Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1186

There was a long time of non-stop applause on the scene. In such applause, they both accepted the interview with the host for a long time.

"Kobe told me you can play as long as I\'m on the court and I\'ll pass you the ball." How about O\'Neill

"No one would expect him to be an all star again at 36, including O\'Neal." TNT directly moved O\'Neal\'s own words, and then reviewed the feelings O\'Neill left to everyone in his more than ten years of all star career.

"Now they should cut the trophy in half and take half each. That\'s the style of Shaq and Kobe. Only in this way can it be truly commemorative. " The Los Angeles Times made a mockery of their personalities, saying that if Kobe had gone on that dance, the all star would have been perfect.

In a word, everything about the all star came to an end. After the interview, Kobe and O\'Neal hugged each other and said goodbye. Kobe also shook hands with O\'Neal\'s little son.

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