"We haven\'t lost yet!" This is the only thing he said in an interview.

"See you in Los Angeles! Believe me, I will bring the champion back here Rivers said that although he naturally knows the difficulty of the next game, as a coach, he has to give the team strength at the moment!

The green shirts simply thank the field and then left, did not say hello to the Lakers, this is not theirs for the time being.

The Lakers, on the other hand, give priority to the game. When the whistle rings, Ji Feng is surrounded. They throw Ji Feng into the sky, which is the recognition of his game!

"Ji Feng\'s performance is really excellent! He once again proved his value to everyone. I personally think that he is absolutely worth a top salary contract! No, not too much! This guy was born for the court Barkley said after seeing the scene.

"No team doesn\'t want to have this guy! It\'s hard to believe that this season\'s peak is only $1.5 million a year, which is probably the most terrifying investment return ratio in NBA history ESPN\'s commentary says. , the fastest update of the webnovel!