Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 778

The atmosphere reached its climax when Ji Feng appeared. When Kobe came to the final stage, the whole staples decibel burst, and tens of thousands of fans\' shouts made the front row commentators have to cling to their headphones to hear what they say.

After cheering Ji Feng, the hot bar originally wanted to be reserved. Just now she found that several cameras swept her direction. Although many of her fans thought she had a "man" side, she was always a pure soft girl in front of Ji Feng. She also wanted to keep the idol burden in the eyes of the audience.

But later, she found that she couldn\'t help it. The atmosphere was too explosive. All the people around her, men and women, old and young, were yelling. The girl beside her was also known to her. She was a famous Hollywood freshman, Anne Hathaway. The little sister roared like an ordinary fan, even more crazy. The hot bar simply let go.

That\'s the magic of staples today, where you can relax and get into a great game.

"Kill the Celts!" And when Celtic appeared, the heat bar followed the fans to shout this slogan, she had completely forgotten herself

"Good! Welcome to the first match of the 2007-2008 NBA Finals broadcast by CCTV sports channel in Los Angeles

"I am Yujia!"

"I\'m Zhang Weiping!"

After the passionate appearance ceremony, the commentators of various countries began their own work. Here, CCTV once again sent a live interpretation team for the finals of this year. Zhang Weiping and Yu Jia, who are most familiar with the United States, are responsible for the on-site interpretation of the finals. Now they are sitting on the media booth on the second floor of staples!

"The starting players of this game have also come out, they are the most familiar lineup

"Yes! The Lakers sent: center Andrew Bynum, power forward Pau Gasol, small forward Ji Feng, shooting guard Kobe, point guard Fisher

"Opposite them, the green shirts sent center Perkins, power forward Garnett, small forward Pierce, shooting guard Ray Allen, point guard Rondo!" Yu Jia said to the camera, with excitement in her tone. The power of the yellow green war is enough to attract the old people like him.

"If you watch the playoffs going on, you must be very familiar with the starting lineups of both sides. These 10 people are the key to the two teams to get here. Of the 10 starters, 6 of them have been selected in this year\'s all star game, three in each of the green teams, three in the rookie game, and three in the first team of the season The first defensive line-up, four people selected for the best lineup, including the best rookie of the season, the top two of the best defensive players, and the MVP of the regular season of this season. Look at these honors, the line-up on this field can be said to be shining with stars

"If we take the data of the regular season of the two teams into consideration, the two teams are the first and second teams in the league, and they are the strongest offensive and defensive players in the League respectively. This game is definitely full of gold!" Yu Jia said.

"That\'s right. I\'m looking forward to it. The battle between the Lakers and the green shirts is definitely the strongest spear and the strongest shield. Generally speaking, defense is the way to win the championship. The green shirts rely on defense. They only get 89.6 points per game in the playoffs, and all teams are the lowest. This is a terrible data, and the defense of the Lakers is not bad, But everyone knows that the Lakers are based on the terror of the offense, his attack can tear the Spurs defense to pieces, the playoffs average 98.7 points, the highest of all teams

"Today we\'ll see whether the spear can pierce the shield or the shield can block the spear!" Zhang said.

Through the introduction of the two commentaries, the fans watching the ball in various ways were more excited. What was the game for? Gratitude, resentment, history, attack, defense, stars You can find all the elements you want to see here!

So almost all the live broadcasting platforms have found that the game has not yet started, and the ratings have broken the highest record in the playoff history, and are still rising!

As many as 20 million fans flooded into Tencent\'s live broadcasting room, which set a record for watching this season. Many people who can\'t escape from class and truant all choose to watch the live broadcast secretly with their mobile phones.

And now on the court, the Laker five will have stepped into the field, Kobe will all people gathered together: "guys! Tonight belongs to Los Angeles! Kill them for me

"The Lakers!"


And the green army next door is doing the same thing. Garnett is standing in the center, and a group of people are shouting slogans around him. They seem to want to turn away from the guests!

"Beep!" The referee whistled and the two teams stood near the middle circle.

War is on the verge of a war!

"Are you ready, rookie! I will educate you. " Pierce pointed to Ji Feng with his big elbow and chattered.

"Take a rest, old man. You are just a rookie here! Without Garnett, you should be watching TV outside today. Do you need me to lend you money to buy a better TV? I\'m afraid you don\'t have a good eye Jifeng unrelenting fight back, he has put the mouth gun ability to the highest.This is the stage of the finals, there is only fighting, there is no sympathy, as long as he can help the team win, he can do anything!

Well, he also put his elbow near Pierce\'s stomach. The fight has started from now on!

"I hope you can be so optimistic later." Peirce is convinced by Jifeng\'s mouth gun. It seems that only Garnett can break off his head with him. He really wants to fight back, but Jifeng is right. Here, he is really a rookie

Precision strike

"The game begins!"

With the shouting of national commentaries, basketball flew into the air, and Bynum earned basketball by pressing Perkins!

Hold for a long time the little shark finally hard back!

Fisher has the ball!

The Lakers are not in a hurry to attack. At the beginning of the game, Jackson\'s plan is to start from the position attack, which is usually used in the finals.

Jifeng took pierce to the bottom line, but in fact he was just feigning. Gasol had already raised it, but the effect was not so good. Garnett\'s defensive area was even larger than Duncan\'s and moved faster, so he could keep up with Gasol\'s pace. In the interior line, he could easily leave because of Perkins\'s frame guard.

But you don\'t think it\'s the Laker\'s goal. Fisher\'s arc points the ball to the flank of Kobe, and Kobe\'s back to back single plays Allen. Although ray can attack, he can\'t limit Kobe\'s defense. He doesn\'t dominate in height and weight.

Pierce was pinned down by Jifeng, he dare to go past, Kobe dare to let him experience what is despair, so Kobe can easily complete the turn around jump shot!

Get the first goal!

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