Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1185

The referee blew the whistle at the end of the game. With the fans\' sigh of excitement or regret, the basketball was thrown onto the ceiling by Wade, which also means that all the events of this all star game have come to an end.

At the end of the day, shaiko finally connected and finished an unmanned dunk in 15 seconds, which was the perfect ending left by the all stars on the field for the fans.

145-117, the Western All Star wins the eastern all star, realizes the all star two consecutive wins.

At this time, commentators take advantage of this gap to introduce the data of all stars of this year.

First of all, in the west, Kobe and O\'Neal dominated the game. Kobe had 36 points, 7 assists, 5 rebounds, 2 rebounds, and over 55%, while Shaquille O\'Neal scored 34 points, 14 rebounds, 1 block, 1 assist and 1 stealer, with a shooting rate of 75%. The two men scored 70 points, making all fans feel like they dream back to 2000.

These two people will certainly have this MVP to appear.

And Jifeng this field data is still bright, 10 points 21 assists 8 rebounds quasi triple double, but it can be seen that Jifeng this field is really not competitive MVP meaning, everyone knows, relying on assists is very difficult to get MVP.

While the others, Shawn\'s 19 points, Paul\'s 14 points, Parker, Roy, Gasol, everyone just got 10 points. As for other old brothers, they all played soy sauce. For example, Yao, for example, only got two points from Ji Feng\'s assists at the beginning of the game. The main reason is that both Shawn and O\'Neal are local people. Dayao\'s all star only played for 10 minutes, the least of all.

As for the Eastern Conference, the highest scores are James\' 20 points, Wade\'s 18 points, Howard\'s 12 points, Bosh\'s 14 points, Pierce\'s 18 points, and Lewis\'s 12 points. The worst is the Hawks, who played for the first time in the All-Star game, failed to score one point out of eight shots in 22 minutes, which can be called the sinkhole teammate of tonight.

After the award season, all the fans, including the fans in the middle of the season, are waiting for the awards.

This is when stern comes to the court, picks up the microphone and starts talking.

And behind him, the bored all stars naturally have their own topics. At this time, they gather together in twos and threes to discuss the ownership of MVP.

In fact, it is very clear that there are only two of them, o\'fat and Kobe, and everyone has expressed their views, especially the eastern all stars. After all, this thing has nothing to do with them. Naturally, they have no scruples about talking about it.

"I think shark family is very likely, after all, this is Phoenix." Wade took the lead in saying that it was reasonable and well founded. Just looking at the data, they were basically equal. At this time, O\'Neill\'s host identity took a big advantage.

So Wade\'s words naturally get a lot of response, especially the insider Howard and Bosh, naturally support the fat.

"These two personal data are OK, but I think Kobe\'s data is more comprehensive, and in the whole game, that guy is the best with rhythm except Ji Feng and Paul." James thought for a moment and said that at the critical moment in the Eastern Conference, Kobe\'s play was very brilliant, and there were two successful singles moves by Wade. It was Kobe\'s play that ruined the efforts of the East, so there was nothing wrong with this.

At this time, the same is true here in the western region. We are all thinking about who is more appropriate to give, because no matter the data and performance, the MVP can be given to anyone, but no matter who it is given to, the fans on the other side will have doubts and dissatisfaction.

"Ah, it\'s really a headache." Gasol turned to Ji Feng and said that he, like Ji Feng, was standing in the middle applauding and not participating in the discussion. After all, it was not appropriate to say anyone at this time, but it did not hinder his thinking.

It doesn\'t matter. He feels headache when he thinks about it. It\'s no wonder that Stern has been talking there for more than ten minutes and hasn\'t finished yet. It must be the result of dystocia in the end.

At the moment, no matter what channel the fans are waiting for the results, they have no time to listen to Stern\'s thanks, they are all expressing their views.

"I support Kobe, this guy has no problem playing this game."

"O\'Neal has no problem. In today\'s decline of traditional centers, it\'s hard to see such incredible guys appear in the future."

"It doesn\'t matter. These two people can. Anyway, it\'s enough for me to see the OK combination again after five years. Is it game? No, this is my lost youth."

"To anyone, long live the Lakers! The Lakers championship

Those who support Kobe, those who support aopang, those who are bored with soy sauce, who look cool and don\'t care about Awards Crazy fans on the Internet vent the last passion all star missed.

Backstage at the moment, after more than ten minutes of collective discussion and voting, the judges finally came out with a piece of paper stuffed into the envelope, and the staff took it out.

"What do you think, Ji Feng." Gasol asked Ji Feng\'s opinion in a low voice.

"Since all the data are OK, why not take them together?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Together? Double yellow egg?! That\'s right. Maybe it\'s OK. " Gasol is smart. How can he forget this.In 1959, the all star game was held at the home of Detroit. At that time, the western all stars won the eastern all star game. Baylor and Petit performed very well in the game. They cut down 24 + 11 and 25 + 16 + 5 data respectively, and finally they won the all star MVP at the same time.

After 34 years, NBA double yellow eggs appeared again in all stars. At that time, the western all stars narrowly beat the eastern all stars by three points, while Malone scored 28 + 10 double figures in this game, and Stockton, the NBA\'s assistant king, cut down 9 + 6 + 15 data. Finally, the Jazz dual core won the all star MVP at the same time.

In the first all star game of this century, the Western All Star beat the eastern all star by 137-126, while Duncan cut down 24 + 14 + 4 data, O\'Neill cut 22 + 9 data, and three blocks, but after the two of them won the all star MVP, o\'pang directly snatched the trophy from Duncan, an honest man.

At this time, nine years later, there will be double yellow eggs!

Or O\'Neal?!

"Hoo ~ maybe this is the best result." This time the tellers muttered to themselves.

And then stern finally got the envelope and began to present the prize!

"It\'s the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant who won this all star MVP

"Yes!" the supporters of Kobe began to jump and cheer. Kobe also laughed and accepted the blessing of his companions.

The support is hard to hide.

"And ~"

"Shaq O\'Neill from Phoenix Sun!" Stern went on after a big gasp.

"Dig! ~Stern, do you know a man named Hong Tao! Do you want to earn more money for a long time? " Ji Feng took a breath, as expected!

"Let\'s see! Kobe and O\'Neal won the all star MVP at the same time, and the fourth double yellow egg is born Yujia was very surprised by the result.

"Salute the OK combination!" Hu Mi Zhang\'s guide also laughs the thief to be happy.

"Oh, Ji Feng, you guy, thank you very much." O\'Neill laughs like a fat man of 400 Jin. He finds Ji Feng and embraces Ji Feng. The happiest thing in the world is to get what he wants.

"You deserve it, shack!" Ji Feng patted the big guy on the shoulder.

In the cheers, Kobe and O\'Neal took the cup together and held it to the top of his head!

The flash of the camera will freeze this moment forever! , the fastest update of the webnovel!