Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 508

Zen master here is thinking about how to make Ji Feng develop his strengths and avoid his weaknesses in the game, minimize the benefits of his opponents\' peak chopping tactics, and let his rhythm not be affected to the greatest extent.

Those who are familiar with basketball know how important the rhythm of a team is.

when a team successfully plays its favorite rhythm and makes the opponent lose the rhythm, the game will probably win, and vice versa.

If the rhythm comes out, it is possible to kill opponents in a quarter. If the rhythm is not available, it is very common to score more than ten points in a quarter. Rhythm is so important.

After all, Ji Feng is now used by Zen master as the driving force of the Lakers\' attack. 80% of the team\'s organizational tasks are in Jifeng\'s hands. After all, Jifeng\'s organizational ability is the top of the league, and the three main players in the guard line of the Lakers, veteran Fisher, Walton and Farmar, are not considered to have good organizational ability.

Ji Feng holds the ball to the greatest extent and can stimulate the scoring ability of Kobe, the biggest killer of the Lakers. The combination of Ji Feng and Gasol is also tacit, belonging to the type of 1 + 1 equal to 6.

What\'s more, Jifeng can liberate the guard line, free Farmar and fisher to play their three-point shooting ability, and also make Bynum in the interior comfortable to receive the ball, which makes the attack methods of the Lakers more diversified and makes the defense of the opponents more difficult

moreover, as long as Ji Feng takes the ball, the offensive effect of the other four players on the court of the Lakers will be greatly increased The percentage will be greatly increased, so naturally, Jackson is more inclined to Jifeng half court or even the whole court organization, just as the Cavaliers use James.

It can be said that the Lakers are now playing around Ji Feng, which is why the first half of the game against the Blazers was so bad that they could only rely on Kobe or the inside twin towers for a lack of cooperation.

Now the Lakers, Jifeng once blocked, the entire team will catch a cold.

So Jackson was ready to go back to the end of the game to call on the teaching assistants for a meeting, and they had to come up with a way to deal with the peak cutting strategy overnight before the next game.

After all, in the eyes of Zen master, lucky factors account for a large proportion of today\'s win. If they don\'t get the feel of free throw in the second half of the season peak, they may not be able to withdraw completely.

After all, in the final quarter peak free throw, 67% of the shooting rate, which is similar to the original o\'fat, this is a fully choppable data ah.

However, the Zen master felt relieved that they had already had the experience to deal with it. After all, O\'Neill\'s lesson was still in sight.

The coach of the whole league has put the whole game in the team\'s respective tactics room. If what is expected is not bad, there will be more targeted peak cutting tactics in the next game.

The Mavericks coach Johnson, who will meet in two days, is extremely excited. He finally finds a breakthrough for the Lakers. After the game is over, he immediately worries about the team and formulates tactics. When the 7th, he will let the Lakers taste the taste of failure in their home court ~!

At the moment, San Antonio, Popovich and teaching assistant Harmon looked at the press conference for a long time, and Ji Feng\'s words just came out.

"What do you think of Harmon?" Popovich looked at the TV and said that he had watched the whole game and had to say that he thought the tactic was effective. After all, the shooting percentage is so solid here.

And if he and his spurs use, will certainly achieve better results than this game, as the inventor of this tactic, he certainly has this confidence.

But he also thought it was a little wrong. The difference between the first half and the second half was too big. 37% in the first half, but the peak in the second half was close to 100%. Rao Shibo didn\'t understand the fluctuation.

So he\'s a little vague. After all, the day after tomorrow is the last time the Lakers play the Spurs. Whether he wants to use it or not, Popovich has some problems.

What made him even more entangled was what Ji Feng said after he said. Popovich knew that although Jifeng was facing such a sunny face, it was harmless to people and animals, but Jifeng was definitely a very insidious and cunning guy! (Ji Feng:???)

Don\'t ask him how he knew it. This is his intuition. He thinks that Ji Feng\'s daring to say so is very much like the feeling of a villain, because he often likes to do so, and many teams in the league have suffered from him.

"I don\'t know Maybe we can wait. We don\'t have to be the first to eat crabs. " Harmon said cautiously. She also felt that Jifeng was fishing.

"You\'re right. We\'ll wait." Popovich thinks Harmon\'s words are reasonable, he is ready to let the people behind him to test drugs, anyway, the Spurs have been stable in the playoffs, he decided not to expose too many tactics to the West\'s biggest opponent, the Lakers!

At the end of the press conference, Ji Feng returned home, and Ji Feng, who completed the strengthening task, went home to have a rest.

However, the storm of the game is still hot all over the world, and Ji Feng and free throw become the hot headlines in the news.

In such a storm, on March 2, the Lakers continued their training. After all, the next game was against the Spurs and the old rogues, and they didn\'t dare to be careless.

"Harper. There\'s nothing wrong with my free throw Ji Feng looked helplessly at Harper, who was ready to practice 500 free throws with himself.After the training, because Ji Feng\'s free throw was not so good, Harper took the initiative to ask Ji Feng to practice more free throws. This is one of the plans to deal with the peak chopping tactics. Aopang did the same thing in those years, but it was useless.


There\'s no use for eggs. You need to practice!

However, Ji Feng has already unlocked the reinforcement. When he came in the morning, he tried 100 and scored 100 points, so now he is ready to practice three-point ball.

"If you don\'t believe me, I can play Derek. If I lose, I\'ll treat the whole game." Ji Feng looked at a face not believe Harper said.

"Whoa! amazing! Ji Feng, if you want to treat me, just say so. I\'m free at night! " Farmar whistled, then jumped over and said.

He thinks Jifeng is out of his wits. You know, this season, the most accurate free throw of the Lakers is not Kobe, but Fisher!

Fisher\'s career free throw shooting rate is not bad, this season\'s free throw hit rate is as high as 89%, last season even reached 93%, which is basically very difficult to miss the free throw hit rate.

And in training, Fisher is also the best free throw shooter, Ji Feng, he wants to challenge him, absolutely money burn!

At least that\'s what everyone on the scene thinks.

"Don\'t worry, I can get you guys." Fisher accepted the challenge. That\'s how Americans like to play games like this.

The whole team, including the coach, is here. The rule is 30. Let\'s see who gets more.

And then

The Lakers are stupid!

In the first round, two men were punished 30 times and all hit!

The second round, again!

Until the third round, finally someone lost the throw, and it was Fisher!

"Dry, who gave him the wrong script?" Farmar looked at the 90 penalty in the full Ji Feng mumbling, this is what Sao plot ah. , the fastest update of the webnovel!