Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 792

"The first quarter of the Lakers surprisingly played a perfect rhythm, very poor points show this point, they did not let Jifeng too much ball, Jifeng single quarter shot, only 2 points into the account, but he still efficient to send out four assists, and still zero error."

"What\'s more, Ji Feng\'s contribution in opening up space and defense is still brilliant. He\'s still an important part of the lead for the Lakers. Is Jifeng going to be the all-around Prince again tonight?"

Smith summed up the performance of the first quarter peak.

Buckley paid more attention to the state of the whole team, he said: "the Lakers score a wide range of points, Kobe 8 points, Gasol 6 points, Bynum 4 points, Fisher 3 points, substitute Radmanovic also got 4 points, Farmar two points, that is to say, they seven people on the field in the first quarter, seven people scored, I think this is the last thing the Celtics want to see, tonight, all the Lakers Flowering. "

"The green shirt is still the world of the three giants, Garnett is the best player to play, single quarter to get 10 points, pierce 4 points, Ray Allen 3 points, the rest of the total only 3 points, the second quarter they obviously need to do more."

It has to be said that after the first quarter, the mood of green shirt fans has fallen to the bottom. Everyone who is familiar with basketball knows that the basketball court is not afraid of the God alone, carry, but afraid of all the villains on the opposite side.

It\'s really a desperate thing to do when everyone throws something.

But ESPN also comforts Green Army fans, after all, the first quarter shooting rate of the Lakers is as high as 70%, which is almost impossible to maintain to the end of the game, so everything is unknown.

Of course, if it does happen

You\'ll have to admit it\'s bad luck

In the second quarter, the Lakers replaced the reserve lineup. Ji Feng almost played the first quarter, so he took a rest off the court. So did Kobe. On the court, Gasol and Turiaf played with him, while Fisher and Wharton were on the outside.

After seeing this set of lineup, rivers decisively chose Pierce, Ray Allen and PJ brown with stronger offensive ability to match inside "big baby" Davis and Bowie to play.

Obviously, rivers has studied the Lakers\' reserve lineup carefully, and knows that it\'s different to be on season peak or not.

Sure enough, without Jifeng\'s backup team, they were in a bit of a flurry. The offensive end was basically looking for Gasol to play one-on-one. Otherwise, Fisher and Wharton were throwing a wave from the outside, and the percentage of hits began to decrease.

However, the defense of this lineup is not bad. Although the green army\'s replacement is very targeted, and Ray Allen is expected to be high, the two old men in the back court of the Lakers are not ordinary people. They are all old-fashioned and have rich playoff experience. They understand how to play at this time, so Ray Allen still hasn\'t opened three points.

After pierce forced the goal to reduce the score to 8 points, the difference has not changed!

The Laker bench will show everyone what is not enough offense, defense to gather together, they can be called iron and blood defense to reduce the green team\'s shooting rate!

As soon as we come and go, the two sides will meet in five to five.

"Fight! Throw me the damn basketball Rivers this time is really anxious, he is the coach, the field does not shoot, he is also very helpless!

Zen master was very satisfied. The game was so smooth that everything seemed to be under control. After 5 minutes in the second quarter, Zen master waved his hand and all the main forces went out.





staples rang out the fans\' shouts, with a great effort to stop the momentum of the game.

Rivers was forced to replace, the main players are all back, they are now very passive, so he is eager to change the status quo of the team.

Soon, the opportunity came!

The main force of the Lakers returned, the first ball, Ji Feng passed the ball to Bynum, Bynum hit Perkins back, but the tough man Perkins now obviously emotional burst, the whole body muscle bulge, Bynum pushed twice failed to push!

Bynum had to turn around!

But Garnett made up for it!


The iconic assist block, the basketball flies to Rondo\'s hand, Rondo uses the speed to eat Fisher, goes to the front court to attract the defensive attention, then does not look at the human pass behind the head!

Follow up Garnett\'s catch, empty catch and smash!

Attack and defense!

Wolf king shows his tusks!

"back to defense! Come back Garnett did not celebrate and booed his teammates to step back.

At the same time, it also ignited the iron and blood passion of the green shirt army!

The defense strength of the green army, which was supported by the three services, suddenly rose again. The Lakers didn\'t have a good chance to shoot. The crazy defense made the Lakers feel a little flustered. Until the last 4 seconds, Kobe was given to Kobe, who could only hasten to take a long-distance three-point shot.

Strike iron!

"Early!" Kobe was not satisfied with the ball, but soon he went straight ahead, because the green army pushed back!

After the green army mastered the backboard, the long time no longer played the counter attack, Rondo\'s role was reflected, he used a long throw assist in the backcourt, and Ray Allen got the layup!Four points in a row!

The difference returned to 4 points, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"I\'ll go. The green army is indeed the green army." Many fans lament that these attacks were very thoughtful and the defense was strong enough. It was really a hard stubble, which was not safe.

Zen master called pause!

"Ji Feng catches the ball and plays with Kobe, we should ensure the success rate, don\'t pass too much, and be firm when it\'s time to shoot!" Said the Zen master, holding the tactical board.

The crucial moment is the time to test the stars.

"I will avenge you!" Jifeng patted Bynum\'s back before he went on the court, saying that he was still very relaxed with the heavy task on his shoulders.

Because he has the strength!

On the first attack back to the court, Ji Feng dribbled the ball, and after half-time points to Kobe, Ji Feng was followed by Pierce, who was facing a huge enemy. After all, he was also afraid of Jifeng\'s unreasonable three-point ball.

But Jifeng is not ready to go out and shoot three points this time. He makes eye contact with Kobe, and Bynum\'s huge body makes a base line pick and roll, and Pierce is hit by seven meat and eight vegetables.

Jifeng is free!

Kobe shoots straight into the sky!

Ji Feng jumped up to catch the ball with both hands. He saw Perkins make up his defense without losing momentum. There was a second lift in the camera lens!



Ji Feng smashed the ball into the basket through Perkins\' arm!


Beat your chest!


Behind him were the stunned faces of Perkins and the stunned fans!

"How beautiful! See JK connection again! The bottom line glides, both hands catch the ball, and Perkins joins the background board again Yu Jia exclaimed excitedly.

The domineering season peak helped the Lakers stabilize the situation!

But here, rivers put James Posey on the court. The whispering before leaving made people feel that the change was not very simple.

Sure enough, James Posey blocked Jifeng\'s goal with a very rude foul when Ji Feng could lay up!

The foul nearly caused a clash between the two teams and the game was suspended for three minutes.

But Ji Feng seems to smell an unusual smell: "it seems that these guys are going to make a move." , the fastest update of the webnovel!