Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 371

Jiaoyue likes little dolls very much. Everyone says that bear children are the most terrible. But Jiao Yue doesn't think so. Behind all the bear children, there is only a bear parent.

She waved, and the little fat man who took the lead hesitated for a moment. Finally, she ran over and yelled, "sister-in-law!"

Jiao Yue giggled, laughing enough, said: "you wait for me!"

Swish into the room, not long, carrying the bag out, the way: "give you sugar."

These are royal children, where is the lack of sugar? Just like the fairy daughter, the princess of honor gave them sugar, and everyone still rushed forward. Jiaoyue's bag was empty in an instant.

The following Mammy was stunned.

Rong Zhan youyou: "you haven't thank my wife yet."

The voice was chilly, and the little fat man took the lead. No matter what the generation was, thanks to sister-in-law in unison, and then they scattered.

Jiao Yue pointed to the little fat man among them and asked, "is that a little bit of Uncle Zhao's?"

Rong Zhan nodded: "it's not right. Look at what you're eating. You're stupid. Uncle Zhao is also funny. He even thinks that it doesn't matter that his little fat man is greedy now. When he grows up, he will be like me. Where does this come from? "

What's more, this is his original words.

Rong Zhan felt a little unbearable.

He said, "this little fat man, where can I be the same?"

Jiao Yue didn't hold back and sprayed again.

Rong Zhan said again: "he also thinks that you were a little fat girl when you were a child, and you were as thin as you grew up, so you don't worry too much. I don't have a good brain

Jiaoyue only listens to Rong Zhan's tone and knows that the relationship between King Zhao and Rong Zhan is good. Otherwise, he won't talk like this. This man! Whether it is good or bad, close or not, can be seen from his behavior.

For example, although he and the Empress Dowager look through close, but there is a little distance.

And with saints, the distance is even greater.

But when it comes to King Zhao, it's different.

Jiao Yue has only seen Rong Zhan treat two people with a kind face. One is the king of Zhao; the other is her uncle Qi Zhizhou.

Of course, it's good for her father and brother, but that's different.

That should be!

The couple made a lot of snacks, but Rong Zhan was cold and did not talk to other people. Even the queen didn't pay much attention to it. In fact, there were other imperial concubines.

Jiaoyue is with a smile, pretty and lovely.

She put some of them into small dishes one by one and took them to the Empress Dowager. She said in a crisp and crisp way: "eat when playing cards at night. Everyone should keep up with the new year. If you are late, you will be very hungry."

Although Jiao Yue said "everybody", no one dared to start.

They even suspected that if they really went to eat this snack, they would be killed by Lord Yu.

The emperor was also there, smiling and asking, "did you do it together?"

Jiaoyue crisp life back is.

The emperor laughed and seemed satisfied. He tasted a piece and said it was good.

Jiao Yue smiles and goes with Rong Zhan to share cakes for the children.

Jiaoyue made a mold, she and Rong Zhan made flowers and small animals.

Beautiful fancy snacks were presented, and other small animal designs were distributed to the children.

Rong Zhan is the oldest of their generation. Naturally, he is called his cousin.

At this time, all the children in the palace, except the emperor's youngest sons, were the children of several princes.

Flower style often has, but the design of small animals is not often.

Jiaoyue is not eccentric. Everyone has it. Although it is not much, the children are happy to eat.

For a moment, the palace seems to be a bit lively.

Everyone said that Lord Yu's craftsmanship is excellent, and few people have tasted it, but they are all the most prosperous figures in the world. They praise him countless times, and Lord Yu doesn't often do it. Rongzhan's craftsmanship is amazing.

Naturally, the children have heard this rumor. They have been influenced by this rumor. Subconsciously, they feel that the craftsmanship of Lord Yu can not be better. It's so chic that everyone is excited for a moment.

Although the children know that Rong Zhan is not easy to provoke, but in order to eat also ignore many, all together in rongzhan and Jiaoyue side.

The cousin and sister-in-law kept calling for a long time before rongzhan and his wife got away.

After returning to the main room of the empress dowager, the Empress Dowager is playing a horse crane. Seeing a few small palm prints on Rong Zhan's body, she laughs.

Rong Zhan has a habit of cleanliness. When do you see him in such a mess and celebrate the Spring Festival, rongzhan naturally won't make everyone unhappy. In the morning, the little lady of their family explained it again and again.

He was silent for a long time, but finally he put out a sentence: really, a stubble is more bear than a stubble.

The Emperor didn't hold back. The tea in his mouth came out directly.

Rong Zhan a look, more disgusted, not easy to say, just pull Jiaoyue back to the room to change clothes.

It's really rare to see such an atmosphere of fireworks.The Empress Dowager laughed and said, "they should also have a child. I'm sorry to see that Jiaoyue child has a set of rules for those dolls."

The big can coax, and the small can take care of it.

She once saw the baby with the moon in her arms, that is, the emperor's eldest son.

Skillful and precise, very good.

