Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 507

"Pause." McClellan called a pause.

McClellan now want to abstain, they could have only nine, but they were beaten down three, is really too bullying!

He couldn\'t think of it. He had already succeeded in most of his tactics. How could he fail in a half-time break? He was so tired that he wanted to go home

The plight of the pioneers was also noticed by the media. The live director was very spiritual. He swept the camera from the pioneer bench in turn from time to time. The DJ on the spot was also very cooperative, constantly reminding everyone that if they included the backup, there were only six people left to play.

The director also focused on Jack, who was a normal water dispenser administrator, who was a dull face under the field. Many reporters wanted to ask him what it was like to suddenly become the hope of the whole village

It also made staples very happy on the spot, without the tension and depression of the first half.

"Ha ha, oh, sorry, now the Blazers only have six players to play, and three people four fouls, one person five fouls, we are likely to see the scene that has not been enough for a long time Buckley is amused by the director\'s action. The pioneer is forced to rotate six people, but it\'s OK. You can cut down the peak without enough 12 people. It\'s lax.

If McClellan hears that he has to blow Buckley\'s head, do you think it\'s his fault that the injury list is so long!

If Auden could make it, they would have fought so hard!

Well, no one knows what Auden looks like, but according to the ability of quack doctors here in the pioneers, soon Roy will not be able to do anything

Quack doctors harm people. Look at the sun

"Most of the reasons are attributed to the Blazers themselves. As anyone who has seen the previous games knows, their peak cutting tactics have caused a lot of trouble to Jifeng and the Lakers. We have to say that they almost succeeded. However, we can see the following story..." Smith went on to say:

"but it has to be said that the Laker\'s tactics are very tough, and Ji Feng is also very tough. Their fierce playing methods make the Blazers more than twice as many fouls. Ji Feng has 36 free throws in a single game, and Ji Feng has hit 25 of them, hitting more than 66%, which is not a good shooting rate, but he only has 37% in the half-time, This may give the Blazers a big illusion that Jifeng\'s free throw is really worse than O\'Neill

"So Charles, do you think Ji Feng\'s free throw is really bad? Will this tactic become a sharp knife to contain Ji Feng

Smith\'s question was asked to the point, which is also the most concerned problem of all kinds of fairies watching the ball now. In the second half of this season\'s peak, combined with the lack of strength of the Blazers themselves, the Lakers were able to pull back. Can this tactic itself be used!

If the Spurs and the green army, or the pistons such as defense super strong team use, will it cause a lot of trouble for the Lakers and Jifeng!

"Ji Feng\'s free throw itself is not so bad, his shooting rate is good, but it is very unstable. This tactic is more like a big fortune. If you hit the right one, it may have an effect. If you don\'t hit it right, it means you have given the victory to the Lakers. So, look at your courage." Buckley said it objectively, and did not blindly praise Ji Feng and the Lakers.

However, he thought it was very difficult. Just like Shaquille O\'Neal, he didn\'t still average 35 points, 15 rebounds, 3 blocks, 3 champions and 3 fmvp per game. If it was really useful, the Spurs would have won the championship, otherwise you think Popovich was doing charity.

In the final analysis, when a player is strong enough, any tactics are limited at most and cannot be completely prevented. If there is a tactic that can completely prevent a superstar, he Buckley is willing to pay any price.

However, he also thinks that if this tactic is used unexpectedly, it will cause troubles to Jifeng, just like limiting Warcraft.

At the end of the game, the Lakers won 118-98, 20 points and won 10 consecutive wins.

The Blazers didn\'t dare to defend in the end. After all, they didn\'t want to be punished clean, so they lost the adults.

However, the pioneer\'s play has been recognized by the media, Roy 24 points 7 assists, adelain 23 points 10 rebounds, they prove that the future of the Blazers double star.

On the other hand, Kobe Bryant scored another 50 points, 50 points in two consecutive games, which was the biggest contributor to the victory of the Lakers.

Gasol had 16 points and 12 rebounds and Bynum had 19 points and 8 rebounds.

Ji Feng, who played cool in the first half, got 38 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds depending on the second half. Those who failed in assists for a long time didn\'t make double play, which also showed that the Blazers caused a lot of trouble to Jifeng.

After all, 25 out of 38 free throws and only 13 in sports war, which all set a record for Ji Feng\'s career.

And Jifeng single game by the opponent fouls as high as 17 times, let the opponent send off three people, is also this season\'s League high.

After the game, McLellan was still very sorry for the collapse and said to reporters: "we almost succeeded. I think we may have found a new way to deal with Jifeng. He is not totally unable to solve it, but we are not lucky today."It is not difficult to find from the words, McLellan is still very unconvinced, he has secretly thought that the end must try again!

And in the press conference, Jifeng naturally can not escape this problem.

TNT reporter asked Ji Feng about the free throw: "Ji Feng, this game your free throw is very general, and the fluctuation is very big, what is the reason?"

"The Blazers defended me very well in this game, which really caused me a lot of trouble," Ji Feng shrugged and then laughed, "and my free throw is really ordinary. Sometimes it fluctuates a lot. It\'s because I don\'t practice enough. This game also reminds me that there will be more teams against me in the future."

The reporter blinked his eyes and was stunned. What kind of operation is this? It\'s just to tell people, "my, the penalty shooters won\'t, come to me quickly!"

Although this thing can not be concealed, but like O\'Neill and Howard are bold words, claiming that they will come back Superman, you will not be punished sun yunyun.

Although they were slapped in the face afterwards, this is the basic normal operation in people\'s hearts. How is Jifeng like this!

Is it broken!

"Poo ha ha!" Shen Yang in front of listen to music, Ji Feng is really too interesting, look at that group of reporters, silly.

The Zen master blinked, and he was blinded, but he was soon relieved. Anyway, he couldn\'t hide it. It\'s better to admit the pain and think about more tactics when he goes back.

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