Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 758

The Lakers were beaten 11-0!

It took only two minutes for the Spurs to score 11 points without losing a single shot. What\'s more, they used the fast pace that the Lakers are good at. They didn\'t drop at all, but increased their speed directly.

The purpose of Ginobili\'s appearance is clear!

What\'s more surprising is that the Lakers were blinded by the Spurs. They didn\'t score a point in two minutes, hit the three irons, and sent two mistakes.

This is absolutely beyond everyone\'s expectation!

In the CCTV live room, Xu and Yu Jia look at each other. Their analysis just before the game starts is in vain. The Spurs don\'t play cards according to the routine at all!

The game continues!

Actually, Harper can\'t sit still. He just asked the Zen master if he wanted to call a pause, but he still decided to wait.

The Spurs\' rhythm and playing style were beyond his expectation, which is also the reason why the Lakers were beaten like this. In the face of sudden and unexpected things, panic is inevitable, even to the strength of the Lakers.

He\'s waiting right now. He can\'t. the Spurs will keep playing like this!

But the fact proved that the Spurs today with a must win belief, the Lakers finally by Kobe to get the first point, but the fans have no time to be happy, the Spurs come again!

The Lakers are retreating, and Ginobili is again. After receiving the ball, they rush directly, regardless of the teammates behind them.

That\'s why Popovich regards Ginobili as the sixth man. His style is free, full of spirituality, excellent ball control ability, excellent hand feel, excellent breakthrough and long shot. When manu is crazy, he is absolutely God. He can score any ball and dare to throw any ball. Such a person will destroy the main line-up The Spurs\' chemistry, but it was perfect in the second lineup.

Xiang Luwei and Ke Liu are all players of this style. The league is used to calling such people super sixth. Such people are also scarce and popular in the league.

The ball can be seen, although the rest of the Spurs can\'t keep up with Ginobili\'s pace!

But his speed is very useful, Kobe looked at this guy again, you have hit me several times, it is really unbearable!

As a result, Kobe also opened his full power crazy pursuit and defense, the rest of the Lakers also accelerated to chase back.

But this actually gives the spurs a chance!

Ginobili lay up in the Kobe\'s interference did not hit, but Duncan\'s second attack to make up for the basket!


The situation of the Lakers is very bad!

Zen master immediately jumped up from his chair and called for a pause. He can\'t believe that the Spurs, who are so old, started playing so hard in the first quarter. They don\'t need physical strength.

If you play like this, you will be more than ten points ahead. In the second half, do you still have the physical strength to fight so hard? Then what will you do to fight us!

He looked at the scoreboard carefully. It was the first quarter. That\'s right!

What the hell is Popovich doing!

"Well done!" Popovich slapped his players one by one. They did a great job, and the Lakers, as he expected, were blinded by the Spurs\' rhythm.

This tactic originated from the first training session on the 29th, when he announced the starting set and told them that their physical strength would have little chance to compete with the Lakers at Staples, so they had only one way to go.

That is, in the first quarter, this point that no one expected began to work!

Generally, in the first quarter, almost every team will choose to test, test the feeling, explore the defense strategy of the other side, and then make efforts in the second half.

But he is to do the opposite, let the Spurs in the first quarter on the output, how can output how to output, and then continue to consume, desperate defense, will win the defense!

I have to say, Popovich\'s list is really too big!

"Manu, you start, you must play an advantage in the first quarter, no, it doesn\'t need the first quarter, it only needs the first six minutes, we need at least 18 points, can we do it?" Asked Bobo.

“OK! Leave it to me! " Ginobili didn\'t expect Bobo to play such a big game, which was gambling, but he still agreed. As Popovich said, this is their only chance to win. Even if it is a gamble, they will try it!

"Good! I trust you! The others give Ginobili the ball and let him play. The rest of us save energy. Guys, it\'s up to you

"The Spurs will win!"


"Now, it depends on whether you can type out such data." Bobo thought of the players who came back to the field after the pause.

The Lakers did not adjust the suspension, just to delay the Spurs\' feeling of scoring. Now the Spurs\' success rate of scoring is too high, so we must use the pause to cool them down and give the Lakers their own buffer time.

And on the bench, Ji Feng also figured out the Spurs\' tactics, which is to grab the start, want to establish the advantage in the first quarter."Spurs, too hard." Ji Feng thought that although this play method can establish some advantages in the beginning, but the biggest disadvantage of this tactic is that the players\' physical strength is too fast.

In the 48 minute game, no one can play as soon as he comes up, like the last minute. It\'s right to score like this, but don\'t play later.

So even if you win more than ten points, you will change back. If you look for the past failure examples, maybe you will return more, or even a disastrous defeat.

But Ji Feng still played the spirit of 12 points, because this tactic is naturally successful examples, many weak teams also rely on this way to win the strong.

In addition, the user is the Spurs, Jifeng even dare not be careless!

as like as two peas, the Spurs didn\'t adjust their tactics. The Lakers gave the ball to Jifeng again. After Ji Feng scored Kobe\'s assists, the Spurs responded exactly the same defense, and Ginobili broke through to attract 3 players to score the ball. Parke was in the middle again.

The Spurs\' rhythm lasted for seven minutes, and Ginobili was finally fully opened in the seven minutes. He scored 14 points in seven minutes and scored an amazing 18 points in the first quarter.

His brilliant play also led to Duncan and Parker, Duncan single section to cut 6 points and 5 rebounds, including 3 front court rebounds, Parker got 4 points and 4 assists.

Spurs 35-20 in the first quarter, 15 points ahead of the Lakers!

This pit is very big!

And the first quarter of the shooting rate is really low, the Lakers have been in a crisis!

"The Spurs played very well in the first quarter, with a shooting rate of more than 60%. 35 points in a single quarter are also the highest points in a single quarter of the playoffs. The most important thing is that they only rotate one person." Said da Xu.

Now he knows what to put all his eggs in one basket. He is really crazy.

The more crazy is still behind!

In the second quarter, the Spurs still put Duncan on the court, and only manu left for GDP. Bonner came on the bench to replace Argentine artist Oberto.

Now everyone knows that the Spurs are really going to fight! , the fastest update of the webnovel!