Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 759

"Duncan and Parker all stay on the field, replaced by Barry, yuduca and Bonner, the Spurs are very eager to keep this lead Said da Xu.

As we all know, Popovich is the coach who dislikes the main force of dead grass the most. His coaching style belongs to the type of all soldiers. Not only can he not kill the main force, once the main force plays well, he often lets the main force go down for a rest, even if he doesn\'t want to rest. When he plays a weak team, he often finds some problems with his main force and makes them "happy" in rotation

People often say that Parker is very difficult to get a high score on the court. The biggest obstacle is Bobo, because when his score is 30, Parker will be out of the game

It\'s very hard

Although this is the ridicule of the fans, it reflects Popovich\'s style, very pragmatic, the team will always be the first, and every player he will let you out, let you play a role, this season the Spurs are basically 8-10 person rotation, 12 people full appearance is a common thing, and D\'Antoni this hobby 7-8 person rotation coach is completely different.

The 12 men in the Spurs\' lineup are sure to find their place on the court and play their part.

It has to be said that the Spurs can maintain their competitiveness all year round and enter the playoffs every year. Popovich\'s coaching idea is very important. Otherwise, the Spurs, such as the old guys and the old arms and legs, will be put into the hands of D\'Antoni, and they will not be used for a season, and they will be completely finished.

Believe it or not

But today, in order to win, Popovich even kept Duncan on the court. He also knew that there was no good way except hard top. They had to build enough advantages in the first half!

The Lakers choose to let Ji Feng and Kobe go to rest. Jackson decides that I won\'t play hard with you. I\'ll give you this section. I\'ll let the main force work in the second half, and then we\'ll have a fight!

So this quarter, the Lakers are still passive, for Vujacic they must be unable to withstand the Spurs tide of attack.

Duncan made a lot of trouble in the interior, got 8 points in the first 4 minutes, Parker also broke through repeatedly, made injuries, and Turiaf fouled twice in 4 minutes.

However, today\'s Laker bench feel OK, spurs attack fierce, defensive end is bound to be impossible to maintain power, Vujacic took the opportunity to hit two three-point ball, to help the Lakers solve the urgent need, let Zen master until 5 minutes to change to JK combination!

Gasol and Bynum are still resting off the court, and the inside Lakers are giving up.

At this time, the score is 49-30, and the Lakers are 19 points behind!

The Laker fans have been a little uncomfortable now, even less than half-time was exploded like this, many fans have begun to accept the fact that the Laker game may be cool.

Fans also fell into silence, DJ\'s interaction is no one echoed, Avril almost curse.

Of course, except for the famous Lakers in the first row, West is still quietly chatting with Jabbar next to him, and the magician grinned at the camera with a big grin.

This will let keyboard man see, can\'t help but say they a: "garbage, smile fart, really retired is not their own people!"

But in fact, they see very clearly that the Lakers are avoiding their sharpness, not hard with you, and keep their physical strength until you are tired.

Of course, some people will ask, what if people are not tired!

The Zen master will tell you that depending on such crazy playing method, a person is bound to be tired. If a small universe breaks out and it really lasts to the end, then they will recognize that it is just to pull back one game. They are still ahead, and they will never have such physical strength in the next game.

So it\'s not rational to fight hard.

And the Spurs still did not let Duncan off the field, Ginobili came on to replace Parker, maintain the offensive force!

After a few minutes\' rest, Ginobili still felt good after coming up. A three-point line opened the appetizer, and the difference was widened to 22 points.

the Laker fans were upset

However, the Lakers have JK, Kobe\'s breakthrough to attract defense, there Jifeng open open space, Kobe, Jifeng also a three-point goal!

The Spurs give the ball to Duncan. Duncan scores 2 + 1!

But Kobe does not show much to let, the same breakthrough one dozen three, the air shaking causes the hitter, seeks also to advance, is also 2 + 1!

That\'s Manu\'s break, Duncan\'s smash!

Here\'s the season peak breakthrough, Kobe\'s air pick chop!

There, Manu\'s unreasonable snake step breaks in!

Here the season peak European step light lick basket also enters!

For a while, both sides played back and forth, and hit all of them for five consecutive rounds. The difference was 19 points, which did not change.

The game was frozen here for a while. It was wonderful to come and go back. The fans gradually recovered their enthusiasm. Despite Popovich\'s continuous roar on the sideline, the Lakers could still score goals, but the difference was not continued to be widened.

This kind of state has been maintained until the end of half-time!

"The referee whistled. In the first half, the Spurs were 69-50 ahead of the Lakers by 19 points. The 69 points in the half-time was the highest score in the half-time of the season. It was a terrible score. Moreover, they hit 67% of the shots and 5-out-of-10 shooting rate, which was amazing." Xu made a half-time summary."Ginobili is the Spurs\' greatest credit, slashed 28 points in the half-time, and the Argentinian devil\'s knife finally came out of the scabbard, and Duncan got double double data of 18 points and 11 rebounds in the half-time, and Parker also had 17 points. The Spurs\' GDP was just a big explosion tonight."

Yes, the Spurs played very ferocious, offensive fire, not only the Lakers did not expect, to be honest, I did not expect, the Lakers half-time to get 50 points is actually good, including Kobe Bryant 18 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, Jifeng 12 points, 6 assists, 6 rebounds, Gasol 8 points, Bynum 5 points, Vujacic 6 points

"The percentage of hits is still around 50%. In fact, it\'s not bad, but today the Spurs played very well."

"Director Xu, what do you think the Lakers have to do to win in the second half..." Yu Jia concluded and asked.

Xu: "I think..."

The two people continue to say, but in fact, they have one data that they haven\'t analyzed, which is the time of appearance.

Spurs Duncan didn\'t have a minute off in the first half, Ginobili played for 19 minutes, Parker played for 18 minutes, and GDP almost played the half.

The Lakers are not, Bynum 14 minutes, Gasol 14 minutes, Jifeng and Kobe are 18 minutes.

This time doesn\'t represent points, but it means the Lakers will have better physical support in the second half.

Popovich wasn\'t happy with the 19 point difference, but he knew the players did their best. Look at the ice bags on Duncan\'s knees and shoulders. What else can you say.

"We\'re in the second half, yudhuka, holly, play defense!" Popovich is finally starting to defend his achievements.

"In the second half, Bynum jkj, all on! We\'re going to start. We\'re going to make it The Zen master held out his hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!