Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1173

Nothing unusual!

this is the three point competition this year. Seeing the feeling that most people feel now, 6 players have already come out of 4, but the highest score is 18 points. Although Cook\'s appearance has eliminated the all star level players like Beebe and Grainger, but her fame and score have not caused any sensation, it has only caused more fans to make complaints about what they are doing: three points in this contest. Too much water.

Tapping iron has become the main theme of this half hour, and this score is much lower than that of previous years. In the first round of last year, there were many scores of more than 20 points.

If the three-point competition is terminated, the weakest three-point competition in history will be settled down, but fortunately, they still have Ji Feng!

I don\'t know which fan started first. After cook left the field, a voice came from the stands: "we want to watch Jifeng! Jifeng! Jifeng! Jifeng

The whole basketball hall is filled with such a sound, which makes the heat on the court feel guilty and worried. She naturally looks forward to Ji Feng, but she is also afraid that the fans\' expectation is too high. In case of disappointment, it will be sprayed to death We should know that Ji Feng has been warming up for full marks since yesterday. She has probably read the reports in the media. Basically, every media has reported this matter, let alone the Internet. She knows how much fans expect Jifeng to play. However, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. If this is not completed

Bah, bah, bah!

it\'s hot to get rid of this idea from your mind. It won\'t be finished!

and at this time, the host also pushed the boat and directly announced: "the next contestant, No. 1 from the Lakers, Ji Feng!"

"OK, audience friends, it\'s Ji Feng\'s turn at last! This season\'s season peak field hits 4.5 three-point ball, the hit rate is more than 65%, is the highest of all players, three-point ball has been the most important weapon in his weapon library, and have seen Jifeng play know, Jifeng\'s three-point is not only accurate, but also ruthless, often help the team to get the advantage at the critical moment! " Yu Jia sees Ji Feng come out and can\'t wait to introduce the situation of Jifeng.

"Jifeng also said before this competition that his goal is not only to win the championship, but also to impact the history of the three-point competition, that is, to win the championship with full score that no one has ever achieved! I hope Jifeng can withstand the pressure. " Zhang said, but it seemed that he was afraid that the fans would worry too much, so he added: "I have seen the three points of Jifeng and they are really accurate. We don\'t have to worry too much. I\'m still very confident. This may be another time to witness history."

The camera switches and focuses on Ji Feng, who has just taken off his training suit. Ji Feng is very calm. He waves at the camera and then walks onto the court. The caddie is coming up to ask Ji Feng which side to start shooting from.

After that, the camera focused on the four auspicious treasures on the sidelines of the Laker court. Kobe\'s face was calm and filled with oil. Gasol felt his head in a daze. Fisher and Farmar chatted with the hot girls nearby, and they seemed not worried at all.

Ji Feng stepped onto the left bottom corner three-point line, rubbed his hands, and blew two breaths into his palm. He was ready to go all out in the preliminaries. Originally, he wanted to make sure that he was qualified for the final, and then killed in the final. However, he didn\'t expect that the four elder brothers in front of him were really not competitive. The highest score was only 18 points, that is to say, he only needed 19 points to ensure he was in the final There is no challenge for him, so he is not ready to keep his hand!

“three,two,one!” Three seconds to go!

At the same time, Ji Feng throws the first ball!


Hollow access!

Before the audience exclaimed, Jifeng first point in 12 seconds on all the pitches, and all hit, successfully got all six points!

Ji Feng\'s shot is very fast and his hand is very stable. After throwing, he hardly looks at the ball and goes directly to get the next ball. The whole process is like flowing water. Different from the previous players, Ji Feng is obviously better than them. When they are compared, they can make a better judgment!

After the season peak did not have any pause, three steps to the second point, Shua Shua In the twinkling of an eye, it\'s five goals!

You get 12 minutes in 23 seconds!

The fans were surprised to lose their chin, which is too accurate, fast and accurate, stable and fierce ah, although I expected that Ji Feng would dare to say that if he wanted to get full marks, there would be two brushes, but it was amazing when it really happened!

"Textbook action!" Zhang Feng sighed as like as two peas. The season\'s peak shot is exactly the same as the one written in the book. The whole looks really beautiful.

Then came to the top of the arc, which is the most sure place for Jifeng, and also the place where he had the most three points, so there was no suspense. 6 points were collected by Jifeng again!


At the moment, Jifeng has tied up with cook, who played last time. Only one more goal is needed to ensure the final.

But at this time, no one cares about this and has no time to think about it. The eyes of all fans all over the world are staring at the moving figure on the field.

Fourth point!

The first three goals were successfully put in. At this time, Ji Feng has ensured that he will enter the final tonight. However, Ji Feng\'s fourth shot is light, and the basketball bounces to the front part of the basket!"Hiss ~!" The audience took a breath of air during the whole process. Should the full score be cut off here?

However, basketball is very face saving. After playing it, I fell into the net!

"Hoo Hoo ~!" The hot bar touched his heart, which suddenly accelerated.

Then the flower ball season peak slightly adjusts, steady hits!


It\'s only one point short of Capono\'s 25 point record!

At this time, no one doubted whether Ji Feng could break the record. Everyone stood up, covered their mouths and did not let themselves make a sound. They were waiting for the moment when the miracle was born!

Last point!

Time is still abundant, before the peak of the season in the heart has been silent, so it is estimated that there should be close to 20 seconds at this moment, very abundant!

Slowly ran to the last point, Ji Feng picked up the first ball, looked at the basket, quickly shot, Shua!

Even 25 points in history!

Then Ji Feng stopped for a moment, glanced at the audience, and then picked up the second ball to continue to shoot in the same way!



Surpassing Capono, Ji Feng has become the winner of the highest score of the three-point ball. According to the usual situation, it should be a cheering sound at the moment, but at the moment, the field is strangely quiet, we are still waiting!



Then the two goals did not have any suspense, steady hit!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah

"Keep going! Keep going

At the moment, there are already uncontrollable cheers and screams in the stadium. Just one flower ball, Ji Feng can complete the unprecedented full score!

Open your hand, out!


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