Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 819

Pierce came with his elbow on his elbow. Ji Feng held up his arms and bravely shouldered the impact of Pierce. However, pierce opened the space, a middle shot after a sudden stop.

Hit the board into the basket!

"Come on! You can\'t stop me!" Pierce raised his arm and roared, and his face became more ferocious.

"Go on! I\'ll stop you! " Jifeng also did not advise, direct return, this ball pierce strictly speaking has fouls suspicion, after all, he had on the elbow, this ball is difficult to stop.

But after all, it\'s the north shore garden. The referee didn\'t blow Jifeng and couldn\'t say anything, but he wanted to block pierce more!

"Jifeng again head on Pierce, this ball pierce a little foul, but the goal is still very beautiful, the second quarter also changed the trend, now also continuously got 7 points, depends on Jifeng how to respond!" Cried Yu Jia.

And the fans are also excited, hit to now, both sides of the gunpowder smell is finally playing out!

Yes, after the ball, Ji Feng also had a similar style. He asked at the top of the arc, but he didn\'t make any mistakes. He took the ball directly to pierce, and his gravity was very low, which made it difficult for pierce to defend. Meanwhile, Jifeng was not a loser. He was not a man with elbows, but also friends!


With pierce a dull hum, Jifeng directly from his right to wipe the past, a step will pierce a clean!

Although the green shirt army\'s defense is in place, Ji Feng\'s three-step bomb throwing makes the basketball hit accurately!


Response ball!

Jifeng chooses to use a hard fight against a hard fight. If you hit me, I will return one. After the goal, Jifeng responded to pierce with his eyes. If you want to fight, fight!

"Whoa ~ ~"

there was a burst of exclamations on the spot. Pierce was pushed away by Ji Feng in the physical confrontation, which was rare in the competition. Even in this year\'s eastern semi-final, James could hardly pass pierce like this.

Ji Feng is a pervert!

But the Laker fans love it!

On the spot, Shen Yang has jumped from the position of the media area. It has to be said that this fierce confrontation makes Ji Feng full of charm.

"Do it! This guy Pierce\'s anger has been completely picked up now, he would like to have a real PK with Jifeng now!

"Paul! You have to calm down! That\'s the kid\'s trick! Don\'t be fooled, we have a good momentum, don\'t conflict with him! " At this time, Garnett passed by and took Pierce\'s shoulders and said, "at this time, the green shirt army dares to say such words to the angry Pierce.

I have to say, Garnett saw very clearly. As a good at this way, Garnett has already understood Jifeng\'s plan!

Jifeng now is to let pierce lose his cool, let him fall into the personal entanglement with Jifeng, so as to minimize the power of the three giants.

Just don\'t look at pierce playing very happy, but look at the score, the second quarter still has 5 minutes, the score is 56-46, the difference is still 10, the score has not been narrowed, that is to say, the Lakers still control the initiative on the court, the green shirt except Pierce, most of the time the rest of the spectators, the biggest role is to turn back.

"Hoo, you\'re right, Kevin. I know what to do." Pierce said with a breath. Garnett said it well. Now it seems that there are times when he can show off.

So the green team in the second attack, Pierce\'s second session of the first time, inside Perkins to catch the ball to play the board, easy to get two points.

"Shit, I\'m not fooled." Ji Feng has some regrets. These guys are really old people. If you want to use them, it\'s not so simple.

However, Ji Feng quickly adjusted his mentality and began to play step by step. He was still very tough. The defensive side snatched the points of Perkins and Rondo, and successfully assisted Kobe to complete two wonderful fast break dunks.

But the green army also returned to the right track, the defense strength increased sharply, in addition to the two steals, they successfully defended the Lakers two attacks for 24 seconds, and in the offensive means, pierce did not play his own singles, Garnett, Ray Allen all got points.

At the end of the second section, the two sides played a single 24-24, and opened a 55.

Jifeng still played well, single section to get 7 points 4 assists, half-time to get 25 points, 11 assists and 6 rebounds of double data, once again proved his invincible state!

"Although Ji Feng\'s scoring and assists are all down, Ji Feng has put his energy into the defensive end. Two steals and one block are just the tip of the iceberg for this season\'s peak." Smith on the season peak performance or highly appreciated, after all, the first quarter to get 18 points, can still be based on defense is a very difficult thing.

But where does he know, Ji Feng, this is for his big blueprint

At the end of the 15 minute interval, both sides returned to the field. To tell the truth, the wonderful half court ball just now fully aroused the enthusiasm of fans all over the world, and the ratings continued to soar. Even if it was a 15 minute break, it was still high.

And the fans on the Internet are analyzing whether Jifeng in the second half will give us a wonderful performance."I don\'t think you need to worry about it. It\'s Jifeng." Barkley said.

But even Barkley couldn\'t have guessed that it was so fast, so incredible!

In the third quarter, the Lakers let Kobe rest, Jifeng took Bynum, Turiaf, Fisher and Farmar on the field, while the Celtics next door played Pierce, James Posey, Davis, Rondo and Ray Allen to play a small team!

The first goal of the green shirt army ball right, this side of the director Zhang is still analyzing, there Rondo suddenly started, directly with the ball to the Laker forbidden area, a look is to come by himself.

Rondo scored 11 points in the half-time today. He felt good, so he didn\'t take himself seriously when he looked at the defensive formation of the Lakers. He just wanted to play the Lakers, but he didn\'t have a firm foothold!

He chose to break from Farmar\'s left side, which was the weak point of the Lakers\' defense. Two big men in the interior were taken to the right by the green shirt inside. Turiaf didn\'t move fast. This is indeed a breakthrough opportunity!

But he ignored the bottom corner of the season peak!

"Opportunity!" Jifeng sweeps to longduo\'s trend, crabs move horizontally, accurately predict the position, and make up for longduo\'s direction!

"Thief! The thief Green bench is just in this position, see Jifeng action after Garnett directly stood up and yelled.

But the future of long guidance also reputation so strong, he found that when Ji Feng has jumped over, and he a natural and unrestrained low hand layup action has been completely completed, so he can only reluctantly accept a cover covering the sky!


Ji Feng slapped the ball out of the three-point line!

Perfect patching cover!

But now, outside green shirt army pierce has got the basketball! , the fastest update of the webnovel!