Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1085

The reporters watched Ji Feng and Xiao Li talking and laughing. Next door, Bangchen and hot bar were smiling like flowers. Before digesting the heavy news, a heavier stick directly hit them on the head.

This year, Downey, who has appeared in staples many times and is famous for his iron man, stepped down from a brand-new Rolls Royce wearing a striped suit, big sunglasses and iron man\'s iconic back.

As always, Donnie got out of the car and didn\'t go directly to the door. Instead, he took off his sunglasses, winked at the reporters coquettishly, and then walked to the door step by step with the gesture of an iron man.

At this time, Xiao Li Zi also finished chatting with Ji Feng, nodded politely with Downey, and walked in under the guidance of the waiter.

A reporter began to whisper: "Xiao Li Zi can understand, he and Ji Feng have a lot of communication, naturally very familiar with the relationship, to express goodwill, but This It\'s hard to believe that Downey will come here. What\'s more, when Li Zi is already there, does he have any intimate relationship with Ji Feng? That is, when he was watching the ball at Staples, they had a communication. As for the off-site, I haven\'t heard of it! "

If the arrival of Lee can be understood, after all, in these one or two seasons, little Lee appeared in staples more than in previous years, and has almost become another familiar face at the home of the Lakers. He has never concealed his appreciation of Jifeng. He has repeatedly said in front of the media that Jifeng is his favorite basketball player, and in summer, Jifeng is the most popular basketball player After winning the championship, Li was also the first to express his congratulations.

This is what the reporter knows, but the reporter does not know. After returning to the United States in the summer, Ji Feng once met Xiao Li Zi at a party. They had a good conversation and became friends since then. After returning to the United States, Ji Feng once made an appointment to play ball games and drink coffee together. The relationship is really good, which is different from ordinary superficial friends. Therefore, the invitation letter is also sent by Ji Feng He hasn\'t been filming recently. Every day he takes his sister around for a holiday. Naturally, he has time to come here to celebrate Ji Feng\'s birthday.

However, this Donnie is really different. Jifeng was a little surprised when he saw Downey getting out of the car with an invitation card. He didn\'t think that Downey would come. Naturally, he didn\'t doubt the authenticity of the invitation. James should have sent it to all kinds of celebrities. After all, Jifeng has a wide range of contacts, and many people in entertainment, sports and even business circles have relations with him It\'s good. Now we\'re just the tip of the iceberg.

It\'s just that many people are busy, so they can\'t come to attend, or they are just familiar with it. They just need to send a blessing. But this invitation is naturally to be sent. Otherwise, it is likely that you don\'t think highly of me if you send it to him.

Didn\'t you see that even Barca\'s superstar Lionel Messi left a message to Jifeng on the social networking site to wish him a happy birthday, which caused a sensation on the website last night. Countless fans exclaimed that this Yuanbi was really broken.

For example, Jordan has a share, but Mr. Joe has an activity on the east coast today, so he can\'t make it, but there will be no less gifts. 24 pairs of AJ of various colors have been packed and delivered to us, and they have been put in the warehouse for a long time.

And Downey in Jifeng\'s heart belongs to the kind of people who can say hello. After all, they are not familiar with that degree, and unlike Xiao Li Zi, he has been very busy recently.

An iron man made him popular again in Hollywood, and successfully opened up his fame in the world. The movie grossed 585 million US dollars at the box office. It was an absolute blockbuster. Not only that, iron man also became the most popular superhero in the United States. During the movie\'s hit, people wearing iron man masks could be seen everywhere in the streets, and iron man\'s mantra was also popular The world.

While opening up the MCU universe, Downey has become one of the most famous male artists in Hollywood all over the world. This year\'s popularity is even more than that of Xiao Li Zi. Naturally, MCU does not want to let go of such enthusiasm. It has started shooting the second Iron Man movie, and has invited my sister to join us. This film has attracted the attention of fans all over the world before it starts shooting This is already the first-line Hollywood actor\'s pay, and then someone turned out the story before Downey, and an inspirational actor appeared in front of people.

According to Ji Feng\'s understanding, this old brother should be filming at the moment. How can he have time to come here for a birthday party.

However, since he has come, Ji Feng will not think so much about it. He gives Downey a big hug.

"Hey man, how are you doing? I\'m glad you can come."

"I\'m doing well, man. I hope I don\'t come too abruptly. I\'m from that side. I can smell the bustle in the distance, and then I\'ll come." Donnie smiles, shrugs, points to the direction of Hollywood and says, "I\'m here to congratulate you on your birthday. Our favorite in Los Angeles is 20 years old. Congratulations. As for the gifts, we\'ll talk about it later. Then I\'ll go first ~"

"Oh, beautiful girl, you\'re good. This is for you ~" Donnie, who just took two steps, seemed to think of something and turned around to turn his suit The flowers in the bag were handed to the hot bar, then with a coquettish wink, they continued to turn around and walk away.With that, Downey left without giving Ji Feng the chance to say the second sentence Looking at Downey\'s back, Jifeng and hot bar are crying and laughing in the same place. This Downey, after playing iron man, is becoming more and more like Tony Stark No wonder some people say that it wasn\'t MCU that found Downey, but they found iron man himself.

Many reporters stayed there and forgot to press the shutter. This NIMA, who said two people are not familiar, this has the love interaction, for a time did not know who to envy.

With these two super stars in front of them, the reporters feel numb. With the gathering of superstars, Ji Feng really let the United States know his own contacts and influence tonight.

"Ji Feng\'s contacts It\'s really horrible. " Some reporters unconsciously sigh that they can bring together the celebrities in sports, film and television and singing circles. This kind of energy feels terrible when you think about it.

It\'s not just journalists, it\'s the same with people who went in before.

Curie and Derozan, two college students, were shocked by the luxury of Jifeng mansion when they entered the house. They even needed a ferry bus to take a walk at the door. It took them six minutes to get to the front.

What\'s more, are you serious about the huge and luxurious pool fountain at the gate? Where did the craggy rocks in the courtyard come from? And the small bridges and artificial waterfalls in the garden are really the local tyrants without limits. , the fastest update of the webnovel!