Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1166

At the end of the game, the whistle sounded, and the fans stood up and applauded. If you listen carefully, there is a white voice that shows no mercy to Jifeng.

As the ribbon fell and the lights dimmed, the staff began to build a simple award venue.

Ji Feng stood up from the bench, clapped with his teammates one by one, and then LeBron James came to congratulate Jifeng: "Congratulations, man, you did a great job."

No matter whether he will continue to compete or not, at least the victory at the moment makes James blush. After all, it is the first coaching trip and the result is very satisfactory.

Of course, Howard is not very happy, he is also a child\'s temperament, after the end of the game did not use the excuse to urinate in the toilet two minutes later, but Jifeng did not mind, he and Howard\'s relationship is not so good.

Then there were the first grade guys. Although their expressions were not very good, they still congratulated Ji Feng, because they all knew that MVP was the bag of Jifeng.

"2008-2009 season, all star rookie game, MVP winner is No. 1 from Los Angeles Lakers, League star, season peak ~!" Sure enough, the live host directly announced the ownership of the MVP, without any hesitation, because it had been settled since the second half.

Ji Feng once again took the trophy from David Stern\'s hand with a smile and held it high to enjoy the cheers of the audience.

This time, no one left in advance, except for Howard, others chose to stay to send blessing to Ji Feng.

"We meet again. Congratulations again. I said last year that it won\'t be the end of the line, and I\'ll still say that now." Stern showed a smile from his heart at this moment. This year\'s praise for Ji Feng may be the best decision he has made. This rookie competition has once again set a new record of audience rating and attendance rate. The topic of discussion is also high. Sponsors come in one after another, and their influence in the world is becoming greater and greater. The level of excellence is also the highest in all years. This is the same year before him It\'s brought by a light, impudent guy.

"Of course, Mr. President, I hope to see you again tomorrow." Ji Feng said with a smile.

Commentators all over the world are frantically discussing the data of Jifeng, which has broken many records unconsciously.

"Worthy of the award, Ji Feng is well deserved the best, but also back-to-back to get rookie MVP! Ji Feng got 48 points, which is the highest score in rookie history, surpassing the 47 points record he kept last season, and only Ji Feng scored twice, exceeding 40 points

"Jifeng got 17 assists, which is the second in the history of rookie assists list, second only to last season\'s Jifeng himself\'s 18 times. Jifeng has also achieved the top two assists in the list, a single scoring and assists double list, which reflects Jifeng\'s superior strength in these two rookies. Needless to say, Jifeng is the best in these two rookies."

"That\'s not true. Ji Feng got three doubles this time. This is the second triple double in rookie history, and the last one was created by him before. He won three double back-to-back. Jifeng is really unprecedented, and there will be few comers." Yu Jia once again said passionately that although this is not the first time, every step of Jifeng has left an insurmountable monument to the people after him. He even asserts that Jifeng\'s achievement is the absolute peak of Chinese and Asian players in the NBA, and it\'s hard for the latecomers to catch up!

After receiving the awards and receiving the interview from the Central Committee, the rookies will officially come to an end. The rookies will return to the dressing room in twos and threes. Of course, some famous rookies will also become the hot cakes of journalists, standing on the sidelines to accept interviews.

However, there are still more sophomores. After all, they still won the game, and Jifeng is too difficult to interview, so other people in the second grade have become substitutes. However, they don\'t care, and they blow Jifeng\'s Rainbow farts to reporters. For example, Scola, who performed bravely and got 16 points and 7 rebounds in 15 minutes, has long been enjoying it "It\'s cool. I like the rhythm of tonight. That\'s what I\'m good at. I didn\'t play well at the beginning, but Ji Feng encouraged me. He told me that Lopez\'s strength is limited. You can beat him up. I want to say sorry to Lopez, but this is basketball."

The first time after the game, Lopez left dejectedly with a sword in his knee

Durant, who scored 20 points, also stood on the sidelines and talked: "Ji Feng is too strong. When you play with him, you must always pay attention to it, because as long as you run out of the space, the ball can always reach you in the first time. That feeling is great. As for my teammate, wesbrook, I\'m sorry, you still have a chance next year."

Compared with the players in the second grade, the first grade is more miserable. Except for Ross, Beasley and others, no one is interested in them. Of course, they are not willing to accept the interview. After all, they are beaten up by Ji Feng. What can the interview say.

But Beasley can still say something, he also got the highest score of 29 points in the first grade, which can be regarded as barely reaching his pre competition heroic words. However, there is also an embarrassing record, that is, the 29 points are basically obtained when Ji Feng does not defend him. Ji Feng defends him six times, and Bisley doesn\'t get a point.Jifeng, of course, is the most favored one. Ji Feng was surrounded by a large group of reporters and photographers just after he got to the field. However, there was a Chinese girl who was very conspicuous. Of course, he was sent out by Tencent immediately after the game. Therefore, Jifeng did not hesitate to be transferred to Tencent\'s live broadcasting room, leaving countless media in place being at a loss what to do.

Don\'t bring one like this. You\'re on the hook!

"Cough, look who we have invited! Dangdangdangdangdangdang, please let\'s kill the MVP winner from all directions in the rookie competition, Ji Feng comes on The hot bar gives away her body like a treasure, and asks Ji Feng to enter the camera range. Her face is red. Because she has just been out of the camera, she can\'t help giving a kiss. Thanks to Ji Feng\'s tall stature, she can\'t be seen by others.

At this time, Tencent\'s live broadcasting room has already been boiling, but fans have expressed their enthusiasm. It\'s really great. No one else has this welfare. They can see Jifeng after the game!

Ma Jian was so excited that he let Ji Feng sit in the middle and began to interview.

At the beginning, they were all simple routine questions, and Ji Feng also answered them one by one, such as the confrontation with Beasley and the competition with Durant. Ji Feng was good at interviewing, so the effect between question and answer was very high, which made the fans fascinated.

"Thanks for the arrival of Ji Feng. The last question is that you are going to participate in all the four events tomorrow. Do you have any goals?" Ma Jian asked.

"I\'ve won everything else, so it\'s OK. I can only say I\'ll try my best to defend the title. What I want most is a three-point competition, not just to win the championship. Well, let\'s say that, first set a small goal for myself and win the championship with full marks." Jifeng wanted to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!