The Empress Dowager only thought that Jiaoyue, the child in their house, had held it, so she had experience, but she did not know that this was the experience Jiaoyue had before she passed through.

She grew up in an orphanage, which has limited staff. It is common for older children to take care of younger children.

Jiaoyue is naturally familiar.

At this time, Jiaoyue and Rong Zhan went back to the room. Before entering the door, the little girl stood on the door and made a serious agreement with Rong Zhan. She said, "we should be clear about it."

Rong Zhan raised her eyebrows.

Jiao Yue continued: "you can't mess around! Do you hear me? "

As long as she changes clothes to be seen by him, she always wants to have a bumpy Luan pour Phoenix, this person has no integrity!

Jiaoyue thinks that this thing should be avoided, or she will be seen, and she will not be a human being.

Rong Zhan was serious. He said, "do you think I am such a person?"

Jiao Yue looks at Rong Zhan suspiciously, can't guarantee that he is not such a person.

Rong Zhan showed his hands, and then went to the room and said, "I'll change my clothes myself. You don't need to come in. In fact, you really don't have to worry too much. "

Jiaoyue is relieved at last.

"Well, I won't go in!" She stood in the outer room, motionless.

Rong Zhan didn't force her. She closed the door directly and seemed to change her clothes.

Jiao Yue is more at ease.

She did too much last night. She felt her legs were soft today. What's more, everyone looked at her strangely. Jiaoyue even suspected that they had been working on the house last night.

Otherwise, why do you look at her so vaguely!

Jiao Yue didn't enter the door. She waited for a while. Seeing that Rong Zhan didn't come out, she urged, "what are you doing?"

Rong Zhan's voice was clear and clear: "I can't find the dark red shirt before."

From the room came the sound of hearing.

Jiaoyue frown: "in the cabinet from the top down the number of the second floor."

Jiao Yue has a good memory.

Rong Zhan Oh a, then with some doubts of the voice: "no ah!"

Jiao Yue Yi Yi, she said: "on the second floor, ah, I look at the cloud son put, how can not?"

Rong Zhan's voice is very innocent, "but the fact is, really not."

Jiaoyue thinks that her man is a fool, a biggest fool, can't find a clothes!

She directly pushed the door to come in. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Rong Zhan standing in front of the cabinet in a pale coat.

Jiao Yue came to him directly, took it out and said, "what look in your eyes! Isn't this here! I said on the second floor, you can't find it, you can't find it! Look, can't you find it? "

Speaking of this, Jiao Yue suddenly understood.

She wanted to go out directly, but there was a "click" of locking the door.

Jiaoyue really wants to hammer to death rongzhan, this shameless old man, has such a deal with his daughter-in-law?

She took a deep breath, crossed her hands on her chest, seriously: "you don't give me a mess, OK, you, now you play with me, right?"

Rong Zhan stepped forward and directly hugged Jiao Yue. He leaned against her ear and whispered in a low voice: "in fact, I didn't want to do anything, but when I saw you so alert, I couldn't control myself. All of a sudden, I was interested."

Jiao Yue rolled her eyes and thought that she could scold the bad guys!

Rong Zhan picked up Jiao Yue and threw her to bed: "little girl, there is no way, you fall into the tiger's den."

Jiaoyue felt that some part of Rong Zhan had been lifted up and scolded: "big villain! Can you stop thinking about it all day

Twist and resist.

Rong Zhan gave a low voice. He really wanted to say that his little girl didn't understand him ten thousand times. The more he was like this, the more he couldn't stand it!

Rong Zhan pressed dada under her body and didn't allow her to struggle. Rongzhan's eyes were bright and she whispered: "you are my little lady, I can naturally."

Jiaoyue doesn't recognize it!

She pinched rongzhan's muscles and refused.

"No, I'll go back later. I don't have the face to see people."

"You are my wife."

Rong Zhan bit Jiaoyue's ear, trying to persuade him.

I don't know if he is a good man tomorrow night? Anyway, I can't do it tonight. In a moment, we have to go back to watch the new year. Everyone can see that. I'm really embarrassed! Brother Zhan, don't you do this? Tomorrow I will We can do anything, OK? "Jiao Yue pinched Rong Zhan Jun Lang Yu's face and shook it vigorously: "well, well

Rong Zhan aimed at himself, sighed, and said, "what should I do?"

As soon as the wolf ran up to the door, she ran up.

She pressed against the door and said seriously, "I can't control that!"

She softened a little, and said, "since you go with me to share cookies, you start to calculate?"

Jiao Yue's brain turned quickly. The more critical, the more clear she was: "you know they will rob. If they get dirty, they will change them. Then they pretend to be calm and cheat me that I can't find them. Rongzhan, you are really clever in order to eat some meat! "

Rong Zhan sat on the side of the bed. At this time, he had recovered his peace. He was smiling and could really stand a word unparalleled in the world.

"Yes, but I let you go."

Jiao Yue bit her lips, and her eyebrows and eyes are full of wind.

"I promised you tomorrow, too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!