Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1096

And Jackson also paid great attention to this game. After they set a new winning streak, they took a bus from staples to the airport after only 30 minutes of interview. When the outside world was still surprised and flattered by the ancient record set by Ji Feng and the Lakers, they had already started to discuss the next opponent on the plane.

On the charter plane of the Lakers, because this game is a big win, everyone\'s playing time is not much, the most is Ji Feng. For example, Kobe and Gasol played only about 27 minutes in this game. According to their physical reserves, that is, the level of just coming strength, and the excitement of just breaking the record of winning streak has not passed, so today\'s plane is not like it As usual, in the past, everyone would snore all over the sky in 10 minutes after the game, but today everyone is chatting with each other.

"I\'ll play the Cavaliers in the next game. Last season I thought the Cavaliers would be finished. I didn\'t expect that they would be stronger this season. James, this guy, is stronger after the summer." The old fish is really like a fish now. He is lying on the chair of the plane, and his bald head can\'t be seen from the back. He\'s basically in a coma like this, but today he\'s in good spirits. After all, he can\'t keep fit in the whole game, so he\'s chatting with Ji Feng and them.

Ji Feng has now integrated into their atmosphere, so they can basically talk about everything from place to place. After a group of big men chat about beauties, they will naturally talk about the next game.

"Who said no, now the world can see 23 to 24, 23 to 1, you say, they will kill through the East." Farmar nodded and said, following the old fish.

His words also successfully attracted the attention of all people in this area, and Jifeng looked directly at this guy.

Farmar\'s words are a little obscure. What he really wants to say is whether it is possible to reach the finals and become their opponents, as in 2007, when everyone was not optimistic before the start of the season.

And the reason why it is so obscure, it is estimated that every day and Jifeng stay together, learn the true meaning of Jifeng everything do not poison milk.

But this meaning naturally can\'t hide from the old drivers present.

"No, the knight is so good." Bynum scratched his head. His brain is relatively simple. Unlike Ji Feng, he seldom pays attention to other opponents\' affairs. Therefore, his impression of Cavaliers still remains in the last season. Although it was not easy to deal with at that time, it just created a little trouble for the Lakers. They were still successful home and away double play Cavaliers.

"You out big man, can you stop reading Playboy every day, and occasionally read basketball magazines, 23 on 24, 23 on 1 have never heard of it?" Farmar looked at Bynum with disdain.

"Fuck!" Bynum was exposed and infuriated, but he couldn\'t speak because he didn\'t seem to have heard of it.

"James vs. Kobe, James vs. Jifeng, and fans\' forums are all over the place. Ever since the Cavaliers surpassed Celtics and ranked first in the East, those fans have gone crazy. They are looking forward to the finals of this season being the Lakers vs. Cavaliers! As for the media, they always like this kind of scene. " Gasol is obviously a veteran driver of the forum.

"I see." Bynum scratched his head and suddenly realized, "but are the Knights so strong? Can they kill the old green shirts?"

This is the crux of the problem. No matter how strong you are, in the East, you can\'t pass the green shirt. It\'s bullshit to get to the finals. In Bynum\'s mind, the Cavaliers are more powerful than James, and the other people are all local chicken and dogs.

"The Knights are strong, not just James. We can\'t be careless." Kobe finally spoke up. Obviously, he knew James\'s team very well.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, everyone is advocating that James surpass Kobe and become the first in the league. If Ji Feng didn\'t come out suddenly and suppressed Zhan with his amazing performance, maybe there would be more teams saying so now, so Kobe would naturally know about it.

"That\'s right, guys. Our winning streak can\'t be broken by them. Don\'t be careless. Knights are hard to deal with." Ji Feng also said.

At the beginning of the season, he also thought that the East would be the world of the green shirt army. After all, their three giants plus Rondo are very strong, their bench depth is also exaggerated, and their defense is the champion league. As long as they play normally, they will certainly break through the East.

This was confirmed at the beginning of the game, and the green shirts had always been the first in the East.

However, there was something unexpected. Just as they were fighting for revenge, Garnett was suddenly injured. Garnett hit his knee in the game, so he began to miss the game, which greatly reduced the strength of the green army. The most important thing is that Garnett\'s knee is an old injury, which is still very serious. In order to prevent Garnett from being reimbursed, rivers can only let him rest enough Time.

This upset the pattern of the East. Even Ji Feng knows what Garnett means to the green shirt army. He is absolutely the tactical core of the green shirt army. He is definitely the most indispensable person among the three giants. Last season, they based on the league and achieved the biggest leap in the league by what is defense. Garnett is the key person who brings this kind of defense He also brought data analysis that could not evaluate the mental bonus. Garnett set an example and brought about a tidal wave of changes. Allen and pierce had unprecedented defensive enthusiasm. Pierce became the team\'s defensive ace and did it very well. However, now, after losing Garnett, their defensive ability has been surpassed by other teams Instead of the Spurs, it was the Cavaliers who replaced him as the best defensive team in the league!So far, the Cavs have lost 91.4 points per game, ranking first in the league, 0.2 points less than the second Laker, so it can be seen that this season\'s Cavs are really different from last season.

Last season, they made the decision to rebuild, sent off Larry Hughes, Gooden, Shannon Brown, Marshall and others, and got Joe Smith, West, Ben Wallace and Wally. However, due to the general strength of new players and the pain of running in the new lineup, the Cavaliers only got 45-37 record in 2007-08 season, although James\'s personal performance was extremely high But the playoffs are still a pity to stop in the second round.

and this summer, they did not make a big deal, just signed the former Bucks\' second leader, nicknamed Mo William moss!

This is not a good deal at all, now it seems to work wonders, in James side, he really does not need to pass the ball, very inexplicably played very well, hit now, 25 games average 17.8 points, 4.2 assists, become the second scoring point of the Cavaliers.

From the lineup point of view, James is still the team\'s only superstar, but the Cavaliers are very tacit understanding, both inside and outside the combination or the backup lineup, are very consistent with James\'s playing style, although the interior Varejao and big Z look very bad, but they are very consistent with the style of James, which leads to the Cavaliers team even play very well.

But Ji Feng knows that, in fact, this lineup can play such a change in the final analysis of James, 25-year-old James can cut 28.4 points, 7.6 rebounds, 7.2 assists and 1.7 steals per game. The performance of both sides of the offensive and defensive is very dazzling. The most important thing is that he has his own system and the ability to lead the team is really good.

And the record shows all this, so far, the Cavaliers home game has not lost, is the second league, the only Eastern team to maintain home unbeaten!

And the other one, it\'s the Lakers!

It can be imagined that this competition will be unprecedented fierce!

"That\'s not to be neglected." Bynum nodded, and Jifeng Kobe said that, it\'s definitely not running. These two are now the two most influential people in the Laker. , the fastest update of the webnovel!