Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1016

November 19, Chicago Union Center arena!

At the moment, the bulls and the Lakers are on the court!

Today\'s United Center is full of seats. Compared with the sparse attendance rate of last season, the attendance rate of bulls in this season has obviously improved, and this game has reached the point of difficult to obtain one vote, which is rare in the ten years after Jordan retired.

Thanks to the verbal battle between the Lakers and the Bulls before the game, as well as the historical enmity between the two teams. After all, the beginning of the bull Dynasty started with the victory over the Lakers in the finals. After all, the rise of the bulls and the decline of the L.A. have nothing to do with the Lakers in the 1990s.

In addition, before the competition, the new bull champion rose challenged Ji Feng unexpectedly. Naturally, the Chicago media would not miss this opportunity. In three days, it was known to all that this matter happened. In addition, some Chicago media touted rose in order to attract more attention. Now, "Rose" seems to be the hope of all Chicago.

Although Ji Feng didn\'t respond, people familiar with Ji Feng understand that according to Ji Feng\'s character, no matter whether he or she doesn\'t respond orally, there will be some action on the field. Therefore, there is no need to ask more questions. Asking is just the tip of a needle.

So even if the bulls are loyal, they really want to see the confrontation between them, even though they are not playing in the same position Yeah.

"Hurry up, hurry up, turn on that damn TV, and finally it\'s finished. Those guys are really hard to deal with, but fortunately they catch up. Hurry up, I want to watch the Lakers vs. the bulls."

At the moment, Oklahoma, the team that just moved here and renamed Oklahoma thunder just finished a game of their own, this game against the league\'s weak Bobcats, they didn\'t give Jordan face to easily win.

Durant played well and scored 26 points, while wesbrook, a rookie who just joined the team, cut a career high 17 points with a breakthrough one by one. In addition, Jeffrey green and other new players made the whole league feel a burst of youth storm.

ESPN\'s commentary even said that there must be a place for thunder in the future.

After the game, the reporters wanted to interview the players as usual, but they were surprised to find that the players who could not wait to be interviewed seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, especially wesbrook, who had a strong physique and was also hot tempered. Durant made a perfunctory remark. The guy called out two words and ran away, which made the reporter think this guy Ji Feng It\'s attached

"What are they going to do, these rookies, no exposure." A reporter asked, shaking his head in pain.

"They will have exposure sooner or later. These guys have unlimited potential. They don\'t care about one or two games. Calculate the time. It\'s estimated that they are in a hurry to watch the game." Another more senior reporter responded, and then he also turned away. Now that the interview is over, he can also go to see a wave of focus.

Yes, Westbrook is really in a hurry to go back to the dressing room to watch the game. Ross is against Ji Feng. These two people are the people he wants to fight, but Ross is still a familiar guy. After all, in college, coaches regard him as a miniature version of Ross.

At first, he was not convinced, but after seeing Rose\'s performance, he had to obey, because first of all, their style of playing was really similar.

His style of playing is different from that of the traditional point guard. Relying on his excellent physical talent, he is strong and aggressive, straight and straight. He belongs to the gang Meng group. His skills are not too much. He is more dependent on his talent. He plays alone and likes to solve problems by himself. That\'s what he does today.

The same is true of Ross. His playing method also relies on his physical talent. He mainly breaks through. He plays several games, all of which are the pull rods and smash buckles after the breakthrough. He is extremely ornamental. Ross really doesn\'t want to die. He only has the basket in his eyes. He likes to break through the inside line to kill. Even wesbrook has to take it and look at all kinds of anti joints and bodies of Ross Westbrook felt the pain in his knee.

Let him remember the first time he saw rose play in college, that is: it\'s too careless to protect the knee (wishbrook, you\'re still talking about other people...)

But Ross is really strong, this point wesbrook will not question. After all, in terms of physical fitness, Ross is even stronger than him, which is enough terror.

And Ji Feng, needless to say, is a pure monster. He has also read the physical test report from internal channels. It is simply a super monster, which is even more exaggerated than Ross. It is needless to say that other Westbrook want to see the two men fight each other on the field.

“NOWAY… Fake it! Ji Feng is playing point guard! It\'s a cow But just turned on the TV, he was dumbfounded, because he found that the Lakers put season peak on the position of point guard!

This is to face up to anti rose!

That\'s right!

Time back two days!

Fisher\'s proposal made Ji Feng a little excited. He immediately went back to the hotel to find the Zen master to express his ideas.

“OK! I can try, but on one condition, you have to get the victory The Zen master thought for two seconds and agreed. The bull\'s strength is average, and Ji Feng can play point guard. He can also try such tactics. Why not.For the Zen master\'s conditions, Jifeng naturally agreed, the victory of this thing is to take away.

That\'s why we have this scene on the court!

However, all the commentaries were shocked as much as he did. Buckley even laughed at the mistakes made by the director when he got the first round. As a result, when he was confirmed, Barkley directly made an exaggerated expression: "everybody, Ji Feng is the first guest guard in his career. He will face up to Derek cross, wow, I like this guy, very strong!"

"Me too, man! When you encounter challenges, you should learn from Ji Feng. You don\'t want to challenge me. Well, I\'ll give you this opportunity! Come on, man! I\'ll see you on the court Schmidt has not been high for a long time. This kind of scene is what they like most.

And CCTV live room, Yu Jia took the list and said: "you don\'t want to ask, rose and Jifeng are not in the same position how to compare, now, Jifeng directly gave you the answer, two people play point guard today."

"Good looking!" Zhang said with a smile.

And those Chicago reporters looked at each other, Ji Feng really can\'t provoke ah, this actually changed directly to play point guard, small front play point guard, can this work, these are two completely different positions ah

ESPN\'s commentary thinks that this is not a problem for Jifeng: "no doubt, this is a new attempt of the Lakers. People have discussed the possibility of Jifeng playing point guard before. At that time, I said that Jifeng\'s ability is enough for him to play in all positions. If he is a little higher, he will even be enough to play before the University. His pace is much better than the average inside line, as for point guard I think that\'s the least problem. Ji Feng\'s passing ability can make him feel like a fish in water , the fastest update of the webnovel!