Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1017

And for ordinary fans, this is definitely the most anticipated match, regardless of gratitude and resentment, these two people are one of the most physical fitness players in these two seasons.

When Ross was in NCAA, he was famous all over the United States. Now it took just nine games to win the hearts of Chicago fans. Now the sales of jerseys are soaring, which has surpassed the bulls and other elderly people. Even some people in China have become fans of Ross before this game.

and Ji Feng do not have to say, dunk king, the new era of human movie essence, the five best players do not say, often also take the five best ball, and even after the end of last season, by the NBA official evaluation of the season\'s 50 best goals, as many as 19 are Ji Feng\'s hand, created a new record, in considering the balance of the situation still has as many as 19, we can see the season peak play. The horror of the strong ornamental.

That is to say, all kinds of barriers emerge in an endless stream, and all kinds of techniques are used in Ji Feng\'s hands. I don\'t know how many people have become the background board of Ji Feng. It\'s very exaggerated to just calculate the people who have shaken him down. As for the breakthrough of all kinds of Sao to pop, it\'s unnecessary to mention the cover. It\'s really too much.

Moreover, many fans of Jifeng are not satisfied with this. They think that the wonderful scenes of Jifeng can not be counted by these 19.

So the fans want to see what kind of spark these two people meet face to face!

On the court, under the crazy attention of reporters around, the two finally met for the first time.

Unlike other people\'s imagination, two people did not come up to each other\'s garbage words, because Ji Feng did not spray rookies first, and rose is not that kind of personality. He and Ji Feng are somewhat similar, both believe in the principle that the strength of the game is the king. So, instead of spending more words, rose is more willing to put his energy on the field.

"Hello Jifeng, I\'ve wanted to see you for the first time. I\'m glad you can change to point guard. I\'ve been waiting for this day for a long time, looking forward to our match on the field." Rose took the initiative to greet Ji Feng.

To tell you the truth, this painting style actually makes Ji Feng a little surprised, because from his appearance, you will think that he is a vicious guy. The scars and expressions on his face tell him that this guy is likely to be a social magnate. Anthony Ji, the second one, is ready to listen to a piece of rap rubbish, because this is the specialty of these guys.

But I didn\'t expect that although this guy still looks like a stink, he still has a good attitude.

Therefore, Ji Feng did not entertain the rookie champion with rubbish words, but responded calmly with two sentences. The two people separated and prepared for each other.

But what Jifeng doesn\'t know is that although Ross is not a big guy like a social melon, he is not a good guy. He doesn\'t spit rubbish because Jifeng is really famous. When Ross sees it on TV, he still feels nothing, but only when he really meets can he feel the powerful aura on Jifeng. Although Jifeng\'s expression is smiling, Ross is not How do you think this smiling face is not easy to provoke!

Not long after they were separated, the referee appeared on the court. The referee of this game must be very familiar. The bald man, who is notorious for his bad reputation, is one of the most famous and longest serving referees in the league. He was once sent off because Duncan laughed on the bench. He was also one of the most referees who executed the Laker game recently. It can be seen that the League pays attention to this game Degree.

Now let\'s talk about the starters of the two teams!

Jackson put Ji Feng on the point guard to partner with Kobe in the back court, which is one of the reasons for everyone\'s excitement. JK finally joined the backcourt, and Ariza made his first start this season, which made him the strongest defensive combination in the league with JK. This is also his attempt. He also wants to see if Ji Feng can limit the strong man in the No. 1 position of the opponent, after all, defend the No. 1 position It\'s not the same as Pau Gasol\'s.

On the Bulls side, Ross point guard, Ben Gordon point guard, inside is the trading partner of Gooden and Tyrus Thomas, both of whom can play two positions and exchange roles on the field, while the third position is Argentina\'s Andes nosioni.

Fight for the ball!

Bynum\'s success in abusing food, the first attack of the Lakers!

Naturally, it was Jifeng dribbling in the half-time. Ariza and Kobe went down to the two corners. Bynum covered Kobe while Gasol was cruising around Jifeng. Ross called on his teammates to pay attention to defense, while staring at Jifeng\'s action and lowering his focus to wait for Jifeng\'s attack.

Rose is still very careful, because Jifeng plays point guard in the body has an absolute advantage over him. No matter in height, arms and strength, Ross is hard to defend head-on. He can only try his best to limit Ji Feng\'s score.

However, Ji Feng didn\'t give him this opportunity. Rose didn\'t react. Ji Feng\'s wrist shook and the basketball crossed his head. There, Kobe Bryant got a layup under the basket!

Very relaxed!

Ross didn\'t even predict the pass choice to Jifeng. He didn\'t move like a log!

"Young, rose should be closer." Zhang said that if you play point guard, Ji Feng is more like Nash\'s traditional point guard. You can\'t leave him such comfortable space to pass.It\'s the bull\'s turn to attack!

Different from Ji Feng, rose is a typical attacking guard. His first choice to get the ball is always to attack himself, not to mention today. So he directly wants the ball to go through the half-time and swing his crotch back and forth, showing that the whole person has a strong desire to attack.

And Jifeng is very calm choice retreat defense, did not choose to go up directly to grab, but wait for the three-point line is fast, Jifeng suddenly choose to press forward!

"What!" Rose only felt the pressure suddenly increased. Ji Feng kept pressing him with his body. He stretched out his long arm and tried to snatch. This made him very uncomfortable. He could only move slowly near the flank. It was the first time for rose to meet such a high confrontation defense.

Death entanglement!

Ji Feng can make full use of his talent, that is, arm spread to interfere with the attacker\'s dribble, rely on speed and strength to compete with opponents to achieve the goal of snatching!

When offensive players like Ross hold the ball sideways or conservative dribble, Ji Feng usually uses close defense to compress the opponent\'s dribble space!

In this way, the offensive players can only use the side to face Ji Feng, and then use the half turn action to turn into a positive dribbling posture to obtain the attack space. At this time, the basketball is exposed to Ji Feng in close range, and only needs to constantly interfere, cut off the basketball and steal with both hands.

This is the secret of Ji Feng\'s defense!

With the blessing of real eyes and no solution to snatch, it\'s basically a snatch, and rose is no exception!


In the Bulls fans exclamation, Jifeng completed the snatch, directly against Cairo, a dragon to the basket to complete the windmill smash!

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