Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 820

"Jifeng, a beautiful cover! However, Celtic\'s attack is not over. Although Rondo is blocked, the attack time still has 15 seconds, which can completely organize an attack Yu Jia said.

Although Jifeng is very wonderful from the help defense, Rondo\'s blocked limit has not been reflected, standing around the baseline foolishly, but Yu Jia\'s heart is this season peak\'s routine operation, Rondo so breakthrough is his own too much, the Laker defense how has so many vacant blocks, so obviously lures the enemy depth not to understand

Well, it looks like Rondo has a long way to go before he wants to be a coach

In fact, Yujia wants to say that if you look at Pierce, people will not be in a hurry, but because Jia has just finished, pierce, who picked up a basketball fan out by Ji Feng at the top of the arc, kills the basketball under the basket, almost the same route as Rondo

Pierce\'s choice is actually open to question. Because of Jifeng\'s blocking, the defense of the Lakers is changing at the moment. Pearce is standing in front of Farmar, who is totally impossible to limit his height and weight. Compared with the breakthrough, in fact, when the Lakers won\'t recover from Ji Feng\'s supplementary defense, they can just shoot directly, which was in the previous game it is often seen.

But pierce chose to break through, although he hit Farmar as soon as he sank his shoulder, but it also gave the Lakers reaction time directly, especially the season peak!

He has not yet recovered from the excitement of the first block of the game, he saw another big man in the direction of the inside line. He has just finished blocking Ji Feng, who is full of blood, and directly lives on it!

He didn\'t even know who was coming, so he blocked Pierce\'s breakthrough route ahead of time, then jumped high and raised his right arm!

"Pierce killed the basketball again, and it was Ji Feng\'s position. Ji Feng directly jumped up vertically. My God, it was too high. Even if pierce raised his hand shape, Ji Feng still played basketball! Block your opponent again Yujia was excited this time. He blocked his opponent twice in a round. This is what top insiders can do. Jifeng did it directly with his super bounce ability!

Is this the dignity of a dunk king king in ten years!

The take-off height of Jifeng is too high. Pierce didn\'t expect that Jifeng could jump so high. The shot in a hurry was still half knuckle hit by Jifeng.

But half a knuckle is not enough to hit the ball far away, the ball fell into Pierce\'s hands, pierce holding the ball is a half turn, at this time the position can be a turning throw!

However, Ji Feng pressed on Pierce after landing, and pierce took off twice. Obviously, the height of take-off was not enough, which made Ji Feng seize the opportunity to shoot the basketball again!

Half a knuckle!

"OhMyGod! Cover pierce twice in a row!" Fans can\'t sit still, many fans mouth has been unconsciously grown to the largest, eyes stare with the general brass bell!

Pierce has been crazy, his anger blinded his eyes, twice blocked ah, no one can stand, so he got the ball again, directly sank into Ji Feng, slow three steps to break through the low hand lay up!

However, Ji Feng was also angry and directly carried pierce with his body. Even though pierce exhausted all his strength, Jifeng still followed him, without losing his position. He followed pierce to complete three slow steps. Then, at the moment of Pierce\'s hand, Ji Feng pressed his big hand on Pierce\'s basketball again!


Cover three times!

Not only that, Pierce was pushed out by the huge power of Jifeng, and then he was pushed out by Jifeng with his hands. After a stagger, he fell on the floor!

Between electric light and flint!

Fans already feel that their eyes are not enough!

It took less than 8 seconds for Ji Feng to cover three times in a row, but this eight seconds is almost the most wonderful eight seconds of the game!

At this time, all the commentators have been crazy. They have blocked pierce three times in a row, and have overturned Pierce, who is famous for his physical strength, to the ground. Including gelondo, he has completed four blocks in a single round. This is so fantastic!

In the luxury villa in Cleveland, James stood up and jumped the banana brothers beside him. James was also a blocking expert on position three. However, he thought it was difficult to do this round. It was Pierce\'s limitation that led to the knight\'s exit. Pierce\'s strength could not be clearer.

"This guy It\'s crazy James said.

With his voice, the basketball in the camera slowly bounces near the sideline, and the Lakers are not moving. They are all stunned by Ji Feng\'s fierce operation in this round.

And being here is the right choice

And the green army is also the same. Basically, only one person\'s head is still awake. That is, Ray Allen, who witnessed Pierce\'s abuse all the time, has four seconds to attack at the moment. He is not far away from the basketball, so he runs two steps directly and wants to directly back up three-point shot to get the basketball. Anyway, time is not enough, throw it out and earn money!

Ji Feng felt that he was just like seeing his relatives when he saw Ray Allen\'s action because he was still very sorry. Although he blocked the opponent four times in a row, if it wasn\'t five times, his task was still not completed. This defense was not a complete success for him, but the action of Ray Allen showed him the last one Hope!Jifeng is moving again!

Hunger and tiger feed!

Jifeng burned all his energy. It is necessary to complete the miracle of sealing five times in a row in this last chance!

As soon as Ray Allen got the ball, he found that he had a defender in front of him. It looked like he was running for the cover.

But at the moment, with less than two seconds left, Ray Allen has already had to serve. He does not even have too much time to adjust. He picks up the ball from the floor and throws it near the basket!

However, because of the low jumping point of basketball, his shooting point is too low!

At the moment of his hand, he saw a purple gold figure of the Olympic Games jumping up high, even blocking the light on the ceiling!

"At this height, can you touch the upper edge of the backboard..." That\'s Ray Allen\'s voice at the moment.

Then he heard a soft "pa!"

That dark shadow flies past him, dawn, there are basketball traces in front of him, some are just red lights on the backboard!

24 seconds green shirt!

But at the moment, the eyes of the whole world are focused on the figure near the technical platform!

In a single round, he blocked three players in a row, blocked pierce three times in a row, and completely ended the opponent\'s attack in 24 seconds with a cap, up to 5 shots!

Ji Feng created a miracle in NBA history!

"Come on!" Ji Feng bow body roars! , the fastest update of the webnovel!