Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 798

"Play by yourself! Do whatever you want That\'s what Jackson said to Kobe before he went on the court.

After all, that\'s how they played in a few seasons after O\'Neal left the team. At that time, the only role of point guard was to dribble to find Kobe Bryant in the half-time, and the role of the inside line was to rebound and open up space.

Jackson pinned the hope of this game on the individual ability of Kobe and Gasol. Ji Feng\'s injury almost completely disrupted the Laker\'s tactical system. After all, in the whole Laker\'s tactics, Jifeng\'s role is really too important.

And now it\'s the last quarter, even if Zen master again God, he can\'t adjust in such a short time, let alone develop any new tactics, even if the players can\'t accept, it\'s better to let them just let go of their own!

After all, a qualified coach should first understand the situation on the field. Sometimes, the more cooperation, the better. Sometimes, it is a good thing to play simply, especially when the team has been infinitely close to the impasse.

To tell you the truth, Zen master has already regarded this game as a loss. He is ten points behind. Because Ji Feng is injured, the team\'s morale is slack. If you lose less, you should win.

However, the only good news came from the dressing room. The team doctor came to tell Zen master that Ji Feng\'s injury should not be serious, at least no bone was injured, and the season will not be reimbursed. The specific rest time can be obtained after tomorrow\'s inspection and consultation.

"Hoo ~ it\'s not too serious." Gasol breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little bit of spirit coming back.

"Come on, guys, we have to let the boy rest assured. At least we can\'t lose too badly!" Fisher also urged the Lakers.

"One, two, three! The Lakers will win Kobe reached out and yelled.

Jackson is also very pleased that Jifeng has not been reimbursed, and the Lakers are actually back at the moment, at least will not collapse, as for the victory or defeat, Jackson thinks it is OK to do his best!

What? You ask, is not a sprain foot, as for so serious?

Then you can ask Iverson and Carter, who were reimbursed for the underdog season

The injury of professional players is never as simple as it seems. After all, the environment and confrontation of their injuries are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. This is also the reason why Asians are difficult to get a foothold in the NBA before. Their physical quality is really too easy to be injured here.

"Good! The latest news! Ji Feng is just an ordinary ankle sprain. According to the team doctor\'s analysis, he can recover within a week, which should be able to catch up with the finals later Yu Jia said excitedly.

Yu Jia\'s words let countless Chinese fans breathe a sigh of relief. It\'s OK, it\'s not a big problem. It\'s really a blessing in misfortune.

This is mainly because Yao\'s injury in the past few years has made all fans remember vividly. Basically, he never came out when he entered the players\' channel. That\'s not to say, the operation has been done three times. Therefore, fans are worried that the season summit will follow Yao\'s footsteps, which is like a bolt from the blue for Chinese fans.

Especially in the playback video, Ji Feng\'s ankle is almost 90 degrees folded, which makes people feel toothache. Most people who have exercised know that they can\'t walk or stand.

However, we can rest assured that Jifeng\'s constitution is not the same as that of other Asians.

And this includes the injured Dayao, he just a breath has not been able to relax, he is even more worried than his own injury, this time he finally relaxed, look around Ye Li a Leng one Leng.

At the moment, the door of the Los Angeles dressing room is full of reporters who come to seek news. CCTV and Chinese reporters are naturally in the lead. Although they can\'t get in, they still tell them the news in order to placate the public.

In fact, the hot bar has also found a reporter who is familiar with Ji Feng. She knows that she can\'t enter the dressing room, but she is really worried. Her heart is pounding since Ji Feng leaves the court. Although she knows that injuries are common for players, she is still worried about abnormalities. Fortunately, Avril is holding her, otherwise she has to rush into the dressing room.

But when she heard the news, she was relieved. She went to the reporter to express her thanks, and then found the Laker staff she knew. She told Ji Feng that she would wait for him outside, and then returned to her seat in the stadium.

"Come on, Laker! Get rid of all that stuff Just back to the hot seat, he stood up directly and yelled, ignoring the image of a lady and startled Avril next to him.

Since she knows that Ji Feng\'s problem is not big, the hot bar will come back to cheer for the Lakers. Now she wants to kick the green army\'s ass and dare to hurt her boyfriend. She really can\'t bear it!

"Sure enough Girls are monsters after falling in love. " Avril looked at the crazy look of the hot bar and said, and then she joined in

Led by the two, the sound of cheering on the VIP seat of the Lakers was particularly fierce

But while staples is still hot, the situation is not good for the Lakers.

Although rivers has reservations about Tony Allen\'s foul, which is not his instruction, he has no reason not to want the victory, and there is really no better chance than this.

So he didn\'t let the main players rest at all, and he didn\'t care about the hiss. In a word, he was determined to win the game!However, the Lakers showed their tenacity. No matter how tough the green army is, the Lakers can carry it, and play back and forth, especially Kobe Bryant. After liberating his hand, the shooting rate has been very high.

Three points, Zhongtou, breakthrough, Slam Dunk

Kobe showed his scoring machine side!

And the inside of the Lakers did not mind. Bynum even smashed in Parkinson\'s face in a row, which made Black King Kong lose face. Gasol played his steps and formed a mutual explosion with Garnett.

"It\'s easy for the Lakers to play, but their players are very strong. It\'s not so easy for Celtics to win. The game is stalemate." Yu Jia said.

"Well, it would be nice if Ji Feng were here. There is a chance to win." Zhang sighed.

At the moment, Ji Feng is returning to God\'s child space for a long time. He wants to return to the court, but he needs to confirm how serious his injury is.

Because the ice compress is almost over, his recovery ability is also very strong. Now the swelling has almost disappeared, but there is some pain. He thinks he can stick to it for fear of any bad consequences.

"If I play, I have to rest for a few days after that!" Jifeng asked straight to the point.

"If you don\'t get hurt again, a week." Ms. Yu said she was very accurate in her judgment, and she was confident in the system\'s ability to recover.

"What if we don\'t take a break?" Ji Feng asked again.

"Four to five days, in fact, it\'s just a sprain!"

Ji Feng calculated that, according to the schedule, after today\'s play, he will go to Boston for two consecutive games on the 11th and 13th, and the third away game will be on the 16th. That is to say, even if he doesn\'t play today, he will not be able to catch up with the second consecutive away games. Even if he plays, he can return in the third away game.

"OK! I\'ll leave first!" Jifeng heart has a decision, then simply fight a good! , the fastest update of the webnovel!