Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1136

Whether the Lakers can surpass the bulls at the end of the season has caused a great discussion among basketball fans all over the world. It can be said that as long as they know about basketball, there will be no people who don\'t care about this topic.

So for a while, there were a lot of prediction posts and popular science posts on the Internet. Of course, most people are still very optimistic about the Los Angeles team breaking the bull record. The only obstacle may be that there are more away games in the second half of the season. Therefore, many experts call the upcoming "Grammy Tour" a watershed of record breaking. From January 31 to February 9, the Lakers need to Playing six away games is undoubtedly a very big test.

But two days later, on January 23rd, fans turned their eyes away from this topic, because today is the day when the NBA announced its 2009 All Star list!

At the same time, the list of all star slam dunk contest, three-point competition, skills competition, shooting star and invitation video will be gradually released on the official website. Fans can also check whether their favorite players are on the list.

This year\'s all star weekend will start on February 13, 2009, and the main game will be held in Phoenix, the home of Phoenix Suns, on February 15. Phoenix City stands out from the competitors in 2009 such as Toronto, New York, Auckland and Milwaukee, which is its third NBA all star weekend.

As Ji Feng\'s fans, they naturally pay special attention to this all star weekend. They all want to know how many votes Jifeng will win the championship with!

However, it still needs to be slow. On the morning of the 23rd, the NBA official website first announced the list of the rookie competition this year.

The rookie game is still between grade one and grade two, with 9 players in each team. They are respectively:

grade one: Derek Ross of the bulls, OJ Mayo and mark Gasol of the Grizzlies, Greg Oden and Rudy Fernandez of the Blazers, Russell Westbrook of the thunder, Eric Gordon of the clippers, Michael Beasley of the heat and cloth of the net Luke Lopez.

Sophomore: Los Angeles Laker season peak, thunder Durant and Jeff Green, Hawks\' al hofford and Sadie young, Rockets\' Luis Claude, Clippers\' al Soton, Pistons\' sturgey and Knicks\' Welsh Chandler.

In fact, the overall lineup configuration of the first grade is better than that of the second grade, especially the interior line. The interior partner composed of Xiaojia, Oden and Lopez is definitely stronger than that of the second grade. In the second grade, there is no one in the interior line except Scola and hofford, and the one-year level guard line-up Ross, Brooks and Mayo are also quite competitive.

But after the list came out, 24 commentators and basketball commentators respectively predicted that no one was optimistic that grade one could reverse attack. The main reason was that there was Ji Feng in the second grade, who should not have existed in the rookie competition. In addition, Durant, who was also making rapid progress this season, could not resist this combination in grade one.

Then at noon, NBA officials announced the list of all star events again!

The four shooting stars are Detroit united, Los Angeles Lakers, host Phoenix Suns and defending champion San Antonio Spurs.

Originally, this project is the appetizer before the competition. Few people have seen it and few people have paid attention to it. But this time it is different. In the list of the Lakers, Ji Feng unexpectedly appears here!

Yes, Ji Feng didn\'t plan to take part in this project. To be honest, Ji Feng didn\'t know about this competition before except last year. Moreover, Ji Feng is definitely the busiest person in this All-Star competition. Besides rookie competition and regular competition, he is definitely going to take part in the defending champion of dunk contest and skills competition. He was also invited to participate in the three-point competition That is to say, he will become the first player to take part in three competitions at the same time, and his busy degree can be seen as average.

But this time the veteran of the Lakers retired is Jabbar, so he personally invited Ji Feng to join his team. According to his words, as long as Ji Feng joins, the game has already won half.

After all, Jabbar is a half teacher of Jifeng. His teaching has benefited Jifeng a lot. He will not refuse to invite him personally, so Jifeng will participate in all individual events unprecedented!

"Bull force, Ji Feng, it\'s too strong. No matter whether I enter or not, I will go to Phoenix at my own expense to watch it." Gasol looks at the list and gives Jifeng a thumbs up. Jifeng is going to make all stars this season. How can he miss it.

Meanwhile, Fisher and Bynum are all very proud of their expressions, and they are ready to make phoenix their all star weekend vacation place.

"Keep looking at the list!" Jifeng of course will not refuse, and then together, want to see their individual competition opponents are who.

The list for the skills challenge is: defending champion Ji Feng, nets\' Devon Harris, Spurs\' Parker and bulls champion Ross.

Among them, rose is the only one who can threaten Jifeng. This will be another meeting between Jifeng and rose.

In addition to Ji Feng, there are Howard and Nate Robinson, as well as the pioneer rookie Ferdinand. These people are old acquaintances of Ji Feng. Let alone, they have absolute confidence in the dunk season peak.Ji Feng is most concerned about his first three-point competition, which was invited by the League himself. After all, Ji Feng is synonymous with the three-point ball, and his rivals in the competition are Mike Bibby, daquin cook, Denny Granger, Jason Capono and Rashad Lewis. After reading the list, Ji Feng really thinks he can play None of them.

Obviously, it is also believed by multimedia. ESPN said that Jifeng, as long as he plays hard, is likely to win the championship of all individual events.

While the fans were still discussing, NBA officials finally announced the list of all star games this season!

Ji Feng was crowned the champion of this season with a record 4583456 votes, becoming the first player in NBA all star history to break the 3 million mark and 4 million mark!

This also proves that Ji Feng\'s popularity is really invincible now, only relying on Chinese fans will not have such a good result.

It\'s just pitiful for Howard, who has reached the peak of popularity this season. He became the eastern champion with 3150181 votes and became the second player in history to break through 3 million.

In this way, all ten starters in the East and the West have been determined, they are:

the West: center Yao, power forward Duncan, small forward Ji Feng, shooting guard Kobe and point guard Paul.

East: Center Howard, power forward Garnett, small forward James, point guard Wade, point guard Iverson. , the fastest update of the webnovel!