Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1086

Along the way, neither Curie nor Derozan spoke, because their eyes were completely attracted by the scenery along the way, such as rocks, rockeries, bridges, flowing water, cherry trees on both sides of the road, and large tennis and golf courses. The courtyard was really wonderful.

When he was near the main building, Curie had nothing to say. He had only seen the luxury level on the Internet and appeared in front of him like this. Curie felt a bit unreal, especially when he saw the Laker logo flashing in the big swimming pool, while Derozan around him was only full of praise.

In Curie\'s eyes, it is full of different charm from the previous American style luxury houses. The whole building is magnificent and full of details.

Please forgive him for being just a player, so it\'s hard to find words in his mind that fit here, but he dares to say that this is the most luxurious house he has ever seen.

As for the party arrangement It goes without saying, this kind of place is believed that no one can refuse.

"That\'s great." after getting off the bus, Kuri exclaimed to himself. When he came here, he thought that this place would be as extravagant as a club party held by many stars. After all, although he had a cute face, he was actually an old party driver. When he was a child, his father took him to the Party of their teammates, and a large group of 2-meter-old men stood in the party In the middle of the dance floor, he still remembers the scene of splashing green dollars.

But it\'s not the same here. Although there are also DJs driving the atmosphere in the field, it\'s not compatible with extravagance. On the contrary, watching the players put on suits is a bit like a Hollywood party.

Of course, it would be perfect without the greasy Farmar next door

Curry and Derozan are not familiar with many people here, so after greeting the familiar Kobe and others, they find a place to sit down. After all, they are only students. Even if they have full potential, there are many famous stars and coaches here, as well as super stars like magician and Jabbar. Naturally, they can\'t get into it.

However, they don\'t care. The two brothers came for the purpose of insight. This is Jifeng\'s party. At least they are all stars.

But then they knew they were too young

Not long after they sat down, Avril showed up with a group of sisters. Although Avril was not tall, her aura was absolutely 1.8 meters. She attracted the attention of the whole audience when she passed by. Carlyle, the person in charge of the venue, personally welcomed her.

"I\'ll go, Avril. It\'s Avril. Ah, I like her songs very much!" Said drozan, glowing red.

"Calm guy, the relationship between Jifeng and Avril is known all over the world. Isn\'t that why you\'re here?" Curie speechless looked at this excited red face of the brother, this guy is clearly know that Avril will come to just run from school.

But soon he was just like Derozan

"Mould! Wow, she even came. Is it because Kobe is here, but she and Ji Feng are really familiar

"Well, it\'s no surprise that the three Olsen sisters, Jifeng\'s fans and partners are here."

"I don\'t know Little sister and pepper!!! WTF! Goddess!!! Durant must be jealous

"Anne Hathaway What\'s this Hollywood red carpet? My God, real people are more beautiful than in movies... "

"Carmen Electra..."

"I\'ll go. There\'s no end to it. Am I messing into any award ceremony now!!"


When the female stars one by one came in, Curie finally did not calm down, eyes staring at the boss, the mouth was about to leak.

But not far away, after my sister came in, she gave them a smile. All of a sudden, Curie felt her heart beat faster, her eyes were confused, and her face turned red with naked eyes.

At the moment, he was frantically sorting his suit and tie, trying to make himself look like a dog. However, it was no use. A wet mark on his chest betrayed him.

At this time, Xiao Li Zi and Donnie came one after another, and a burst of cheers broke out at the scene, and Curie was numb. He and Derozan looked at each other. Was this really just Ji Feng\'s birthday party.

This birthday party is also enough in NBA history.

Later, Ji Feng came back with the hot bar and announced the start of the party!


Jifeng poured the champagne and hot bar into the champagne tower, DJ began to play the music, and a delicate meal was delivered to each guest\'s hand.

There is also a clear distinction in the venue. Everyone has his own small circle. I don\'t know how many topics and gossip are circulating here at the same time. It\'s a pity that the outside world will never know.

At this time, the outside world, a storm called the most luxurious birthday party in the history of Jifeng is raging, and photos are spreading all over the world. It is unnecessary to cause a series of exclamations.

Jifeng\'s terror energy and contacts are also known around the world.But the host of the party, Ji Feng, had no such consciousness. After announcing the start of the party, Ji Feng picked up the glass and began to join hands.

I have a hot chat with Kobe, I sing high songs with Avril over there, and then I\'ll tease a group of widows. I\'ll talk to Xiao Li about the girls in the room next door. In a word, I\'m very busy. It was an hour before I finally got a chance to sit down.

But obviously, as the focus and core, Jifeng has no chance to rest. Donnie sits next to Jifeng 30 seconds after sitting down with a fresh beef burger in his hand.

"Heygay, it\'s a great party, especially this hamburger. It should be the best hamburger I\'ve ever had in Los Angeles." Downey took a big bite of the hamburger and then put up his hand and praised it. Since playing stark, he seems to like it more and more.

"If you like..." Donny\'s delicacy make complaints about hamburgers at a party full of delicious food. But it seems very common in the US.

However, Ji Feng was more concerned about what he said at the door, and Donnie didn\'t make him wait too long. Four people solved a whole hamburger. After that, Donnie wiped his hands and said, "man, do you know iron man?"

"You know, it\'s right in front of me..."

"No, I mean, what do you think of iron man?"

"Not bad. I watched it with my girlfriend. She liked it."

"What about you, man ~"

"huh?" Ji Feng\'s eyes brightened. He seemed to know what Downey was looking for.

Sure enough, Downey went on to say, "are you interested in a cameo role in our movie? You know, we\'ve been shooting the second film recently, and Scarlett is also here. Recently, we need a role. The director intends to play it by Chinese people, so I recommend you. Please, is there any more suitable Chinese than you at this time?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!