Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 810

Although director Zhang said that, anyone could hear the regret in his tone. Without Jifeng, even if the game was very exciting, he always felt a little bit missing.

The feeling of director Zhang also represents the aspirations of countless Chinese fans. We should know that the first two games of this year\'s finals have attracted unprecedented attention in China. Whether in the company or in school, the NBA finals are the most discussed topic among people.

When you walk on the street, you can see the posters related to Jifeng at any time. It\'s the same with all kinds of surrounding cities, even small cities on the 18th line. SH and even the subway are related to the publicity of the finals. The huge posters of Jifeng appear in the most prosperous areas of sh. although many of them are pirated due to the national conditions, they also represent the general trend of Jifeng The general trend in China.

CCTV\'s live broadcast has repeatedly set the highest rating record of NBA in China. The ratings of Pisa love with Ji Feng\'s participation have been exaggerated, reaching an incredible number in just one year.

After incomplete statistics, the number of people watching the first two games was more than 100 million. This is a terrible number. In the sports circle, only the time when 02 entered the world cup can match it. This is still the case with which Tencent and other network live broadcasts are shunted. Otherwise, it will be more terrifying.

However, due to the absence of season peak and the loss of the Lakers in the third game, the ratings were seriously reduced, which was less than half of the second game, which showed the impact of the absence of season peak.

Not only did the ratings drop, but many students in schools also felt that the games they had been looking forward to were meaningless. Many students shifted their attention from television to the magazine that reported the latest situation of Jifeng every day.

This situation has also been captured by the media, which jokingly calls it "Jifeng disease!"

To the surprise of many domestic media, this situation also appears in Asian cities such as South Korea and Japan.

After Ji Feng was injured, many loyal fans of Jifeng went to the streets to pray for Jifeng\'s early return to the game. Many soft and cute neon girls even regarded Jifeng as a real-life version of Liu Chuan Feng, and the title of man was widely spread, which made people feel that the culture of neon was different.

If Ji Feng knows this, because he will be very grateful to the Japanese girls who have not seen too many indescribable videos Cough.

As a big variety show country in Asia, South Korea mentioned the injury of Ji Feng in many variety shows, and gave a rare blessing, which makes people think that Korean people have changed sex.

The main reason is that Jifeng has become the most popular foreigner of the young generation in South Korea in just one year. The popularity of Jifeng in South Korea is no worse than that of the powerful men\'s group. On the contrary, due to the handsome appearance and Iron-blooded style of Jifeng, many young people are competing to imitate Jifeng\'s private clothes and style. Many Korean idols regard Ji Feng as their ideal After all, in their opinion, NBA superstars are absolute stars, and their mass production stars are not at the same level.

This kind of situation naturally spreads to the domestic, at present the Korean current day current is in vogue, Ji Feng really is to give the domestic long face, a world-class idol is rising slowly.

So it\'s no wonder that after Ji Feng was injured, many official media rushed to send blessing to Jifeng.

Well, back to the north bank garden, all the starting players of both sides have appeared. There is no change between the two teams\' starting and the third game. Up to now, all that can be adjusted is to see the on-the-spot state and to adapt to circumstances.

Bynum won the jump ball. The spirit of the whole game of the Laker players is obviously different. Each face has a fierce force. They are here to fight for the green army!

The first ball, the Lakers will give the ball to Bynum, who won the ball inside. In the face of Perkins who suppressed him in the previous few games, Bynum didn\'t advise him this time. He dribbled the ball on his back and turned to hook after two strokes!

"Good ball!" Jifeng whistled, before the game season peak is also specially to find Bynum let him hard, it seems to be a little useful.

In fact, Perkins is not as tall and long as Bynum, and his footwork and attack are average. According to the truth, Bynum will not suffer losses. In fact, he has a strong defense, but his momentum is very bluffing, and he is also ferocious. It is estimated that this will add to defense. Anyway, Bynum did not have an advantage in the previous games.

But today, I don\'t know whether Ji Feng\'s words played a role or whether Bynum suddenly rose. Anyway, he played Perkins four times in a row on the offensive end, scoring eight points in a row, and the defensive end also gave Rondo a big hat that could block the sun from the sky!

And the rate may be really a little too happy by Ji Feng\'s affair. The first quarter is big and soft, and the shooting is the same. Pierce even went straight to a handsome and pressing three not touch, almost killing the photographer.

"Did he go to the nightclub last night Barkley asked the following questions.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers led by 7 points, 27-20!

In the second quarter, the situation was still not improved. The green shirt played too casually, as if he couldn\'t lift his spirits. Pierce continued to play iron, which made Vujacic feel too comfortable. Ray Allen was also entangled by Kobe. In the half-time, he threw out a three-point pop-up, only Garnett remained stable. In the second quarter, he got 8 points and 4 rebounds, and 14 points and 8 rebounds in the half-time It\'s to stabilize the situation for the green shirts.However, the Lakers still lead 12 points in the half-time, which is the biggest lead of the away game, and the best play is not Kobe and Gasol, but Bynum!

Shaq proved himself tonight. After 9 points in the first quarter, he made 3 fouls for Perkins in the second quarter. Not only that, Bynum got three front court rebounds and six points in a single quarter, and 15 points in the half was the highest score in the whole game.

"The Lakers seem to have found their inner support today, and Bynum has finally played the level that people expect him to play!" Yu Jia said.

The outstanding performance in the half also let the Laker fans see the hope of counterattack, while the green army fans were silent. They were just happy that Ji Feng couldn\'t come back. If they lost like this, their faces would hurt.

However, in the third quarter, pierce, who had been sleeping for half a night, finally woke up like a dream. He ran two three points and a middle shot, scoring 8 points in a row, reducing the difference to 6 points.

But the Lakers still played tough, Kobe came forward to lead the court, single quarter 16 points, let the Lakers into the fourth quarter still lead by 7 points!

In the first half of the fourth quarter, the scores of both sides rose alternately. Jifeng also stood up at the moment. The whole garden on the north bank was coagulated!

However, in the last four minutes, the situation suddenly changed, and Ray Allen continuously put in the immortal ball, including a super long-distance three-point ball, and the green army in the last 13 seconds turned the score over one minute!

"Shit! What a bad luck Jifeng secretly scolded, such a ball can be thrown into, is really the North Bank Garden buff bonus ah!

While the Lakers called out a pause, Kobe Bryant to carry out the last attack, in the long hiss, the green shirt army defense is not airtight, when Kobe finally received the ball, he had been squeezed almost no space to shoot.

One last shot in a hurry!

108-107, the Lakers lost one point to Boston! , the fastest update of the webnovel!