Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1167

Ma Jian put his chin on the table with one hand. After listening to Ji Feng\'s words, Ma Jian slipped directly from the table, and then his chin had a close contact with the table!

"Bang Dang!"


Ma Jian walks out of the studio with chin

Ji Feng:.... "

The old brother is too excited.

he turned his head and looked at Su Qun again. He was not as calm as he had been with a smile. His face was full of shock and question marks. He also dug his ears with his fingers, as if thinking whether he had heard wrong.

The studio was suspended for 10 seconds

Hot bar, look at this, look at that, the heart is full of contempt, this is also a professional anchor, Su Qun just said that he is used to seeing big waves, this is what psychological quality, Ji Feng said a full score to win the championship, as for shock into such, despise you!

Su Qun over there and Ma Jian who quit the live broadcasting room don\'t know that they are despised by a little girl. Even if they know they don\'t care about it now!

I saw the horse sword stroking his chin three steps at a time, and then directly rushed back to sit on the chair, and then directly said with a shout: "Jifeng! Do you mean to win the three point championship with full marks

"Well Yes, that\'s right. You heard me correctly. This is really one of my small goals this time. Because no one has ever taken it before, I want to try it. Of course, I can\'t promise, but I will try my best to finish it. " Jifeng said again, of course, he knows how shocking this is, but this is really one of his goals this time!

"Ji Feng is still amazing. He is really different from others. In terms of the spirit of this challenge, ordinary people don\'t have it." Su Qun this time confirmed that he did not hear wrong, and then full of emotion said.

"But Ji Feng, don\'t give yourself so much pressure, to win the championship is already very good." After Ma Jian regained consciousness, he said to Ji Feng, and also to the people in the live room. He was also afraid that if Ji Feng didn\'t do it, he would be affected by this.

Ma Jian\'s care and protection of Ji Feng can also be seen here. He is afraid that Ji Feng will be affected. After all, he knows how much storm Ji Feng\'s words will cause. Ma Jian has a premonition now. After the most popular rookie competition in history, the most popular three-point competition in history is coming!

"Well, don\'t worry, two teachers. I believe I will do it. Maybe I will come here again to share with you." Jifeng is still very calm reply, he certainly heard the meaning of the two guides, but he is really confident, his three-point shooting rate is as high as 64.7% this season, ranking first in the league, which is still in the high-intensity competition, and if no one defends, as long as he has enough physical strength, he can always advance, and will not be affected by the so-called pressure and environment.

And the reason why Ji Feng said that was to create some pressure on himself, otherwise it was really a bit boring, because after reading the list, he found that there was really no one who could play.

"I believe Ji Feng can do it. I will continue to sing for you The eyes of hot bar began to shoot small stars, and the confident appearance of Ji Feng hit her young girl heart again.

Next door, Ma Jian looks at the hot bar and Ji Feng spreading dog food in the live broadcasting room. He only has a bitter smile. He wants to say silly sister. Do you know how much sensation this word can cause? Compared with Ji Feng\'s words, bird is really too low-key, OK.

Most pitchers take part in three-point contests, that is to say, they come to win the championship. Of course, there are also the king of coquetry like Byrd who said to his opponent before the game that "who are you going to compete for the second" which is very popular. But it is mainly to attack the mentality of a wave of opponents. If you want bird to say that he wants to win the championship with full marks, he probably dare not So, after all, Byrd went into the final three times and won three championships, but the highest score was only 22 points. On the other two occasions, only 17 and 16 points were set off by his opponents.

Because it\'s really difficult. After all, there are five points in the three-point competition, 25 balls and 30 points in total. In order to get all the points, luck is indispensable besides strength. Moreover, you should also consider the situation of the game. Maybe you can make 100 consecutive shots in training, but that\'s another thing in the game.

As a reference, the highest score of the three-point competition is 25 points created by Capono in the final last year!

At that time, it was considered to be a record that was very difficult to surpass. Only one year later, Ji Feng said that he would win the championship with full marks. We can imagine how much shock this gave to the two commentators.

Perhaps because of the influence of this topic, Ji Feng\'s interview is over in a hurry. After saying goodbye to the three commentators, Ji Feng returns to the dressing room and begins to accept other interviews.

But at this time, the fans in the live room did not care to watch the game and replay. They were also shocked by Ji Feng\'s words!

So in the rookie game just finished, people are still jubilant for the performance of Jifeng, a blockbuster dropped out!

Win the three point competition

Such a title quickly occupied the front page headlines of the world\'s sports page, so that basketball fans all over the world are a little bit subdued!When some fans first saw it, they thought it was some unscrupulous media hype. After all, they did a lot of similar things in order to attract attention.

However, when they opened it, they found that the TMD was real!


This is too fierce!

Ji Feng\'s goal is to win the championship with full marks?!

Fans and the media are exploding!

"I\'ll go. Full marks. That\'s too much."

"Wow, it\'s really my idol. Ah Wei is dead for his overbearing words."

"Jifeng is Jifeng. There is no target. What\'s the difference between Jifeng and salted fish?"

"I\'m going to see the event tomorrow! Come on, Jifeng. If you do it, you won\'t do it for a month! "

Many fans are naturally excited and look forward to tomorrow\'s game. Of course, there are also many black fans who sneer and say that they want to see Jifeng blow through the bulls with their own eyes.

"Maybe I should learn rubbish words from Ji Feng. This guy is obviously better than him."

Larry Bird really took it. In those years, he dared to talk to his opponents. Now Ji Feng even told the media directly, or full marks. This is really awesome.

Of course, many people expressed their dissatisfaction with Jifeng\'s remarks. For example, Capono, who will compete with Jifeng for three consecutive titles tomorrow, told the media: "maybe you are stronger in the game, but on this field, I will let you understand who is the king."

It\'s not just Capono, but the other players in the three-point competition have said they want to teach Jifeng a lesson tomorrow.

In any case, tomorrow\'s event has attracted the attention of media and fans all over the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!