Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 509

"Cool! You win, man." The old fish came up and said that he couldn\'t believe it, but he did lose.

"Fake..." Vujacic wiped his eyes hard, then looked at Ji Feng fiercely. Ji Feng even beat the team\'s recognized free throw master Fisher!

Wu jiaxiqi wants to confirm whether Ji Feng is pretending to be. He stares at Ji Feng with big eyes, which makes Ji Feng think he has some bad habits.

Nash! Don\'t think I don\'t know you if you change your skin!

Well, that\'s Jifeng. That\'s right, so it\'s even more surprising

After the game was decided, there was no cheering, but a silence. The water in Gasol\'s hands dropped and the water was scattered all over the ground. No one cared.

"Well, guys, I won." Ji Feng had been waiting for cheers, but Fisher, who had never won in the free throw, is a disgrace today. It can be regarded as a little face recovery. We should know how many times Jifeng has lost in the past six months.

However, Ji Feng, who was waiting for his teammates to celebrate, only saw a group of open mouths, so he could only come up to the audience and shout.

"I knew it! This guy is fishing. What a fool I am! I should have known what a terrible guy this guy is, because Mao will be fooled! " Farmar was finally awakened by Ji Feng.

He found that he just foolishly and Jifeng bet, now Derek lost, treat became him.

Jordan Farmar

He must be the worst Jordan ever.

"Our rookie is really insidious." Gasol shook his head on the side and sighed, "it\'s not good to go to Wall Street, I have to come here to bully people.".

According to his understanding of Ji Feng, he has already made up a big play designed by Ji Feng. First, he pretends that his free throw is not good, and then lures these coaches to use peak cutting tactics to deal with him foolishly, and then takes advantage of the opportunity to kill those guys who want to die.

Hiss ~

Gasol feels cold when he thinks about it. This guy is so terrible that he can\'t be offended in the future!

I\'m not afraid of hooligans. I\'m afraid they have culture!

Obviously, Jifeng is such a guy in Gasol\'s heart

Ji Feng was puzzled by everyone\'s eyes. If he knew that these guys had completely classified him as a person who could not be provoked, he would be very wronged. He didn\'t want to. He didn\'t really design this thing on purpose!

This is not all McLellan, otherwise he would not be in such a hurry to unlock this, you know, the fans all over the world are waiting for the season peak to shoot three points!

So blame McClellan

"Harper, what\'s up? I think I\'d better practice three points." Ji Feng also didn\'t forget to say to Harper: "but I will practice free throws every day to maintain the state, believe me, my character, just."

"Well, boy, let\'s call it a day. Hold on. I\'m very optimistic about you." Haba patted Ji Feng\'s arm with satisfaction, but the main shoulder couldn\'t be reached.

Obviously, he also thought that Jifeng was working on a good plan. As for whether Jifeng was popular today, Hubble thought it was possible, but not very good. The free throw was not for a while, otherwise O\'Neill would not have taken off early.

For Ji Feng, he still has great trust, so there is no need to practice. Now he just needs to go upstairs and explain the situation to Zen master.

"Let\'s go, Farmar, I think we\'re almost hungry!" Ji Feng raises his eyebrows at Farmar.

"You\'re right. We\'re going to Paris at night, where the steaks are great." Fisher was the first to jump up and respond, without any self-consciousness of letting Farmar jump into the pit.

Here, the whole team has a dinner party, and Harper has already talked with Zen master. Jackson just got up and watched the whole course. Now he has agreed with Ji Feng\'s words, "Ji Feng\'s free throw is not a big problem." even if there is some fluctuation, it is not enough to cut.

"Next game, it\'s a chance." Zen master immediately thought of his old opponent Popovich.

Because if you open the website, now it\'s full of news about Ji Feng\'s forbidden free throw and other similar news. Zen can foresee that someone will use this tactic again.

By that time

"Ha ha..." Zen master unconsciously laughs out, he is ready to give spurs a big gift, completely kill the Spurs spirit.

Although the Spurs only ranked fourth in the west, and the Rockets surpassed the second in 15 consecutive victories, at least in his eyes, the Spurs are still the biggest opponent. After all, the Rockets have no big Yao, which is not enough to fear.

Two old foxes are already fighting for the playoffs!

On March 3, staples, a focus campaign is about to begin, and the Spurs\' final regular season game of the season will begin at 7 p.m.

The Lakers are 2-2 at the moment, but the Spurs will level the score if they win.

However, the media on the sidelines will focus on whether the peak cutting tactics will reappear, and if so, whether it can produce effect!"I don\'t think Popovich will miss this opportunity." Buckley also made his own guess before the game.

But after the game started, the process was quite different from what everyone thought.

Although the Spurs did not have any one of the three GDP members in this round of rest, they just put Bowen in San Antonio and didn\'t bring him here because of the water in his knee. This makes sense. After all, Bowen is 37.

So the Spurs are the main force.

But unexpectedly, Duncan sat on the bench at the beginning, Bonner started and played the first eight minutes, Duncan didn\'t play until 8.5 minutes, then played a few minutes, and then sat back in the second quarter.

And the Gino ratio also did not appear, only the youngest Parker normal rotation, Finley and holly did not play much.

So the Spurs are on the second team.


This is only the third set.

Although the game is still brilliant, the Spurs rely on the integrity of the round with the Lakers, the two teams also play fierce.

But the Spurs still collapsed in the third quarter and were won by the Lakers, 40-23!

At the end of the game, the Lakers won 110-99, 11 points and won 11 games in a row.

Ji Feng played normally in this game. In 31 minutes, he made 13 of 16 shots and got 27 points. He also had 11 assists, 10 rebounds and 3 steals. It was also triple double data. He had three doubles in a single season, which was a step closer to the record of "Big O".

And Kobe Bryant 30 points 5 rebounds 5 assists and Gasol 22 points 13 rebounds also performed well, jkj is still strong.

As for the Spurs, Duncan spent 12 minutes on GDP, which was really a substitute, with 7 points and 7 rebounds, Parker\'s 12 points and Manu\'s 15 points. All of them didn\'t play for more than 35 minutes.

After the fight, all the people were surprised that this was the typical bobovich\'s rotation campaign, ah, health care basketball played Pa Pa Pa, not to run to win.

As for chopping peak tactics, Mao didn\'t see it. Ji Feng had 4 free throws normally, but all of them were scored, but it didn\'t make much sense.

"Old fox, it\'s hard to do it." After the end of the season peak, he looked at Popovich\'s direction and sighed that it was too difficult to deceive this man! , the fastest update of the webnovel!