Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1172

Capono, Granger, Lewis, cook:

I\'m so angry, but I can\'t find any reason to refute it. If they had 4-5 points of confidence before watching Jifeng, they would have only 2-3 points left before watching Jifeng. Moreover, when the whole audience cheered, they would have lost in momentum.

Granger looked at Ji Feng with a black line on his face. At the beginning, some people said that the so-called rubbish words that are popular in the league do not enter the stream. The so-called experts of rubbish talk are all children. They regard bird\'s rubbish words as the king of rubbish talk, and bird has become the king of many people Words are regarded as classics by them.

Granger didn\'t think that he had been around the stadium for so many years. He didn\'t know how much rubbish he heard. He really felt that this sentence was ordinary and it was easy to pretend to be defeated. If he didn\'t win the championship at the beginning, it would be equivalent to going directly from the top five to the top five. Maybe there will be online Of course, it may be worse than this, but bird will not be happy.

But until today, when Granger became a part of the story, he suddenly understood this feeling. This sentence was put here, and the strong breath of pretending was coming. This TM is just what fuck. If it wasn\'t for his self-discipline, he would like to bump into Ji Feng\'s face!

I\'m really angry!

At this moment, Granger would like to rush to Jifeng and shout to him that the champion is Laozi!

However, Granger still resisted, he thought carefully, even if he was to compete with all his strength, the chance of winning the championship was not big. Among these people, Ji Feng did not mention it. Capono was a two time champion. Even Lewis\'s three-point shooting rate was higher than his. His three-point shooting rate reached a career high of 41.8% this season, but it was still the lowest among these people Yes.

"Forget it Man, I\'m here for soy sauce anyway Granger muttered to himself.

At this moment, Granger felt that he had grown up. In Chinese, it was called "I don\'t know what I mean when I first heard it, but I\'ve heard it again." at this moment, Granger felt that growing up was really a hard thing.

They are miserable, but Jifeng is very happy!

"Hey, hey, you\'re kidding. Don\'t be so nervous. Relax, relax." Jifeng looked at a few faces in front of him more black a few minutes, also did not continue to follow up, see good to close, anyway the purpose is to achieve.

No wonder Byrd is such a big star who still likes to talk rubbish. This problem has not been changed for many years since he retired. Two days ago, I saw him and others tearing apart in the media. It turns out that it\'s such a feeling to talk dirty!

It\'s really Cool!

However, there are still unconvinced, that is the two time champion, raptors shot Capono!

He won the three-point championship twice last year and the year before last. Of course, this year is very important for him. If he can successfully defend the title, he will become the third three-point champion after Hodges and Byrd. Capono is very clear that for people like him who eat with shooting, this may be the biggest achievement in his player\'s career, so this time he is also Come with the determination to win.

He was the last one to appear when the host introduced the players. After all, he was the defending champion, and he was also the last person in the preliminaries. In front of him was Ji Feng, so he made a challenge voice directly when he clapped his hands: "no matter how you are, man, the champion is mine!"

"Go all out!" Jifeng nodded and didn\'t care. That\'s right. It\'s fun. Otherwise, many of the three spirits didn\'t come to participate in the competition. It\'s really boring.

Don\'t say much, officially enter the competition!

"In the three-point competition, the total score is 30 points. Generally, the better points in the preliminaries are 20 points and 18 points are guaranteed. All the finals are about this score. Let\'s take a look at the six contestants participating in the competition first!" After playing the All-Star publicity video of Ji Feng, Zhang began to introduce the rules and participants excitedly.

Although Bibby, Lewis and Granger are well-known, a former All-Star and two present All-Stars, it sounds very bluffing, but in fact, in addition to Jifeng and Capono, their three-point shooting rate is average, the best is Lewis. This season in magic is the second point, three-point battery, three-point shooting rate reached 45.7% He has only three shots per game, and this era really doesn\'t pay attention to three points.

"Audience friends, the first one to come on stage is!!! Guard from the eagles, Mike Bibby With a cry from MC, Bibby, the first to appear, reveals the eagle\'s robe and is ready to fight.

All the lights on the court are dim, only this half of the court is illuminated. Get ready!

A few other people sat together, waiting for Bibi to go up and make a sample.

“three! two! one!”

"Bi ~!!"

Three point competition begins!!!

Bibby took the ball at the bottom corner and hit the ball directly.

Kuang Dang, strike iron!Ji Feng looks at Bibby calmly. Generally, the pressure on the first one will be great, and there is no reference score, so the performance will not be very good.

Sure enough, Bibby scored only two goals at the first point, scored 2 points, and then the 45 degree point was even worse, with only 1 point. At the top of the arc, his best scoring point was finally better. He hit all five shots and finally scored 9 points. At 45 degrees on the opposite side, he scored 3 ordinary balls and 1 flower ball, and got 5 points. However, Bibby fell into the bottom corner curse, and the last point was only one One goal, one point, and finally 15 points to end the game.

"This score is very dangerous." Zhang said directly.

Sure enough, Lewis, the second player, felt average. He only got 3 points in the first two positions, and 5 points in the third and fourth shooting points. Finally, Lewis got 17 points, or surpassed Bibby. Bibby almost announced that he could be eliminated.

Then the third player was Granger. He said he was here to play soy sauce before the game. As expected, he paid tribute to his words with 0-5 in the first point. Although he had the intention to recover, he felt bad. Finally, he only hit a flower ball in embarrassment. The final score was less than Bibby, only 13 points. Granger was embarrassed to give a high five to Ji Feng and others Fortunately, I didn\'t find Ji Feng just now Otherwise, he would like to die at this time.

"It\'s not very good for the players this time." Zhang said very tactfully, did not say this session of players are too bad this sentence.

However, there are still some surprises, the fourth appearance is the heat this season\'s three-point King cook, he belongs to small transparent, the three-point competition is not concerned about the kind, but his three-point really good, cook left-wing bottom corner hit 3 points, the Second-point 5-shot all, after the top of the arc 4-shot hit 5-point, the fourth point into a flower ball, the last point hit 3-ball, finally The score is 18.

After the four players came out, cook ranked first in 18 points! , the fastest update of the webnovel!