Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1095

When the whistle sounded, the old stone Buddha couldn\'t believe his eyes. His face was also a little lost for a long time. Before returning to the dressing room, he looked at the court reluctantly and then left with his teammates.

He only got 11 points and 3 rebounds in 21 minutes of the game, playing a complete disorder. In terms of data, he was completely crushed by Laker JK. Even Gasol\'s 14 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists were better than Duncan\'s play. Although Bynum only got 10 points, he also scored 14 rebounds at the same time. He and Gasol ensured the safety of the inside line of the Lakers, and their role was not only good Only points and rebounds, their support and involvement ability also play incisively and vividly, which is the reason why season peak can easily get points.

From personal data, we can also find the reason why the Lakers completely crushed the Spurs. Under the background of the season peak\'s three quarters slashing 60 points, 8 assists, 8 rebounds and 3 steals, it is the full play of Kobe, Gasol and Bynum. Even Farmar, who came on the stage as a substitute in the last quarter, can also contribute his ability. Ariza scored 10 points and became another double scorer of the Lakers.

On the other hand, except Parker, who scored 28 points and 7 assists in 40 minutes, Duncan was the only one who scored in the double. The other three starters played in an average way. Oberto was also very old-fashioned. Under the pressure of the two towers of the Lakers, he only got 8 points and 5 rebounds, which once caused Bynum\'s attack. The foul was still brilliant, but it had no impact on the overall situation of the whole game, Before starting small, yuduca only got 2 points, but rookie George Hill contributed 12 points.

This game also let everyone feel the terrible attack of the Lakers and the depth of the bench of the League champion. In the fourth quarter, the full replacement of the Lakers even won the Spurs by 8 points, and the difference of one point to 50 points was really shocking.

The most important thing is that the Spurs, after three consecutive defeats at the beginning of the season, are finally on the right track. However, after this game, it is estimated that they will return to the pre liberation period. Even if it is such a historic defeat, it is impossible for him to be incorruptible, let alone others.

After the game, many media joked that Popovich should go to the Knicks and ask how they recovered after losing more than 50 points.

There are even some troublemaking media, saying that the old car of the Spurs will finally break down, and even prophesied that the Spurs will never recover and restructure. There are also ridicule of the Spurs, saying that they can stop Ji Feng. How can people get two 30 points in a game

Of course, Jifeng is also called the Spurs killer by the media. Since last season\'s first game against the Spurs, Jifeng will surely burst out every time they face the Spurs. Last season\'s Western game is the same, and the first game of this season is the same, Jifeng brutality plus 10086.

The media is like this, can foresee this is the Spurs will face the next problem.

The 49 point difference is the biggest point difference he has ever lost against the Lakers, which is also the most painful loss in the regular season of his career. The last time the Spurs suffered such a disastrous defeat was in 2001, when the Spurs with home advantage failed to stop the pace of winning the championship in the western Conference finals The Lakers swept out, the third game of the series, the Lakers at home is 111-72 crazy win over the Spurs 39 points.

In that game, only Robinson and Daniels scored double in the Spurs team. Duncan only scored 9 points from 3-out of 14 shots, while Kobe and O\'Neal jointly scored 71 points in the Laker side. After that, the Spurs were defeated like a mountain and easily swept out by the Lakers. That was the most painful playoff trip of Duncan\'s career so far.

However, 39 points is not the most tragic loss in the history of the Spurs playoffs. The Spurs have lost 47 points to opponents in the playoffs, and the culprit of this tragedy is the Lakers

In the first game of the first round of the playoffs in 1986, the Spurs were defeated in the first game of the first round of the playoffs against Magic Johnson, Jabbar and walsy. In the key fourth quarter, they lost 26 points from 12-38. The reason for the Spurs\' disastrous defeat was their rebounds. The Spurs only had 18 rebounds in the whole game, while the Lakers had 11 rebounds in the front court.

In the end, the Spurs lost 47 points, setting a record for the biggest loss margin in the playoffs

And after today\'s game, the Spurs playoffs, regular season biggest loss record all belongs to the Laker

This is the two real enemy teams in the west, belonging to the kind that can never be solved.

even Zhang said: "as long as these two teams meet in the future, they will surely fight each other."

And some fans are also worried about whether the Spurs will be crazy to win the Lakers, and a group of Notre Dame blame the Lakers for winning too much, not giving the Spurs face.

Ji Feng was also asked this question by some media in an interview after the game, but Ji Feng is not surprised and doesn\'t care. The Lakers and the Spurs are enemies. He believes that if the Spurs feel good today, they will never be soft hearted. As for whether they will be beaten like this in the future, it doesn\'t need to think so much. If the Spurs win so much in the future, then It is because they have the ability and have nothing to say. Strength is the hard truth.As for face, the competitive sports strength is to respect and become the king and defeat the enemy. This thing is to strive for face with strength.

After the game, Jifeng naturally caused a sensation. After his birthday night, Jifeng scored 60 points in a single game. Many people compared Jifeng with Shaquille O\'Neal, who scored 61 points in a single game on his birthday night, they were also called the most cruel guys on birthday night.

And the Lakers have become the topic of the world once again. The 25 consecutive wins surpassed the 24 consecutive wins set last season, becoming the second longest winning streak in history!

As you can imagine, there will be another news storm.

However, Ji Feng didn\'t have time to realize that, after playing against the Spurs, they also ended their own wave of home games. On that night, they directly took the bus to Cleveland, and they will face the Cavaliers away on the 19th night!

This game also caused a lot of attention, in addition to the classic 23-24, of course, also without the season peak against James, the League two years ago the first game attracted the attention of fans all over the world.

Besides, this game has different meanings. Ji Feng will challenge 30 + in 26 consecutive games here. Needless to say, for Chamberlain\'s record, Ji Feng must try it. Moreover, in the face of opponents like James, if he can surpass in front of him, the significance will be even more different.

And Jifeng can also imagine, James will not easily let him achieve, so there will be a fierce fight waiting for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!