Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 791

After the warm-up of the two teams, ten starters took off their training clothes and began to enter the court!

This game, the Lakers still sent a familiar set of starters, even point guard positions have been fixed on Fisher instead of Walton and Farmar rotation.

It can be seen that after entering the finals, Zen master still has more trust in Fisher, who has been working hard with him.

However, Fisher is also the most suitable starter, especially Rondo, who is in the second grade in the opposite position, who is a man with nine blocks\' attack ability. Fisher\'s experience and strength are his biggest weapon against fulondo.

It can be seen from the first war that Rondo didn\'t get any money under Fisher.

But the Lakers here are nothing strange, and the Celtics there is a Sao operation!

Besides Garnett, Perkins, Rondo and Ray Allen as usual, they chose James Posey, the first substitute of the team\'s No. 3 position, as the starting start!

"Rivers must have seen the semi-final between the Lakers and the Spurs." Said Smith.

Because the green shirt army\'s choice is very similar to the choice when the Spurs win the third game in the west, yuduka, a strange soldier, was promoted to the first round, and used his physical running and physical contact to defend Jifeng alone, which made Ji Feng spend a lot of physical strength, thus giving the Spurs time to breathe.

"You\'re right. James Posey is the most typical bench bandit. He weighs 203 cm and 100 kg. Ji Feng is nearly 25 kg lighter than him. He has excellent fighting ability and excellent arm span. The most important thing is that James Posey is a strong defensive player on position 3. Although Pierce is taller and stronger than him, he moves more I think James Posey is even better than him in terms of defense. As for yuduca, I\'m sorry, this is not a player of the same level. If he gives up the attack and concentrates on defending Ji Feng, he may cause more trouble for Ji Feng Barkley analyzed.

"Yes, that\'s right. Don\'t forget that James Posey has a good scoring ability. Up to now, his three-point shooting rate is 34.7%, and the breakthrough is also very dangerous. The Lakers need to think about how to deal with this change." Said Smith.

And here in the Lakers, Jackson also saw this change, but he didn\'t say anything. He understood Ji Feng\'s ability. Moreover, he didn\'t intend to let Ji Feng continue to be lonely in this game!

The game begins!

Garnett won the ball successfully. He played faster and Rondo controlled the ball. However, James Posey stood at the bottom corner. When he attacked, he looked like he wanted to take Jifeng away from the important area of defense and weaken Jifeng\'s ability to assist in defense.

After all, Jifeng\'s defense on the inside is also quite a threat, Duncan and other powerful interior lines have been Jifeng suddenly come out to complete the steals, James Posey obviously does not want to see this happen.

It was scored by Garnett on his back!

And when the Lakers attack, Ji Feng was sure to have a brown candy around him, and then a lot of commentaries showed a true picture.

"What will Jifeng do?"

This has become a hot topic in their mouth at the moment, even caused many fans to discuss, of course, there are many fans shouting let Jifeng blow hammer Bosi.

But in fact, Ji Feng doesn\'t feel much at the moment. First, he is used to this kind of close defense and gets rid of the rich experience. Second, the main attack task in the first quarter today is not in him at all.

If anyone thinks that only season peak can score, that\'s a big mistake!

Fisher dribbled the ball slowly to the front court. After twice running the ball, he returned to his own hands, and then transferred it directly to the inside line. After receiving the ball from his back, Bynum turned quickly past Perkins\' half body position and put the ball into the basket!


"Nice!" Jifeng thumbs up and runs forward.

In this game, Jackson\'s tactic is to play inside first, because the green team\'s defensive attention must be on the outside line. At this time, he will come to the opposite direction.

It worked wonders!

In the next five minutes, Jifeng never touched the ball several times, but as a rotation position and pick and roll option, Jifeng\'s ability to open space was fully released. He handed over to Kobe Bryant twice near the free throw line, allowing the latter to score 4 points.

The most important thing is that the rest of the Lakers feel very good today. Fisher hit three points. Gasol can even score the immortal ball even when he is out of balance by Garnett, and by the way, he made a foul for Garnett.

In five minutes, the Lakers scored 16 points, almost catching up with all the points in the first quarter of the last game!

And that\'s not all. Kobe also played the trick, shaking off Ray Allen\'s defense several times outside the three-point line, closing into the inside line, facing Garnett\'s super backward attack!

Now the difference is 18-10, 8!

That is to say, in addition to the season peak, the Lakers can be said to be in full bloom, all hands burst, shooting rate is extremely high.Now rivers scratched his head and paced back and forth in front of the bench, so his plan could not be realized!

However, at the moment, the green attack is not smooth, and Ray Allen, who has a strong feeling in the game, has a poor hand. Two three-point shots failed to hit. Of course, this is in line with the law of the basketball court. After all, no one can be allowed to go on, but this leads to the green army only Garnett can score. After all, Pierce is off the court, James Posey is not here.

So rivers can only replace Pierce, a quarter lost more than ten points can be too difficult, even if they are not sure that they can fill in such a big hole.

"Rest and conserve your strength." Rivers patted James Posey on the shoulder. The Zen master really made them feel a little uncomfortable, but he believed that Jifeng would not always be a spectator!

This situation makes a lot of reporters look at each other, this is to crack it, did not expect this change of array is so thunderous, the rain is small.

"No move is better than a trick." Zhang said: "you all think I\'m going to crack it hard. As a result, people are not ready to play with you at all. You can only hit cotton with this punch."

After replacing Pierce, the green army recovered all, and the attack was finally smooth. Although Ji Feng\'s defense was good, Pierce\'s physical advantages and scoring methods made him help the green army get points.

But on the contrary, there is no close to the cowhide sugar, Pierce was divided by the offensive energy, which makes Jifeng active.

As soon as pierce came back, Ji Feng made a direct three-point shot!

The goal widened the gap to 10 points and ignited staples\' mood. Cheers rang through the stadium.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers are 30-20, 10 points ahead! , the fastest update of the webnovel!