Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1137

It\'s a star studded list, including the best players in the East and the West. Although the All-Star backup lineup and coach list in the East and West will be officially announced on January 30, this starting alone is enough to make people look forward to the all star this year.

The controversy caused by the outflow of this list is also the smallest in so many years. Maybe point guard Iverson, who started in the East, has a little dispute because of the general record of the pistons. Other people can\'t find any fault at all. In the words of ESPN, you can\'t find more suitable people in all positions.

Before the All-Star started this time, Ji Feng has become a topic figure again. Needless to say that he will participate in all the competitions from rookie to four events and then to the main race, it can be said that he has become a record winner of votes, which has attracted a lot of attention.

CCTV\'s sports network even specially produced a 60 minute film to introduce this year\'s Phoenix all star game, and the CCTV sports station\'s film crew went to the United States for the first time to make a special report on Ji Feng, and major TV stations also sent interview applications to Ji Feng.

In addition to the NBA official website congratulating Ji Feng for the first time, David Stern, who is very busy on weekdays, even recorded a congratulatory video to congratulate Ji Feng on becoming the ticket winner.

And then issued the NBA all star warming up poster season peak is no exception in the C position, next to Kobe and James.

There are presidents who end up in person, not to mention the celebrities. These two days, there are many retired celebrities on the Internet to praise Ji Feng. Even bird, a famous green army veteran, has come forward to say that he is optimistic about Ji Feng\'s winning the three-point competition, and he has also said the slang version 2.0 of that year.

"Ji Feng takes part in the three-point ball competition, and the result still needs to be said. I just need to predict who is the second place. The only suspense may be whether Ji Feng will get full marks."

This word a, let Ji Feng all have to exclaim, force the king of the king to live up to its reputation.

This time, the all star Laker was a total victory, and Ji Feng, who won the ticket, also waved his hand and gave the team the latest earphones as a gift.

On the night of the 23rd, with the carrier selected as the all star, the Lakers ushered in their 41st game of the season. They will meet the Los Angeles Clippers in the Los Angeles derby at Staples.

Although it\'s in staples, it\'s actually playing away. But judging from the atmosphere of fans before the game, the only difference between playing away and playing at home is that the logo on the floor is different.

The Clippers are still ambitious this season. They have made a lot of deals since the summer. Marcus Camby, who won the Nuggets, has enhanced the defensive ability of the interior. In addition, they have selected d\'andrew Jordan from this year\'s draft, which greatly enhances the strength of the Clippers\' interior line.

After that, margetti was traded to warriors for Davies with a beard, and Steve Novak was obtained from the Rockets. Tim Thomas and katino Mobley were traded to the Knicks in exchange for Zac Randolph and Maddy Collins who were still recovering, as well as guard Gordon selected from the draft.

So today\'s clippers and last season\'s lineup has been completely different, the beginning of the season they have been center Camby, power forward Kaman, small forward Soton, point guard Gordon, point guard Collins.

And recently Kaman injured, the starting center changed to rookie Jordan.

However, although the lineup is changed, but the record is the same formula, the same flavor, no change. This season, the Clippers still play the role of fish belly. In 40 games, the Clippers won 12 games and lost 28 Games, ranking second from the bottom in the West. They continue to be garbage brothers with Timberwolves, and by the way, they maintain a trend of impact on the number one signing, almost the same as last season Well, let all the basketball experts who predict that they will rise in the new season before the game cry out that they can\'t understand, and even some people say whether the Clippers\' Fengshui is not good

The clippers have been even more unlucky recently, having lost 10 games in a row before meeting the Lakers. They only won 23 games in a season last season. According to the current trend, they have the opportunity to break their own record in the reverse direction.

This time, no one thought they had a chance to win. Even their own fans didn\'t expect anything. Before the game, old people like Davis didn\'t even bother to be interviewed, and only the fledgling little Jordan still had expectations for the cold.

But this kind of expectation was lost in the first half!

The starting line-up of the Lakers did not change, and the Clippers also showed their strongest lineup. The first attack, little Jordan smashed the ball in the air relay at the offensive end. After that, Jordan raised his arms and roared, showing his muscles to the audience.

But this is the beginning of his nightmare

When the lake leveled, Davis and Jordan wanted to play like this, the Lakers shrunk defense, little Jordan was pushed out of the three second zone by Bynum, and Jordan, who received the ball, threw one in his face, almost three times from such a close distance

This is little Jordan, he has a rare explosive force and physical conditions, height, weight and explosive strength advantages, enough to make him a fear of the other players block the master, but his technology is still very primitive, the attack is only limited to dunk and fast break follow-up layups, basically no range, this round is reflected incisively and vividly.Jordan Jr. was thus terminated in the second leg. He scored the goal in the first half of the game, while his opponent, Andrew Bynum, scored 8 points and 4 rebounds in the second half of Jifeng\'s feeding.

The annoyed little Jordan was replaced at 8:30, and then he knew how terrible the fear of the Lakers was. In 8 minutes, the Los Angeles Clippers played a 30-14.

but the most terrifying thing was that the Laker double JK didn\'t play much. From his point of view, Kobe didn\'t sweat much, and Ji Feng went down in half a quarter. They couldn\'t bear to rely on the inside twin towers 。

At half-time, the Lakers were 65-40 ahead by 25 points.

And the third quarter, little Jordan is more depressed, he came up hard to play a fast break, the smashing dunk won the full house, he also thundered at Jifeng blinked, he hoped Jifeng was stimulated and he just a just, but Jifeng did not pay attention to him, he was still a little uncomfortable.

In the next round, he found that he was suffering early

When the Lakers got into the Clippers\' attack, the Laker substitute inside Radmanovic fouled directly and let Jordan on the free throw line

Little Jordan on the free throw line is not good.

Bang bang, strike iron twice

Everyone knows what the Lakers are doing

Cut Jordan

Then 3 minutes, the Lakers have been looking for Jordan, let the latter stand on the free throw line 4 times, 8 free throws scored 2, angry clipper coach furious, simply replace little Jordan , the fastest update of the webnovel!