Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 797

"Well, thanks to my friend\'s quick escape, the revenge will come sooner or later." In the dressing room, Ji Feng watched the team doctor take off his crazy front generation final boots and take a breath from his swollen ankle. This is the result of his real eyes who first found the danger and then avoided it. If he didn\'t avoid it, he might suffer more serious injury, which is definitely not just the situation now.

However, Rao is so, this is also the first time Ji Feng suffered a serious injury in the NBA. We all know that even the most common sprain, it will take about a week to recover if we want to do a good job. However, although Bowen\'s elbow hit in the regular season was painful, after all, the position was different, and there was almost no effect except for the pain.

But this time, thanks to his many body strengthening, his bones, muscles and ligaments are much stronger than ordinary players, but even so, he still sprained, which shows how dangerous this time is.

This also sounded the alarm to Ji Feng, here is the NBA, a battlefield without gunpowder, in order to win, many teams and individuals will do anything.

To tell you the truth, it\'s really not too much to discard the opponent\'s core players in NBA history. In history, there are more players who have been targeted and their career has been scrapped.

As the saying goes, the gun is easy to block, but the hidden arrow is difficult to defend. When playing, the greatest fear is to step on other people\'s feet when taking off and landing. This is also the most injurious and serious small action on the basketball court.

Ji Feng is a bit careless!

He had always felt that he was strong enough and his body was enough to cope with all the scenes in the NBA. After all, he didn\'t fall down against guys like Pierce, which made him not strong enough to complete the remaining reinforcement.

But today\'s incident tells him that every enhancement of God\'s subsystem is not a decoration. It is useful, and sometimes it can save lives. He may be able to deal with ordinary situations on the field, but when the opponent wants to directly abolish him, he is not enough to deal with it.

Think about it. If Ji Feng finished either of the two body strengthening methods, he would probably not be hurt at all!

"It seems that I have been careless recently. It\'s not the end of everything. I\'m not a perfect player either! Keep trying Jifeng in the heart to remind himself, he will work harder, he is not perfect, not enough to deal with these situations.

"How are you, doctor?" Ji Feng inquired and asked, although he didn\'t say it clearly, but judging from the situation that Ji Feng kept looking at the TV in the dressing room, everyone knew that he was asking whether he could return to the stadium.

"Ice pack! First detumescence! Ji Feng, although it doesn\'t look too serious, it\'s just the congestion that caused the swelling, but to be on the safe side, I still need to have an MRI tomorrow The team doctor of the Los Angeles team examined it for a while, then stood up to Ji Feng and said, "as for the game, I think it is. You have to understand that you are lucky. It\'s just a common sprain to be padded like this. Before that, someone\'s career has been destroyed by being grounded."

"I understand that, sir, but can we do something about it? We really want to win! Especially this is staples! I want to go up and blow the green army\'s dog\'s head Ji Feng said.

He saw it very clearly from the TV. After he left the game, Vujacic was in danger. Although the Lakers played hard, Kobe also turned into a scoring machine and constantly attacked the green shirt defense line. Even if the three-man package could not stop Kobe\'s scoring, in the three minutes after the season peak, the angry Kobe made four shots and got 12 points, while Gasol blocked Garnett\'s Basket.

The Lakers had an eight point lead!

But soon, the consequences of the lack of season peak began to appear. In addition to Kobe and Gasol using their individual ability to play singles, the flow of the Lakers was not smooth. Several mistakes let the green army seize the opportunity to level the score!

Not only that, although Vujacic hit a three-point, but also cheated two free throws in the offensive end, but in the defensive end, the biggest consequence of the lack of Jifeng immediately appeared, no one can see pierce!

"Pierce, take the ball, get rid of it easily! Direct! Goal! The green shirt army again! Vujacic tried his best, but he couldn\'t stop Pierce. The gap is too big Yu Jia said.

How important is this player? When he leaves the court, he can see clearly. After Ji Feng, the super scorer and the defensive gate, position 3 has become an obvious loophole for the Lakers. Rivers has seized this point, and the ball has been constantly found by Pierce. Therefore, the fans found that pierce has become super powerful and how to play. He got 7 points in a row and let Vujacic foul 3 times in 6 minutes

The trouble for the Lakers is even worse. There are only two people in position three. After Ji Feng\'s injury, only artist Wu can use it. When he fouls too much, the Lakers are faced with the embarrassing situation that no one can use position three.

The difference has been further widened!

By the end of the third quarter, the green army had already led by 10 points, from 10 points ahead to 10 points behind, and the situation of the Lakers went down sharply.

"Damn it! Rubbish Celtic! If we abolish Jifeng, we are at odds with you"Grass! It\'s disgusting. Tony Allen has to be punished heavily! "

"If you take it, you can\'t beat him, but you can\'t beat him. You\'ve learned, but it\'s really good to win like this."

"I don\'t care about winning or losing this game. I just hope Jifeng is OK!"

"Damn it! Even if it\'s a sprained foot, this game will never come back. And even if it takes a week to recover, the next two games are likely to be absent, motherfucker. "

"Green army makes money, Tony Allen changes Ji Feng, this is the goddamn immortal business."

But at the moment, the angry Laker fans can\'t care about the victory or defeat, their crazy diss Tony Allen\'s behavior, by the way, the diss green shirt army.

After all, Ji Feng, the most popular figure in the league this year, was injured. After all, he performed so well in the playoffs, and then he was forced out. This made many superstars feel that their ankles have been made the same, because many of them have experienced this situation.

Carter, as a man who has been cushioned by Bowen three times, denounces Tony Allen as a crime!

"I hope my brother Ji Feng is OK. I understand the pain. This kind of behavior is extremely bad on the basketball court. The League doesn\'t care about it!"

However, although a lot of reprimand, but the game still to continue, the fourth quarter, the main force of the Lakers, Jackson\'s expression is very dignified, because he seems difficult to find the opportunity to win, everything can only rely on a miracle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!