Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1062

"The Bucks failed to stop Ji Feng. Ji Feng has continued his legend in staples. He continues to refresh the history and pursue the steps of his predecessors. He is only one game away from Larry Hughes, the fourth in history." Said Smith.

"Seriously, the Bucks did a good job. They almost did it, but it\'s not their fault. We can only say that Ji Feng is too strong. In the first half, he still found the opportunity and seized the opportunity in the second half. Therefore, there is nothing to say. Cheer for your king, Jifeng has not stopped!" Barkley cried.

Needless to say, at the moment when Ji Feng Biao scored three points, the whole staples had already resounded through the fans\' shouts. When the continuous 30 + ranking list was displayed on the large screen, and the number of Jifeng jumped from 21 to 22, the whole venue was full of thunderous applause and roar.

The fans are satisfied. No one pays attention to the bucks. The bucks are still ready to serve. The Lakers are in full swing at the moment. The suppressed Laker in the first half has disappeared completely. The Laker who blocked the killing Buddha has come back again!

22 points reversal!

The Lakers now have a 7-point lead. With 4 points in the first half of Jifeng\'s first half and no one\'s optimistic about it in the second half, crarry pulled back the whole situation of the collapse. Playing like this in a regular season, Jifeng\'s blood was just amazing.

The photographers and reporters who bought the front row squatting on the ground to take photos also waved their fists excitedly. With the three-point photo of Ji Feng, they had already paid for the game!

They all took the pictures just now. You can imagine how much the poster and news copyright of this high-definition photo will cost.

The fans of the Lakers are so happy!

Old Nicholson seems to have returned to the extraordinary years of the last century. At that time, the Lakers were like today. No matter how many points they lost, they could see the hope of a reversal. In the team, there was also a player like Ji Feng.

Tough, bloody, hard-working, never give up. I\'ll make trouble for you on the field. No matter how you perform, I\'ll crush you in the face and not give you a chance to rise. I\'ll crush you in all aspects. I\'ll not only do your mentality with dream steps, but also show you with key three points!

This kind of performance intoxicates everyone.

On the court, the Lakers have been fully occupied the initiative, Ji Feng played another 3 minutes, sent out two assists, and then was replaced by Jackson.

At the moment, the Lakers have led by 10 points, and the situation is firmly in their own hands, and Jifeng is a little tired at the moment, constantly holding his hands on his knees to gasp. That kind of continuous crazy scoring is extremely exhausting. In order to realize the reversal, Jifeng is definitely fighting for his life. All kinds of skills are wildly opened, and both ends of attack and defense are running regardless of physical strength.

The result is Jifeng\'s body seems to be hollowed out, after being replaced, it slowed down for a long time.

The game still has five minutes, which is a long time for bucks. The opposite team has been crazy. After the various shows of Jifeng, other players are also in a hot state. Kobe Bryant is strong and keeps the score advantage. Gasol has also been very stable tonight. Before the end of the game, he got the 30th point with a dunk, and achieved the blocking of Arab League in the last minute.

The final result of the game was that the Lakers won 106-96 at home, completed a 22 point reversal and won 22 consecutive wins!

Jifeng made 10 of 18 shots, 2 of 4 of 3-point shots, 8 of 10 free throws, 30 points and 11 assists and 8 rebounds. Although this performance is lower than that of previous games, especially Jifeng made 3 mistakes tonight, considering the state of Jifeng\'s first half, this game is more unreal.

Gasol played the best game of the season. The super data of 30 points, 15 rebounds and 4 blocks of Gasol played the best game of the season. Without him, the first half of the Lakers would be completely cold.

Kobe had a poor hand tonight, with only 15 points, 8 points for Bynum, 8 points for Fisher, and 10 points for substitute Ariza.

On the Bucks side, Reid scored 29 points and 2 assists, but it was useless. After Bogut left the game, he was helpless. Although the Arab League contributed 19 points and 9 rebounds, it was still a long way from becoming the key figure of the team.

After the game, Bogut was given the key figure of the game. In the first half, he performed excellently and led the team. In the second half, he was beaten to pieces and left the field with a broken mentality. It can be said that he dominated the winning and losing trend of the game.

"Well, this is the end of the 2 hours and 37 minutes game. Let\'s see you in the next game." The live broadcasting stations around the country have also begun to close down. Although this game is worth remembering, it is also a regular season, leaving only a few wonderful scenes of Ji Feng and his records.

Of course, CCTV should be closed later. After all, it is a Chinese Derby, and there is still a lot to talk about.

And Ji Feng has also been interviewed by many media. Tonight\'s question is of course focused on the state of the first and second half. Many reporters are asking Jifeng how to find the state, while the other part of the reporters are focused on Bogut who is crazy targeted by Jifeng, because tonight\'s Bogut is really too miserable."At that time, there was no feeling on the outside, so it was a normal choice to play inside. As for Bogut, his mentality was too bad. He played several times. I think he should learn how to control his emotions." Ji Feng answered calmly.

Bogut got another shot in the knee

After the interview, Ji Feng was the host and invited Allen to the best restaurant in Los Angeles to have a meal. Although the team lost, ah Lian\'s mood was not affected. After all, Ji Feng lost to Ji Feng, which is not a shame.

During the dinner, a Lian also gave Ji Feng a gift.

"Wow, it\'s a waste, man." Jifeng has a pair of limited edition shoes of Qiao 1. If Ji Feng does not admit his mistake, this color matching is very rare in the market. It is definitely the kind with price but no market. It is not easy to find him, let alone buy him. It is definitely a huge expense.

Jordan 1 is the first Nike Jordan series of basketball shoes, but also the most popular Jordan series on the market.

In the classic color matching of this shoe, the market value of many color matching has far exceeded its own value. Now people buy it not only to buy this pair of shoes, but also to buy its cultural essence. After all, this shoe is Jordan\'s favorite shoe, and it is also the favorite one of all AJ series fans.

But the market price is too expensive, and there are many limited edition, so it can not meet the needs of all lovers.

Jifeng himself also likes collecting shoes. Most NBA players and many fans have this hobby, but Jifeng is not a fanatic. But I\'m very happy to get a pair of shoes like this.

"If you like it, it took me a long time and asked a lot of friends to find it. It has been out of print for a long time." Ah Lian said with a smile that it cost him $50000 to get the shoes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!