Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 809

Don\'t underestimate the speed of media news transmission in this era. Jifeng arrived in Boston only half an hour ago, and the whole world knew his whereabouts.

Moreover, soon, the picture of Ji Feng\'s serious leaning on crutches appeared on major websites. In the following hours, various analysis and speculation about Ji Feng\'s injury became the most popular topic in the sports circle. Even the domestic sports channels were broadcasting the intermission of table tennis matches, and the scene pictures of Ji Feng in the airport were shown to compete with the national football team, It can be seen that everyone\'s attention to Jifeng.

However, the appearance of the seasonal peak still seems to be bad news

Although it has not been officially confirmed, from the photos, Ji Feng\'s recovery is not optimistic. Moreover, the identity of Ji Feng\'s Asians aggravates this concern. After all, in the past, Asians were the same as Dayao in NBA. Otherwise, they would not be injured. Once they were injured, they would fall apart.

Can, Ji Feng\'s injury and Dayao\'s are the same, simply not as simple as it seems

This sentiment reached its peak after many people in the basketball circle joined in. Su Qun and Yang Yi gave their blessing to Ji Feng in the media. Dayao, a Lian and others also wish Ji Feng a recovery in Japan

This is a very reasonable thing, but at this juncture, let the season peak injury aggravation, can not return as expected time more sit down.

Jifeng and the Laker fans were silent. The fans who had just lost G4 seemed to make the situation worse. Looking at the serious analysis, everyone seemed to believe that Jifeng would not pay any more.

As for why it is not announced, it is naturally because it can not be announced, because everyone knows what the injury of Ji Feng means. If it is announced at this moment, it will certainly seriously frustrate the morale of the Lakers, and greatly strengthen the momentum of the green army in the second time, so that the future game of the Lakers will be more difficult.

There are also netizens\' serious analysis, saying that maybe Ji Feng\'s injury is not very clear at the moment, or the Laker team is strictly confidential. Maybe the news released is that Ji Feng is likely to catch up with the later games, thus stimulating the Laker players and confusing the opponents by the way.

It\'s wonderful anyway!

If you open any forum on the Internet, you can feel that it\'s a pity that these guys don\'t write novels.

Well, netizens are like this. You don\'t need to tell him anything. You just need to give him a little head start, and he will make up a complete play by himself.


But this is what Jifeng wants!

Back to this morning, Ji Feng made a special call to Buss and Kupchak before leaving. He explained in detail his recovery from injury and his feelings. Most importantly, Jifeng put forward his plan and was approved by the two giants of the Lakers.

The theme of the plan is to release smoke bombs to let the green shirts relax their vigilance!

This is common in previous basketball, football and other team games, but it is very easy to use, the feeling of returning on the spot will greatly damage the morale of the opponent!

After hearing this, Buss even said half jokingly, "I think you\'ll be as good as Jerry West when you\'re retired."

This can be regarded as a high praise. After all, although West has only one champion on the field, he is definitely the strongest person in the League for so many years in the position of general manager. He has created many dynasties with one hand, which is more powerful than Joe.

So some geniuses are geniuses. No matter where they are, they will shine. Obviously, old bass thinks that Jifeng will be such a person in the future.

Is it that Ji Feng is not worried about such a person? His career is still long. Now he wants to know whether it is too long after he retires. He wants to know how much effect this plan has.

At the moment, Kobe said that the only thing Kobe Bryant said about taking off his boots was that he had to get back to the training center for the first time.

When you look at it, you suddenly realize that, combined with the daily life of Jifeng, the fool knows that the news outside is another big play.

"Terrible!" This was Farmar\'s first thought.

"It\'s good I\'m with the Lakers!" Bynum scratched his head.

"Now the championship is stable." This is to lie on the crown

In short, the team is still stable and orderly preparing for G4.

but at the moment, the north shore garden, the Celtics in training have also received news, seriously, whether Jifeng can return and when is a hot topic after the green shirt army training in the last two days. After all, the days without Ji Feng are really cool.

But today, the training is very warm, everybody\'s face laughs happily, including rivers

"Train well! Practice tactics at night! No matter what the opponent is, we will win it! " \'cried rivers, but the smile on his lips betrayed him


June 13!

North Bank Garden Arena!

The final G4 is about to start here!

This game is still very important for the pattern of the finals. If the green shirt team can go to the next city, the total score will be pulled to 2-2, and the two teams will return to the same running line.It is said that the same running line, but in fact, it is absolutely beneficial to the green army. After all, the fifth game will also be held here, and Celtic, who still have home advantage in those two consecutive games, will have the absolute initiative and will have a great probability of winning Tianwang mountain.

Therefore, today\'s game still attracted tens of thousands of fans to watch, and the front row tickets were sold out early. Moreover, the tickets in the first row had been fried to $30000, which set a record for the finals tickets. This is not what ordinary local tyrants cannot enter.

But even so, it is still difficult to get a ticket, which also leads to the stars shining in the front row today. In addition to the famous green army stars, many stars have traveled far away to feel Boston.

What attracted them to come is not only the competition itself, but also Ji Feng, who is sitting on the sideline in a slim suit today!

Looking at Ji Feng sitting on the sideline still wearing protective boots, many people have shown such an expression, it seems that Ji Feng is really not good.

"Audience friends! This is CCTV sports channel! You\'re watching game 4 of the 2007-2008 NBA finals! The game is still playing at Boston Celtics\' north shore garden stadium

"I\'m the host Yujia!"

"I\'m Zhang Weiping!"

"This game has been said before, it\'s important for both sides, but it\'s still a little bad for the Lakers. After all, Ji Feng is still on the injury list. I can see from the camera that Ji Feng, a suit in a suit, clapped hands with every teammate. Although he can\'t get on, he still uses his own way to cheer for the team." Yu Jia said.

"I hope the Lakers play their own style, no matter Jifeng can come back, I hope the two teams play a wonderful game." Zhang Weiping said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!