Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1063

"You\'re about to celebrate your birthday. We couldn\'t meet at that time, so I\'ll give it to you now." A Lian said with a smile, Ji Feng likes it. This money is nothing to him. The most important thing is his heart. Ji Feng takes good care of him. Although he is older than Ji Feng, he always feels that Ji Feng is the more mature one. No matter in the national team or the NBA, Jifeng has benefited him a lot. What\'s more, Ji Feng took him to complete the ultimate Olympic Games of all Chinese basketball players Dream, this wave let his stature and status is also rising, so taking advantage of Jifeng\'s birthday, he also took the opportunity to express his gratitude.

"Oh, thank you, brother. I love it." Ji Feng clapped hands with ah Lian, not a reminder from ah Lian that he would forget his birthday.

Look at the time, it\'s late at night on the 11th of the US time. If it\'s Chinese time, it\'s four days before his birthday.

In fact, Jifeng doesn\'t care about his birthday. For him, after the Adulthood Ceremony at the age of 18, each birthday is not too bad. It just indicates that he is one year older. In the busy and long season of NBA, Ji Feng easily forgets his birthday.

"No wonder that hot girl always asks herself what she wants and where she wants to go recently. So it is." Jifeng silently thought, it seems that his house will soon meet its hostess.

At the same time, in SH, China, after the hot bar of Hengdian TV series shooting, just arrived at the villa, and then couldn\'t wait to pack up the luggage for Los Angeles.

The hot bar is very excited with Ji Feng\'s big shirt, singing in his mouth and shaking his head. Because she has worked hard for half a year, she has won nearly a month\'s holiday for herself. In other words, she will not only celebrate her birthday with Jifeng, but also celebrate Christmas and the new year together.

This is definitely one of the best news for hot bar in this half year!

"Hey, hey, fool, you can\'t guess this time! Wait for my surprise Hot bar tidy up for a while, looking at his mobile phone as usual appeared in the season Feng sent good night message, wrinkled little nose lovely said.

According to the Convention, she still didn\'t tell Ji Feng about the trip. The surprise of failure last year is still fresh in my mind, which makes hot bar deeply obsessed with the success of giving Jifeng a surprise.

In order to succeed this time, she has done a lot of work ahead of time, including colluding with Ji Feng\'s parents, the staff of Jifeng\'s domestic studio, and even James. She also made a fake invitation for activities in advance. In short, she felt that she had done her best this time.

Poor hot, I would never think that she would be exposed because of a birthday present given by a Lian in advance

However, Ji Feng did not expect that it was not just hot. For this birthday, there were not a few people who were prepared to give him a surprise.

However, the specific situation still needs to wait for two days ~

after playing back-to-back with the Bucks, the Lakers still did not stop. They only got one day\'s rest. Ji Feng went home to have a sleep and immediately put himself into recovery training. December has always been the most intensive month in the league.

On the 13th, the Lakers played host to the Phoenix Suns led by Nash.

As long as the Suns are mentioned these years, it definitely means a hard fight. It is an important force in the league in the last five years. Although he failed to win the championship, he has always been a strong competitor in the top four in the West. Moreover, his playing method has swept the League for two consecutive seasons, and Nash, the core guard of the team, has set a historical record of winning MVP for two consecutive years No point guard has ever done this before.

As the originator of bombardment, the sun was the first-class super strong team in the league from 2005 to 2008. The Suns of those years left us countless memories. Unfortunately, the Suns had never been able to win the championship and even entered the finals at one time. At this time, the shelling was considered unable to win the championship. Therefore, in view of this situation, the sun finally attacked their lineup.

At that time, the Suns were famous for shelling, but they used Marion, who was very suitable for the team, to trade Shaq, the team\'s irrelevant.

In fact, their intention is very obvious. Because the Suns were eliminated by the Spurs in 2005 and 2007, Duncan has become their demons. This trade is just to keep against Duncan.

But human calculation is not as good as heaven\'s calculation. Even the sun\'s miracle doctor didn\'t expect that aopang\'s sliding speed was so fast.

In the first round match between the Spurs and the Suns, O\'Neill only got 11 points and 5 rebounds, but the opposite Duncan slashed 40 points, 15 rebounds and 5 assists, and hit a key three-point ball to suppress O\'Neill. With Manu Ginobili\'s unique kill, the Spurs finally won the game without any danger, and won the series with a 4-1 total score and advanced to the second place Wheel.

But this season, the situation is even worse, although the sun is brilliant, paper strength is no less than any team, the team has O\'Neill, Nash and Xiaosi\'s three giants, midway to Jason Richardson, plus the team\'s Grant Hill, Barbosa, Matt Barnes, this team is a super team from the paper strength.

It is true that O\'Neal\'s decline is serious, but this season\'s Xiaosi and NASH are the peak state, while hill still has Yu Wen, Barbosa\'s two years before the playoffs against Kobe Bryant\'s Lakers can average 20 +, said Brazil lightning, Richardson is a very strong offensive player, but such a team, at present only ranked 10th in the West!You know, the schedule has passed a quarter, the Suns were squeezed out of the playoffs list, this is the suns in five years at the same time the worst record.

Before the game with the Lakers, the Suns just experienced two consecutive losses, they lost to the Hornets and jazz, and the two teams in the first leg, the Lakers also won the suns.

In fact, Jifeng was surprised by the team\'s struggle. At the beginning of last season, the Suns brought great trouble to the Lakers.

Br >

it\'s not right to start the season with Antonio bonehill.

However, d\'antony really can\'t use O\'Neill. It seems that O\'Neill is out of tune with the shelling. Other people, especially Shawn and Nash, can\'t play the position. The main reason is that he doesn\'t know how to use position tactics, so d\'antony let O\'Neal speed up

Speed up

Jifeng looks at O\'Neill\'s snorting running, and he feels against it. O\'Neill at this age doesn\'t need to fight. He kneels down on his own

Sure enough, the result of speeding up is that O\'Neal is out of the sun\'s attack system, and the offensive end is often 4-5. The Laker\'s defense is very easy and can limit the sun\'s attack. When O\'Neal finally runs through the half-time, the sun\'s attack is finished

According to Ji Feng, the sun can only be a cup , the fastest update of the webnovel!